Clare County, Michigan
The January 9, 2014 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Supervisor Al Housler with the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call. Officers, Housler, Wells, Sable, Lackie and Humphrey were present along with six residents and one guest.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to accept the minutes of the December 12, 2013 meeting as presented with no changes or corrections. Vote Taken – Motion Carried-All Ayes.
Dale Majewski,, Clare County Commissioner brought us up to date on County business.
a. All county employees will participate in Courthouse security training on a variety of situations that could occur in the courthouse.
b. Prosecutor Ambrozaitis provided information showing that crime in Freeman Township has decreased significantly in the past five years. This information is posted on the board by the office.
c. Michigan is considering a bill that would require front license plates on all vehicles, reasoning being it would improve the effectiveness of traffic cameras. If this is passed owners would be required to install
front plate holders and perhaps incur the cost of a second plate. If you oppose this legislation please contact your representative in Lansing. You may look at the following website http;//
The Treasurer’s Report was made available and S. Sable with support from R. Wells moved to approve the payment of check numbers 13299 through 13325, early checks being 13299 through 13301. Vote Taken – Motion Carried – All Ayes.
The Clerk reported on the training for Board of Review Member and will advise the members of dates for the training.
The Supervisor reported that a letter had been sent to the Rowley’s concerning the trash that was thrown by the gate at the Transfer Site, this trash contained mail with their address on it.
Supervisor Housler also stated that the board would be looking at the fiscal year budget and it would be discussed at the February meeting so all would have any and all information prior to the March Public Hearing for the adoption of the budget. The board will also be preparing the ordinance changes given to us by the Planning Board. These ordinance need to be discussed at a Public Hearing
Proposals for the road projects the Township would like to have done in 2014 have been given to the Clare County Road Commission; as yet we have not had any discussion with them regarding these projects.
The only Committee Reports were from Harold Logan for Zoning turning in one permit, Harold also reported that he had looked at two situations that had not been taken care of and he would be issuing citations.
There being no further comments or business J. Lackie moved to adjourn at 8:19 pm. Support from R, Wells, Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be Feburary 13, 2014 at 7 pm.
Pat Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The Freeman Township Board meeting of February 13, 2014 was called to order at 7 pm by Supervisor Housler. Present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call were Supervisor A. Housler, Treasurer J. Lackie, Clerk P. Humphrey, Trustee S. Sable , Trustee R. Wells, eleven citizens and two guests. A motion to approve the minutes for the January 9, 2014 meeting was made by R. Wells with support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The first guest speaker was Clare County Commissioner, Dale Majewski. Dale reported that the appointment of commissioners to various Board and Commissions took place with Rick Laboda being elected BOC Chair and Vice Chair Dale Majewski. The County Commission meetings are the 3rd. Wednesday of each month @ 9:00am. The city of Harrison has been approved for a Downtown Infrastructure Grant (much like the improvement to Lake George). Majewski further stated that Governor Snyder is recommending full funding for County Revenue Sharing in FY 2015 totaling $211,134, 899.
The second guest speaker was Sergeant Steve Humphrey (no relation to the Clerk). Sergeant Humphrey is with the Clare County Sheriff Department and will be Freeman Township’s contact with the Sheriff Department. He can be reached at 989-539-7166 ext. 4336, Fax 989-539-5721 or by email: Our citizens are encouraged to get in touch with him with their concerns.
R. Wells with support from P. Humphrey moved to approve check numbers 13326 through 13366. Early checks are 13326 through 13332. Void checks are from payroll 13344 through 13354. These checks were reissued with numbers 13355 through 13366. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. General Fund Balances as of 01/31/2014 were reported by the Treasurer as follows:
Roads $168,987.62
Rubbish 17,922.16
Broadband -1,359.58
Metro 8,435.76
Maintenance 36,851.38
General 33,479.34
Total in Account 264.315.68
The Clerk reported under Correspondence that the Public Hearing for the 2014/2015 FY Budget will be March 13, 2014 at 7:00pm, just prior to the regular Township Board Meeting.
There being no Supervisor’s Correspondence or unfinished business Supervisor Housler went to discussion of the 2014/2015 budget work sessions that the board had held. He reported that there would be no salary increases to any township employees. A small increase to the Planning Commission, the Election Inspectors and Board of Review members has been discussed.
The cost of postage and supplies to mail back receipts through the Treasurer’s office was also given a great deal of thought. Beginning with the summer tax collection if you want a receipt mailed back to you please include a self addressed, stamped envelope with your payment. This line item alone will save upwards of $2,000.00 dollars.
Also discussed at the work sessions was the feasibility of doing our lawn care in house rather than letting it out for bid. The board will look into purchasing a mower and trimmer and a good blower. The employees from the Transfer Site would likely do the mowing and cleanup.
The ¾ mill increase for Fire Protection will allow us to continue the excellent service this township receives from Lincoln Township.
The 3 Mill levy for our Road improvement and maintenance will expire in 2015 so we will ask for a renewal of the 3 mills, no increase, just a renewal. Our roads are improving with every project we are able to do. This summer we are expecting to do the following roads, Woodland and Woodridge Drives, Windover Drive, Golden Acres Subdivision which includes, Patsy Place, John R. Court, Stephen Court, Karen Drive, and Connie Drive. Wallace Drive is in the plan as well and perhaps Strawberry Avenue. It would appear we can complete these projects with the Road Commission providing the engineering and grade preparation. Further discussion is needed in the question of Monroe and Cook intersection.
The Board has been very pleased and encouraged with the results of changing haulers at the Transfer Site from Waste Management to American. A large part of our discussion with the new company was curb side pickup and at this time we are not looking at curb side pickup. Our township has some very rural areas that would not benefit from this type of service. We feel it is in all our best interest to continue to improve the services at the site.
Committee Reports
Planning, L. Stevens: The commission reconvenes in March and will look into several areas.
Building, W. Mantei: Not Present
Zoning, H. Logan: No Permits
Blight, H. Logan: Has 4 open cases
Roads, R. Wells: Along with the road projects previously outlined Dick said that the brine will take place this year as it did last year before the holidays. Hopefully without all the rain that we ran into last year.
Comments or concerns from Citizens:
Joe & Carol Bednarkiewicz, 7190 Oak Hollow, Lake addressed some concerns they have regarding activity at a property next to them. The renters have several dogs that are not leashed, trash is being burned on the ground and heavy traffic is an issue as well. Supervisor Housler has looked into this and talked to the owners of the property. Unfortunately there is not much left that the Township can do. Deputy Humphrey and Commissioner Majewski talked at length with the Bednarkiewicz’s and hopefully something positive will come out of those talks.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to adjourn at 7:20 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be March 13, 2014, prior to the regular meeting a Public Hearing will be held to address the 2014/2015 FY budget.
Pat Humphrey, Freeman Township Clerk.
The Freeman Township Board meeting of March 13, 2014 was called to order at 7:15 pm with the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of officers. Board members, Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable, and Wells were present along with thirteen citizens and two guests.
D. Wells moved to accept the minutes as presented for the February 13, 2014 meeting, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Dale Majewski, Clare Count y Commissioner brought us up to date on County matters, reporting among other things that Dr. Shurlow is retiring as Medical Examiner for the County. For the time being we will share the M.E. from Gladwin County.
Deputy Steve Humphrey reported an arrest in Freeman Township and said again how important is to report activities that seem to be suspicious. His cards are in the office and you can call or email him. Deputy Humphrey plans to attend our meetings whenever he can and the Board and the citizens welcome his presence.
R. Wells moved to approve payment of check numbers 13367 through 13393, voiding check 13378, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk received a purposed new ordinance from the Planning commission. The new ordinance is To Establish Charges For Municipal Emergency Services Responding To A Hazardous Waste Ordinance. This new ordinance will be # 32.
Supervisor Housler read a letter from the Clare County Road Commission reporting the work they have done within the County. Freeman Township is rated number 5 out of 15 townships in money spent on our roads. We are a small, rural township that has very little funds coming in from business and we are able to improve our roads with the millage our citizens vote in, we are very fortunate to have the quality of roads that we have.
Leo Stevens, Board of Review Chair reported that 31 petitions were received at Board of Review. Four Veteran Exemptions were turned in this year. Any veteran that received a 100% disability rating is eligible for property tax relief. Their affidavit of disability must be turned in to the Board of Review every year.
There will be a Public Hearing on April 23rd, 2014 at 4:00 pm for a Zoning violation at 6590 Woodridge Dr. Lake of the Pines, Louis A. Rigato. This construction does not reflect the 30 foot setback from the front property line. Zoning Board of Appeals will hear the comments at the township hall, 7280 Mannsiding Road, Lake, Mi. 48632. Comments in writing may be addressed to Gary Maas, @ 7280 Mannsiding Rd. Lake, MI 48632.
R. Wells moved to approve the establishment of Ordinance #32, To Establish Charges For Municipal Emergency Services Responding To A Hazardous Waste ordinance, support from J. Lackie. Vote Taken- Motion Carried.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to adopt the 2014/2015 General Appropriations Act of Freeman Township. Roll Call Vote reflected: Yes = Housle Yes=Lackie
Yes = Humphrey
Yes = Sable
Yes = Wells Motion Carried. Supervisor Housler declared the Motion to adopt the budget passed.
Committee Reports:
Planning – Leo Stevens: the planning commission had their first meeting of 2013 and one of their projects will be to revisit the Master Plan and make sure all is in order with it.
Building – Werner Mantei: had not written any new building permits.
Zoning – Harold Logan, wrote one new permit.
Blight – Harold Logan reported that the car at Lake Taho has been removed and that the one place on Ashard is showing improvement.
Roads – Dick Wells reported that the roads will be brined before the holidays this season. They will receive three applications. Wells also made a motion to give the clerk and treasurer permission to pay the bills from Michigan Chloride Sales as soon as they are received by the township. Motion received support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Comments and Concerns from Citizens:
Carol Bednarkiewicz, Oak Hollow ask if there could be an ordinance drafted to include reference to cover kennels and the sale of dogs and also something about the dogs barking. She made reference to an ordinance #29 from Lincoln or perhaps Clare County. Supervisor Housler said the township would look at this.
Mr. Bednarkiewicz complimented the township for looking into this matter and Deputy Humphrey for his help. There were other citizens who offered good comments about the workings of this board. Supervisor Housler said the board is grateful to the citizens who come to the meetings and give their
support and input.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm, motion from D. Wells, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be April 10, 2014.
Patricia Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
On Thursday April 10, 2014 Supervisor Al Housler called to order the Freeman Township Board meeting at 7:00 pm. Supervisor A. Housler along with R. Wells, J. Lackie and S.Sable were present along with 17 citizens for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call. Clerk, P. Humphrey was absent.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2014 meeting with no corrections or additions. Vote taken-Motion carried
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner District 1 . The BOC agreed to fill a much needed position in I.T. this month. Jim Schuster accepted the position in the I.T. Department. He will report directly to Sheriff Wilson and have other duties in the County Building as assigned.
BOC entered into an agreement with the Knights of Columbus in Harrison to purchase their building. It will mainly be used for Senior Services.
There were 9 rescues in Freeman Twp. last month and 91 calls for the year.
The Annual Meeting for the Clare Conservation District is Saturday April 12th at 9:00 am at the Harrison VFW Hall for those that are interested.
April 3, 2014, Counties, cities and villages received a combined $60.9 million to help restore road maintenance budgets that were depleted by Michigan’ tough winter. This is to compensate for the extraordinarily high costs of plowing, salting and filling potholes this past winter. The $60.9 million is part of $100 million for special winter road maintenance provided in a supplemental appropriations bill enacted by the Michigan Legislature and signed into law March 14, 2014 by Gov. Rick Snyder. Clare County received $232,587.00 for roads.
Treasures Report
R. Wells made a motion to approve check numbers 13294 through 13431, early checks 13394 through13403. Support A. Housler, vote taken – Motion carried
Supervisors Correspondence
Supervisor Housler stated that the Board of Review was over and all went very well.
Reminder that there will be a Public Hearing, April 23, 2014 at 4:00 pm for a zoning violation at 6590 Woodridge, Lake of the Pines, Louis A. Rigato. This construction does not reflect the 30 foot setback from the front property line.
The Transfer Site electric was found to be insufficient for the new compactor and had to be rewired. The compactor is working great now.
Springtime is here and we will be contacting the Board of each lake association to come and get their Lake signs for installation.
Committee reports:
Planning Leo Stevens Discussing fireworks ordinance and waiting to hear from MTA to see about civil infractions for zoning..
Building Werner Mantei 1 building permit for a doublewide.
Zoning H. Logan 1 zoning permit Cook rd.
Blight H. Logan Trying to contact people before sending a Blight letter
Roads: R. Wells Nothing at this time
Comments and concerns:
Rosemary Lightfoot complained about cut trees piled on John R. Ct.
Carol Bednarkiewicz complained of trash on Oak Hollow and that 1 house has 19 dogs and 6 residents.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm with a motion by Wells and seconded by Sable. Vote taken – Motion carried
Next meeting will be held on May 8, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Sable
Deputy Clerk
The May 8, 2014 Freeman township board meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Housler. Sixteen citizens and all board members, Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call.
R. Wells with support from J. Lackie moved to approve the April 10th. Board meeting minutes as presented. Vote taken – Motion Carried.
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner reported that Joel Johnson-State Rep. and Judy Emmons- State Senator and other State reps were present for the ceremonies at the Veteran’s Freedom Park ground breaking. The Freedom Park 5 K fund raiser raised $12000.00 that will go toward the park project.
Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commissioner reported that they had purchased a new walking roller that works very well on the limestone roads. It can actually be pulled behind the blade truck saving time and money. The bids were opened for the Freeman road projects with Fisher Sand and Gravel being the winning bidder. These projects, Woodland, Woodridge, Windover Road, and Golden Acres will be done this summer.
Deputy Steve Humphrey said that the latest version of Ordinance #24, noise and nuisance will give the department some teeth to address some of the barking dog calls they are getting. He stressed to the citizens to just call him if they have issues. Deputy Humphrey will not be at our June meeting.
S. Sable moved to approve check numbers 13441 through 13469. Early checks 13432 through 13440 with one void check 13437. Support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Supervisor advised the citizens that auditors Weinland Fitzhugh CPA would begin our audit on May 14th. Shelli Browning will address the Township with the findings in July.
Supervisor Housler said he would like to schedule a Board work session for Tuesday, May 13th. At 11 am to discuss some issues we are having at the Transfer Site with the 30 yard open-top. He would like to see some clear direction for the attendants at the Site.
The Planning Commission has given the Board five ordinance changes to approve. The Board did approve the following Ordinances and these will become effective thirty days from May 8, 2014.
Ordinance #6, known as the “Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells Ordinance”. The old ordinance is out-dated with its references and language. All regulation of oil and gas wells is entirely outlined and enforced by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).n
Ordinance #16, known as the “ Freeman Township Pension Plan Ordinance”, The ordinance now has proper references and is up-dated to the current 401(a) Governmental Pension Plan.
Ordinance #25 known as “Fire Protection and Emergency Services Agreement between the Townships of Freeman and Lincoln of Clare County, MI.” The ordinance is now up-to-date and has proper reference to Lincoln Township being the collecting agency for services rendered to non-residents.
Two Ordinances will require a Public Hearing, which will be scheduled for June 12th, prior to the regular Board meeting. Ordinance #21, known as “Land division Ordinance”. This ordinance has been amended to reflect correct reference to Freeman Township rather than the original or a copy of a Michigan Township Association basic model.
Full copies of the actual ordinances are on file with the clerk and may be viewed during regular office hours.
Committee Reports
Planning, L. Stevens: Now that the ordinances have all been updated we will begin looking at making the entire Zoning Ordinance a civil infraction. We will also be updating the Master Plan and will not do anything with the Fire Works Ordinance at this time.
Building, W. Mantei: 7 permits for the month.
Zoning, H. Logan: 1 permit this month
Blight, H. Logan: 3 letters have been sent out. He heard questions about some 200 tires on M-115, what is the business on M-115 and Lake Station Ave. Harold explained that the tire issue was in Surrey Twp. and the business on M-115 is an auto repair. Citizens just hope they will not have a large number of cars parked around the building in varied stages of repair.
Roads, D. Wells: Our first brine application will take place the Wednesday before Memorial weekend.
The Supervisor explained that we were removing the trees in the front of the building, they were damaged and when we took out the pines the other trees were in bad shape. Rather than tear the yard up again in another year the decision was made to remove the trees, put on some top soil and put down new grass seed. Some new trees will be planted in better locations and just a couple ornamental shrubs will be put in near the building.
The Louis Rigato ZBA hearing was held and the variance was not granted.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to adjourn at 8:45 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Our next meeting will be at 7pm on June 12, 2013, Public Hearing for Zoning Ordinances prior to regular meeting.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The June 12, 2014 Freeman Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm with all officers being present for Roll Call Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells and sixteen citizens. The Pledge to the Flag was given at the previously held Public Hearing.
A motion to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2024 meeting was offered by R. Wells with support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
S. Sable with support from P. Humphrey offered a motion to approve the minutes of a Special Meeting held on March 27, 2014, to amend the 2013-2014 fiscal year budget for the Township. These minutes missed Board approval at the April Meeting so they are being approved now to comply with Audit requirements. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner spoke briefly on County affairs; there will be a free CPR training class offered at Lake of the Pines June 14th. The next foreclosure Auction for Clare and Gladwin Counties will be September 2nd, at the Doherty. Books will be available from the Treasurer’s office June 15th. Renee Haley has been selected as one of the guardians to escort WWII Veterans to Washington DC to see their memorial and back the same day. There are at least two WWII Vets from Clare County that were selected for this flight. This is the first time that the Honor Flight has been brought to Central Michigan and is a very special honor.
The Treasurer’s report was made available to the citizens and a motion was made by R. Wells with support from S. Sable to approve check numbers 13472 through 13509,early checks being 13472 through 13474. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Clerk Humphrey told the citizens all voters would be receiving new Voter ID cards due to the redistricting. There were some issue in the mailing of these cards but they will all be mailed out. If you do not receive a new card by mid- July call the Clerk as these cards are being done by a vendor, not in office in the township.
Supervisor Housler discussed a letter he had received from the Clare County Road Commission concerning the road projects that will be undertaken this summer. Roads being done will be Windover Rd all of Golden Acres, Wallace Dr. Woodridge and Woodland and Cedar at a cost of $236,000.00. This construction will take place between July and September. The millage for the road projects will run out in 2015, the Board will ask the citizens of Freeman Township to vote in a renewal of this millage for another ten years. The millage that we pay gives Freeman Township some of the best roads in Clare County and it is very important to continue the restoration and maintain the roads that we have.
Under Unfinished Business the Board heard a motion from R. Wells with support from J. Lackie to approve the adoption of the revised Ordinance #21, Land Division Ordinance to comply with the State Land Division Act (1967, PA228). There being no discussion the vote was taken – motion carried.
S. Sable with support from R. Wells moved to approve the adoption of Ordinance #29 known as the Wind Energy Ordinance to establish guide lines for the construction of Wind Energy Turbines. There being no discussion the vote was taken – motion carried.
Under New Business Clerk Humphrey ask to schedule a meeting of the Election Committee (Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer) to name election inspectors for the next two years and name those inspectors who will work in the August Primary. This list will also be sent to the County Republican and Democrat Chairs as per election law. The date for this Special Meeting will be posted on the Website, the sign out front of the hall and on the door at the hall at least 18 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Committee Reports:
Planning –L. Stevens: the committee has just about completed the 1st. draft of the ordinance that will make any infraction of any part of the Zoning Ordinance a Civil Infraction. They are also updating the Master Plan.
Building – W. Mantei: wrote 2 permits
Zoning –H. Logan: wrote 2 permits and gave 2 copies of the necessary application to L. Rigato to move the pole barn that is too close to the front property line and not in compliance with our Zoning ordinance.
Blight – H. Logan: has four complaints that are being worked on. He further reported that there is a dumpster at the Wiley residence on Shadowbrook. If anyone has a complaint please call Harold and give him the information and he will look into it.
Roads – R. Wells: had nothing further to report.
Supervisor Housler thanked Planning for the really great job they have done on the cleaning up of our ordinances. He also reminded the citizens that in a measure to save money the Treasurer will not be mailing a receipt back for taxes unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is included with payment.
Jerry Burger thanked the Clerk for mailing out application for Election Inspectors and stressed the importance of having a good number of well-trained election workers. He also expressed his appreciation of the timely help from Al Housler and the Road Commission when a hole broke through on Grass Lake Ave. on Memorial weekend.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:03pm, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting will be July 10, 2014.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Supervisor, A l Housler called the July 10, 2014 Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Nineteen citizens, guests and Board members, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers.
R. Wells moved to accept the minutes of the June 12, 2014 Public Hearing for Ordinance # 21 and Ordinance #29, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
S. Sable moved to accept the minutes of the June 12, 2014 regular meeting, support received from R. Wells. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Shelli Browning of Weinlander Fitzhugh, the township auditing firm presented a brief over view of our year-end financials. Any citizen can review the audit and make inquiries during office hours.
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner brought us up to date with County news. The commissioners are working on their budget. They face several challenges; one is the necessity of replacing twenty-one computers that have the XP operating system that is no longer being supported by windows. Dale offered high praise to Renee Haley, director of Veterans Affairs; he reported that under her direction they are at 50% of their goal for the Veterans Freedom Park.
S. Sable moved to approve check numbers 13510 through 13541, support from R. Wells. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported that the ballots for the Aug. 5, 2014 Primary were in and she was issuing Absentee Ballots. She also provided sample ballots to any who wanted one.
The Supervisor reported that there would be an Electronics Recycling Day on July 19, 2014 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm at the Clare County Transit Building in Harrison. This is an excellent opportunity to dispose of old or broken electronics.
Supervisor Housler also reported that the signs for Lake of the Pines, Windover Lake, Lake Taho and Norway have all been put up and they all look very nice.
Committee Reports
Planning – L. Stevens: reported that they have given to the Board the proposed amendment to Section XVII, of the Zoning Ordinance. This amendment goes into the detail of making a violation of the Freeman Township Zoning Ordinance a Civil Infraction with corresponding penalties. This amendment will give the Zoning Administrator greater authority when confronted with a township violation.
Planning also presented to the board the recommendation to approve the revised site plan for a road width site plan change to the Ron Johnson property. The site plan dated June 14, 2014 reflects a road width change from sixty-six (66) to thirty-three (33) feet with a circular sixty-six (66) foot diameter cul-de-sac at the road terminus. The board will take these recommendations into consideration and seek the advice of MTA legal services.
Planning will now begin investigating the possibility of a Landlord/Tenant Ordinance. They will get direction from Surrey Township and the County.
Building – W. Mantei : wrote 9 permits.
Zoning – H. Logan: wrote 2 permits
Blight – H. Logan: addressed the issue of farm animals in a residential area on Patsy Place. The property owner said they were 4 H projects (chickens, ducks, turkey, etc.) and as soon as the fair was over they would be gone.
He also spoke with the apparent new owner of the property on the corner of Lindhaven and Windermere regarding the overgrown lot and the un- inhabitable mobile home. They will start clean up on the 20th.
He will talk to Rigato regarding the moving of the pole barn that was built to close to the road.
There was also a pool erected in the front yard of a property on Ashcroft Dr. Any and all pools must be set in the back yard and fenced. This pool will have to be relocated.
Roads – R. Wells: Nothing new to report.
Comments from Citizens:
Sheila Bissonnette expressed her wish that the Transfer Site Hours for Wednesday be changed to accommodate people who work. She suggested changing the hours from 2pm to 5pm to 3pm to 6 pm. If they can’t get to the Site on Wednesday they are over the six bag limit for Sunday. Sheyla Young also expressed the same concerns. The Supervisor said the Board would discuss this matter but did say that the attendants at the Transfer Site are very good about taking what is brought and they know people do not always get there both days and they will take what is brought if more than six bags.
Roger Bogenschutz read a definition of what a Precinct Delegate to the conventions really is.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:30 pm, support from J. Lackie. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be August 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Supervisor, Al Housler called the August 14, 2014 Board meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Board Members Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells along with twenty one citizens and guests were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call.
The minutes of the July 10, 2014 meeting were approved as presented with a motion from R. Wells and support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Clare County Commissioner, Dale Majewski reported that the commission is reviewing the County’s Health Insurance plan for their employees. Staying with the current plan would result in a 22% increase. He further reported that the commission adopted the 2014/2015 County budget. In order to adopt a balanced budget some departments did not receive their requests. At the current time applications are being accepted for the positions of recently vacated positions of District #5 Clare County Commissioner and Clare County Road Commissioner (due to the resignation of Eddy Garver). Applications will be reviewed at the September 2nd. BOC meeting. Lincoln Township also received a Voting Access grant for $5100.00 to repair the handicap ramp at the township hall. Dale also reported that the State Fire Marshall is looking at the recent fire at the Rude property on Monroe.
Deputy Steve Humphrey told us that as of September 16th, he would be reassigned but Sgt. Hagger would be coming to our meetings. He stressed to our citizens that they can still call his number listed on the card and leave a message for him. He said the response the department received from residents of the township was just extraordinary and very much appreciated.
The Treasurers report was available on the back table. S. Sable moved to approve check numbers
13543 through 13584, motion supported by R. Wells. Vote Taken –Motion Carried.
The Clerk had nothing to report under correspondence.
Supervisor Housler said Attorney Hoerauf could not see any reason for the township board not to approve the proposed amendment to Section XVII of the Zoning Ordinance, Violations and Penalties. This amendment goes into the details of making a violation of the Freeman Township Zoning Ordinance a Civil Infraction with corresponding penalties. This amendment will give the Zoning Administrator greater authority when confronted with a Freeman Township Ordinance violation. Attorney Hoerauf did caution the Board that this change is often not the revenue generator that townships expect. R. Wells moved to amend Section XVII making it a Civil Infraction receiving support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next subject under the Supervisors correspondence was the proposed road width Site Plan Change on the Ron Johnson property. The site plan proposes to change the road width from sixty six feet (66) to thirty three (33) feet with a circular sixty six (66) foot diameter cul-de-sac at the road terminus.
Michigan Township Association and our Attorney advise the Board to approach this proposed plan with caution. Reducing the right of way on this road that would provide accesses to six properties stops future conversion to a public road. The Board said the reduction could cause problems with access of emergency vehicles, ambulance and firefighting equipment, which has been seen within the township.
P. Humphrey questioned who would maintain this Private Road and was told the owner or Property Owners Association would take care of it. When it was stated that Wallace Drive is a public road and maintained by the county Mike Green stated that was not so, he was assured that it was so. When the question was ask how the Property Owners would handle the necessary repairs to their road Mr. Green stated that “if they could afford to live there they could afford any repairs.”
The Supervisor asks why they felt the need to change the width of the road from the original site plan from sixty six feet to thirty three feet. The answer was that Parcel 6 would not be buildable if they had to go with the sixty-six foot right of way.
R. Wells moved to approve the proposed site plan change as presented with support from S. Sable. A Roll Call vote followed: R. Wells (Abstained as he was on Planning Board)
P. Humphrey (NO)
J. Lackie (NO)
S. Sable (NO)
Supervisor declared the motion Not Passing. The board feels strongly that any road construction, especially within a subdivision, be conforming and acceptable. The reasoning of the parties involved that they would end up with one unbuildable lot did not feel like a good enough reason to perhaps put future owners of the other parcels on this road in jeopardy.
Gary Maas who is on the Planning Board suggests that the issue of Private Roads be taken out of the ordinance.
Under New Business the board discussed the need to re seal the parking lot at the hall and at the Transfer Site. A bid was received from I-Deal Seal Coat, Township Hall would cost $1000.00 and the Transfer Site would cost $625.00. R. Wells moved to approve the seal coating of the Hall and the Transfer Site, support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Planning – L. Stevens: They are looking at different Landlord/Tenant Agreements. Gary and Carol Maas will go through the Master Plan this winter while the Planning Commission is off and bring back suggestions for the 2015 meetings.
Building – W. Mantei: Turned in 9 permits
Zoning – H. Logan: Turned in 4 permits
Blight – H. Logan: There needs to be some clean-up of the Rude property that recently burned. No one has any information as to the family’s present address. Citizen, Don Kowalski said he knew Shirley and could maybe get a good address. Harold will continue to look into this situation.
Roads – R. Wells: Dick reported that all the roads included in our Road Project for this year have been flagged and appear to be ready for final grade and then limestone.
Citizen comments and concerns:
L. Steven’s ask why the office at Lake of the Pines could not give out Transfer Site Permits as they had done in the past. He stated he gets many requests for them. J. Lackie, Treasurer, said that people ask for them when they send in taxes and the office sends them back and they are available from the Township Clerk. P. Humphrey said the Board would like to leave it the way it is for the time being. With the office being open Monday through Friday from 8am until 1 pm, we should be able to accommodate the need.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be September 11, 2014 at 7pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
The September 11, 2014 Freeman Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor A. Housler. Twenty four citizens and guests along with board members, A. Housler, J. Lackie, P. Humphrey, S. Sable and R. Wells were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call.
R. Wells moved to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2014 meeting. Support from S. Sable, vote taken and motion carried.
Larry Clever, agent from Burnham & Flower presented a brief overview of the liability and workers comp that their company provides to the township. Rather than take so much time during the board meeting it was decided to have Mr. Clever come back on Sept. 22nd at 11:00 am to go into greater detail. Notice of this session will be posted.
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner, reported that Don David was the new District #5 County Commission replacing Rick LaBoda and Julie Lightfoot was appointed to the Clare County Road Commission position replacing Ed Garver who resigned. Majewski also reported that a USDA grant of $30,000.00 was awarded to Senior Services for new kitchen equipment for the Harrison location meal site.
Supervisor Housler introduced Julie Lightfoot who reported news from the Road Commission. She told the audience that the cost for winter salt was much higher than last year. She said that mowing and brush hogging was on the agenda for next year, that temporary help would likely be hired. Julie comes to Clare County with a great deal of experience with road commissions, we all look forward to working with her.
R. Wells moved to approve the payment of check numbers 13585 through 13620 recognizing early check numbers of 13585 through 13598, support from S. Sable. Vote taken and motion carried. Treasurer, Janet Lackie said that she would be in the office from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday the 22nd for the last day to pay summer taxes without a penalty.
The Clerk read from the Clare Conservation District newsletter that there would be a hands- on pruning workshop for home owners at Greenwood Township Hall on Sept. 13. Cost $10.00. She also reminded the citizens of the November 4th General Election and that Absent Voter Applications were available and that the ballots should be delivered with the next week.
Supervisor Housler read a request from Fairchild and Green on behalf of Ron Johnson asking that the board reconsider their decision regarding the Private Road proposed off Wallace Drive. It was the boards feeling that the road should be put in under the specifications for a public road that being accessible to emergency vehicles, school buses and utility vehicles. There being no further motions from the board the matter stands.
The township has received a request for Zoning Board of Appeals from Dennis & Marlene Johnson, 2270 Grass Lake Ave for a 30’ X 24’ garage requiring a set- back of 22 feet. The paper work for this request will be started and a date for the Public Hearing will be published.
J. Lackie moved to appoint D. Wells to replace Gary Maas on Zoning Board of Appeals and appoint John Phillips as the alternate. Motion supported by P. Humphrey, Vote Taken, Motion Carried. The board thanked Gary for his work on ZBA , he has served as Secretary for several years.
Committee Reports
Planning – L. Stevens said that Planning has removed two items from their long term agenda, those items being dangerous buildings in the township and alternative heating.
Building – W. Manti said he did not have any permits this month.
Zoning – H. Logan said he had written one permit.
Blight – H. Logan said that he was seeing some improvement on the complaint on 115, still has a building that needs to be moved. He will continue to monitor that. The Rude property where the home burned was brought up, what is going to be done with that. At this time the township has no information on what can be done.
R.Wells with support from S. Sable moved to adjourn at 7:50 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting will be October 9, 2014 @ 7:00pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk.
The Freeman Township Board meeting of October 9, 2014, was called to order at 7:00pm by Supervisor Housler. Board members, Housler, Humphrey, Lackie and Sable along with twenty-five citizens and guests were present for Roll and the Pledge to the Flag. Dick Wells, Trustee, has been in the hospital the past week and was moved to North Woods nursing center today for physical therapy. Good wishes go out to Dick and his family.
Janet Lackie with support from Sandra Sable moved to approve the minutes of September 11, 2014. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Our first guest speaker of the evening was Jerry Burger, candidate for District 1 County Commissioner. Jerry reminded everyone to get their flu shots and further stated that he had been our commissioner two years ago and would like to serve in that capacity again, asking for support.
Guest number two was State Representative Joel Johnson reporting on the successful passing of a more flexible curriculum field of choice for students participating in the alternative education classes. He further told the audience of legislation passed that certifies Veterans in a field that they worked in during their years of service in the military. They no longer have to take classes before they are tested and then certified. Those Veterans can now just write a test and if they pass become certified.
Dale Majewski spoke about his candidacy for District 1 Commissioner stating he has built a solid foundation in community service through his 30 plus years as a firefighter and fire chief in Lincoln Township. Dale feels his experience will continue to bring a new perspective to the Clare County Board of Commissioners.
Julie Lightfoot, Clare County Road Commission told us that Fishers would start hauling limestone to Freeman Township on Monday to begin our road project for this year. It is anticipated that Patsy Place and Stephen Court in Golden Acres will be done last as those roads have a smaller turn around area and will require a different truck than the large V bottoms typically used. John R Court will likely be done first followed by Karen Drive, remaining roads to follow.
The Road Commission has been looking at the curve on Grass Lake Ave and Ashard. The trees and brush has grown up so heavy on that curve that drivers can’t see vehicles coming around that curve as they are trying to take the cut off up to Ashard. They have spoken with the property owner, who has agreed to work with the Road Commission to get some of this area cleaned up and make that area safer.
Three new temporary workers have been hired to do some much needed brush hogging. Citizens are ask to call the Road Commission if they know roads that need cutting.
Julie also spoke about the importance of doing some chip and seal on our roads. Chip and seal is a good alternative to the more expensive over lay process. A five year plan is being worked on to keep the roads we have in good condition.
Supervisor Housler reported that a Public Hearing on a Zoning Board of Appeals request will be held on October 30th. Property owners Dennis and Marlene Johnson, 2270 Grass Lake Ave want to construct a garage that would encroach on the set-back of the road right of way. Notice of Hearing has been sent to the Clare County Review and is posted at the Township Hall and will on the website calendar.
Committee Reports
Planning – L. Stevens, said they are exploring alternative heating ordinances and ask that the Board clarify the statement of “No Private Roads”, he ask, should Planning just take this out of the ordinance. Supervisor Housler gave a brief summation of the Boards thoughts, he said that the board was not comfortable with Private Roads that did not meet the standards required by the Road Commission should future citizens and or situations make it necessary that those road become public. All roads should be built to Road Commission specifications whether they are private or not.
Building Inspector – W. Mantei reported that he had 5 permits for the month.
Zoning – H. Logan also wrote 5 zoning permits.
Blight – H. Logan has cleared two of his complaints and is working on two more.
There were no comments from the citizens, but Supervisor Housler took the opportunity to thank everyone for coming out to the meeting, he also thanked Joel Johnson for being at the meeting. He introduced Randy Scott who spoke briefly of his work and Al told us that he and Randy had worked together and were friends. The citizens were reminded to vote November 4, he said vote for who you want to, but come out and vote.
S. Sable moved to adjourn at 7:37 support from J. Lackie. Our next meeting will be November 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The November 13, 2014 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor, Al Housler. Board members, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells were present for the Pledge to the Flag along with twenty-four citizens and guests.
S. Sable with support from J. Lackie moved to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2014 meeting. Vote Taken-Motion Carried.
Guest Speakers:
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner reported that Jenny Beemer, County Treasurer said that 90% of the property up for bid at the Land Auction sold. Freeman townships thirteen parcels all sold.
There will be a retirement celebration for John Krchmar on Friday, November 21st at 3:00 PM. John is retiring from the Road Commission.
Pam Mayfield, Clare County Clerk, Register of deeds presented Supervisor Al Housler with his certificate of election at the November 4th. General Election, she also congratulated Commissioner Majewski on his re-election. Mayfield spoke briefly about the election and some of the obstacles the clerks faced congratulating the election workers and clerks for a good election.
Julie Lightfoot, Deepak Gupta, David Sunday, from the Clare County Road Commission spoke with us regarding the tree trimming that was just completed on the curve of Grass Lake and Ashard. Property owners Wayne and Karyn Kiefer gave permission for the Road Commission to clean up that area, cutting brush and removing trees or limbs that severely obstructed the view around that curve. The Township would like to thank the Kiefer’s and the Road Commission for doing this needed service.
They gave a good argument for doing the chip and seal program on our paved roads in an effort to keep them in good condition. Citizens questioned the use of the chloride being used for the brining project, D. Gupta explained that Michigan Chloride uses manufactured brine, not the well brine, to do our roads and it is regulated and safe. R. Diedrich, Lake Taho ask if we should not have a chemical analysis done to be sure it was safe for the water table. B. Blain questioned the lack of maintenance being done on Cook Ave. toward M61, her question being, why was the county not taking care of a primary road better. D. Gupta and D. Sunday both stated they are looking at all the roads and will look at this road as well. This was a good discussion between the commission and citizens.
R. Wells moved to accept the treasurer’s report and pay check numbers 13653 through 13697, early checks being 13653 through 13658, motion supported by S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Supervisor reported that the township had received a letter from the State Tax Commission returning jurisdiction of the townships 2013 assessment. This was welcome news to the township, our problems stemming from the previous assessor have been cleared up and we are back on track with Northern Michigan Assessing.
Housler also reported that the Zoning Board of Appeals had conducted the Public Hearing on a dimensional variance request from Dennis and Marlene Johnson. The board heard from Mr. Johnson and several citizens that attended. The decision of the ZBA was that there were in fact other alternative areas on the property for the proposed garage and there was no hardship in choosing an alternative area. The variance was denied.
The board approved the following appointments to the Board of Review for 2015/2016. Reappointed were Al Housler, Leo Stevens, Sally Meitz and Sheyla Young. Geraldine Shaw was appointed as alternate. Motion by R. Wells, support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
P. Humphrey moved to approve the Veterans Exemption and the Hardship Exemption as found in the BOR manual and the poverty guidelines as outlined by the State for the 2015/2016 Board of Review, support from R. Wells. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Planning, L. Stevens: Planning is adjourned until March 3rd. their officers will remain the same, L. Stevens, Chairperson and G. Maas, Secretary, members, R. Wells, J.Phillips and D. Pohoda. Planning will look into a dangerous building ordinance and alternative heating, outdoor burners.
Building, W. Mantei: 6 Permits
Zoning, H. Logan: 2 permits
Blight, H. Logan: has closed two complaints.
Roads, R. Wells: nothing new
No comments:
R. Wells, support from S. Sable moved to adjourn at 8:00 PM. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be December 11, 2014.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Supervisor Housler called the December 11, 2014 Freeman Township Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. Board members Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells were present for Roll Call along with eight citizens and guests.
R. Wells moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 2014, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken, Motion Carried.
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner wished all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, and safe New Year.
Julie Lightfoot, Clare County Road Commissioner told all present that trimming along and around the curve on Grass Lake and Ashard has been done for the winter. When the leaves are on the trees again in the spring there may be more trimming in this area. The STOP sign at this curve has received some defining red on it in the hope that people realize this is a STOP and act accordingly.
S. Sable moved to accept the Treasurer report and approve check numbers 13698 through 13725 recognizing early check numbers 13698 through 13700, support from R. Wells. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
J. Lackie with support from R. Wells gave the clerk permission to send David Pahoda to a Planning commission training seminar in Mt. Pleasant on Jan. 14, 2015 from 4pm until 9pm. Permission was also given to send Geraldine Shaw to a Board of Review training seminar in Mt. Pleasant on Feb. 17, 2015 from 12:30 pm until 4:30 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
There being no old or new business Supervisor Housler moved to Committee Reports: The Planning Commission is in recess until March 4th.
Building – W. Mantei: wrote 3 new permits for a pole barn, a new roof and an antenna on M115.
Zoning – H. Logan: wrote one new permit.
Blight – H. Logan: is looking into the amount of materials stored on the Nance property that has been sold. The rumor is that this machinery etc. will be sold off by the buyer. Harold will continue to monitor this activity. The Snow property is owned by Mid Michigan Health and will be cleaned up by that concern. This property will continue to be monitored by the Township.
Roads – R. Wells had nothing new to report on roads at this time.
Supervisor Housler reported that the Transfer Site would be closed on Wednesday Dec. 24th. and the 31st. but would be open for regular Sunday Hours. He also reported that Board of Review is adjourned for the 2014 year and gave a good word to the Board and to our assessor Frank Gentz, all is back on track with the State Tax Commission and our rolls are in good shape.
The last meeting of 2014 adjourned at 7:15 pm with a motion from R. Wells and support from S. Sable. A Thank You and well wishes for Christmas and the New Year were given and all enjoyed some refreshments. The next meeting will be at 7:00 pm on January 8, 2015.
The January 10, 2013 Public Hearing to address changes to selected Freeman Township Ordinances was called to order at 7:00pm with the Pledge to the Flag and 16 citizens and guests were present for the Roll Call of Officers. Supervisor-John Blain (present), Clerk- Patricia Humphrey (present), Treasurer-Janet Lackie (present), Trustee-Sandra Sable(present), Trustee-Richard Wells(present. Pat Humphrey nominated Richard Wells moderator for Supervisor John Blain, motion was seconded by Janet Lackie.
The Public Hearing began with the announcement that all ordinances under discussion were on the back table for all to look at if desired. The Ordinances are as follows:
ORDINANCE #2, Building Permits and Fees– The amended Ordinance will have proper reference to Zoning Permits required, outdated reference to fee amounts removed and the language concerning permit limitations is now tied to the Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Pat Humphrey, seconded by Sandra Sable. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
ORDINANCE #3, Plat Ordinance- This Ordinance will be repealed as being out-dated. All language and specifications outlined in Ordinance #3 exists in the current up-dated Zoning Ordinance. The new Ordinance Number for the repeal will be #30.Motion by Pat Humphrey, seconded by Sandra Sable. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
ORDINANCE # 4, Littering Ordinance- This Ordinance shall be amended to reflect the change from a violation of misdemeanor to a municipal civil infraction increasing the fine from ($100.00) One hundred dollars to ($350.00) Three hundred fifty dollars .Motion by Pat Humphrey, second by Dick Wells. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
ORDINANCE # 17, Ordinance for the Abatement and Removal of Nuisances- The Ordinance shall be amended to contain proper references to such areas as hazardous waste handling, proper trash containers, the requirement of a Freeman Township “Permit” and that there is no commercial dumping. This Ordinance will also change from a misdemeanor to a municipal civil infraction. Motion by Pat Humphrey, seconded by Richard Wells. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
PROPOSED New Addition to Zoning Ordinance to be adopted, Section 4.30. Tower Structures Fall Zone Restrictions. Motion by Sandra Sable, seconded by Richard Wells. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
PROPOSED Amendment to Article XI, Section 11.02.R shall be adopted to reflect greater clarification of tower like structure fall zones Motion by Sandra Sable, seconded by Richard Wells. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
ORDINANCE #7 SHALL BE RE-ESTABLISHED TO AFFIRM THAT Building Inspections are performed by Freeman Township. Motion by Janet Lackie, seconded by Richard Wells. Roll call vote, all members voted yes and the motion passed.
ORDINANCE #18, FREEMAN TOWNSHIP GROUP INSURANCE COVERAGE. Shall be repealed as no longer necessary due to the discontinuation of all group health insurance programs offered to the Freeman Township Board Members. The new repeal ordinance number is #31, Ordinance to repeal #18. Motion by Sandra Sable, seconded by Richard Wells. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
ORDINANCE # 26, RECINDING Ordinance for Building and Electrical Enforcement responsibilities. The amended Ordinance #9, as Electrical Inspections are performed by Clare County and Ordinance # 19 as it is the same ordinance. Motion by Richard Wells, seconded by Pat Humphrey. Roll call vote, all board members voted yes and the motion passed.
The Ordinances will take effect 7 days from the date they are published which is January 21, 2013.
All ordinance changes may be reviewed in full context at the Freeman Township Hall during regular business hours. Please call 989-588-2752 for further information.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:15 pm. Motion by Pat Humphrey, seconded by Richard Wells. Motion was carried.
A 5 minute break is in order and then we will have the regular Township Board meeting.
The January 10, 2013 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm by Richard Wells, moderator for Supervisor-John Blain. Roll call of Officers. Supervisor John Blain-present, Clerk Pat Humphrey, present, Treasurer Janet Lackie, present, Trustee Sandra Sable, present, Trustee Richard Wells, present along with 17 citizens and guests.
The minutes of the December 13, 2012 Regular Meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Sandra Sable, seconded by Janet Lackie. Vote taken-Motion Carried.
Guest Speakers:
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner, District 1. Brought the Township Meeting notes for the BOC January meeting and stated that the Board of Commissioners is going to schedule only 1 meeting per month in the future.
Dale Majewski Lake George Fire Chief also reported that the Lincoln Township Fire Department has had 51 runs last month. 42 rescue, 1 mutual aid, 1 gas leak and 7 power lines. 21 of the runs were in Freeman Township.
Dale also left his email address for all to contact him
Treasurers Report (Copies available on the back table) Motion from Sandra Sable with support from Pat Humphrey to approve check numbers 12886 through 12917. Vote taken Motion carried.
Clerks Correspondence:
Letters from Mark Lightfoot, the first was dated on Dec.16, 2012 and was sent to Pat Humphrey. In this letter Mark Lightfoot stated that he had been shorted 8 days on his final paycheck. Mark stated that Pat could make the correction and mail him the shorted amount. He said he had spoken to Rosemary and Helen Bardallis and their checks were also shorted the same 8 days.
The second letterfrom Mark Lightfoot went to John Blain and it is dated January 1, 2013 and stated that Mark, Rosemary and Helen were shorted 8 days pay and that for the past 16 years the fiscal year starts April 1 and runs month to month on the 1st and runs to the last day of the month and never has our pay been calculated from meeting to meeting and you as Supervisor need to direct the clerk to pay what is due to us. Mark also said he received no correspondence from the Clerk regarding his last letter so he would like a written reply and copies of any and all replies she may have had with the MTA, Township attorney or any other source she may have consulted that has resulted in her neglect to forward this pay. Please respond within 10 days to avoid any further action.
Pat Humphrey stated that Mark was correct in that we did consult with our attorney and with MTA and they gave us the formula on how to pro-rate the wages that they received. John drafted a letter and it was mailed to him this morning. Back in December Pat had talked with Rosemary and she concurred that was the way it was done in the past. We have now put this issue to rest and any further correspondence will certainly be brought out to the citizens at our meetings.
Board of Review training dates-Comfort Inn Conference Center, Mt. Pleasant on Feb. 14, 2013 at 1PM. This will not be done each year and we will have to adjust our budget accordingly for every 4 years due to newly elected people and they will have to and should have training in order to do their jobs well.
Supervisor’s correspondence Nothing at this time.
Unfinished business Nothing at this time.
New Business Appointment of Board of Review members. John Blain, Sally Meitz, Sheyla Young and alternate Al Housler and Leo Stevens. Pat Humphrey made a motion to approve the funds for the Board of Review training. Seconded by Janet Lackie. Vote taken, motion carried.
Congratulations were given to Vickie Blain, John’s choice for Deputy Supervisor
Committee Reports:
Planning: John Phillips absent
Building: Werner Mantei absent
Zoning: Harold Logan 0 Permits
Blight: Harold Logan 8166 Monroe,Connie Snow case is now complete and closed
Roads: Richard Wells Nothing to report
Rubbish: Aaron Fox No snow clearing has been done.
The meeting was adjourned 7:45 pm . Motion by John Blain with a second by Pat Humphrey
Next meeting is on February 14, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Sandra Sable
The FEBRUARY 14, 2013 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at Pat Humphrey made a motion that Dick Wells would be the meeting moderator in place of Supervisor John Blain, seconded by Janet Lackie. Motion was approved and carried. Roll call of officers: Supervisor-John Blain, Absent, Clerk-Patricia Humphrey, Present, Treasurer-Janet Lackie, Present, Trustee-Sandra Sable, Present, Trustee-Richard Wells, Present, along with 22 citizens and guests.
The minutes of the January 10, 2013 Regular Meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Dick Wells, support by Janet Lackie. Vote taken-motion carried.
Guest Speakers:
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner, District 1, brought the Township meeting notes from the BOC February 2013 meeting stating that the Gypsy Moth survey revealed that the egg mass count was low enough that spraying is not needed for 2013.
The South Tower relocation is under review by Clare County EMD – several plans are in place to accomplish this including –MDOT Grant for new tower, Letter sent to Trans Canada for use of one of their existing 300’ towers and a Trans Canada Grant option ($40,000 grant has been applied for).
Redding Township will get a narrow Banding upgrade for the Weather Warning Siren – upgrade donated by Cops & Doughnuts of Clare. Jays Sporting Goods donated Backup Batteries.
Consumers Energy has a new Utility Outage Website to both view and report outages:
Clare County has a weather hotline to check and see if the County Building is closed due to weather -989-539-5961. Before you take a trip to the county call this number.
Senior Services still needs drivers to deliver meals-it is a volunteer position but you are reimbursed 56.5 cents a mile. Check with Senior Services at the County 539-8870.
Treasurers Report (Copies available on the back Table)
Pat Humphrey made a motion to approve check numbers 12918 through 12941 and was supported by Janet Lackie, Vote taken-motion carried.
Clerks Correspondence:
Pat Humphrey read a letter from Supervisor John Blain regretfully submitting a letter of resignation due to his health.
Mark Lightfoot submitted a letter dated February 8, 2013 offering his services as replacement for John Blain.
There is to be a Pipeline safety Program on March 6, 2013 @ Soaring Eagle. Meeting time is 5:30 pm for Registration, and a Meal will be served. There is no cost for this meeting. Please try to attend and then bring back materials back to the township.
Pat gave a report on “News you can Use” about Notice of Limited Term Licenses and ID cards for Non-Citizens and No-reason Absentee Voting Proposed.
Gary Maas, Planning Secretary delivered the Planning Commission 2012 Yearly Review Letter.
Supervisors Comments
Unfinished Business:
There was discussion that a Mail-Slot is necessary at the hall for citizens to drop off taxes and etc. when there is no one at the hall. These slots range in price from $30.00 up. This project should be no more than $200.00 when complete.
We also need to replace the hot water heater. It has been worked on several times in the past year and will not heat at all now. The Board would like to purchase a smaller, fast recovery, energy efficient model.
New Business:
Sandra Sable offered a motion to accept the resignation of John Blain, support from Janet Lackie. Vote taken – Motion Carried
Appointment of a new Supervisor followed. Pat Humphrey made a motion to appoint Alan Housler and gave a brief list of excellent qualifications and credentials, and thanked all that had expressed interest in the position. Motion seconded by Sandra Sable. A roll call vote was taken -Janet Lackie – yes, Richard Wells – Yes, Sandra Sable – Yes, Pat Humphrey – Yes, Vote taken-Motion carried. Al Housler is the new Supervisor.
Next followed the appointments to the following:
Planning Commission – David Pohoda Motion by Janet Lackie, second by Sandra Sable, Roll call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes (4) Nay (0)
Zoning Board of Appeals: Roger Bogenschutz, Motion by Pat Humphrey –second by Janet Lackie, Roll call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes (4) Nay (0)
Board of Review: Alan Housler newly appointed Supervisor and Sheyla Young, with Lester Cooper remaining as an alternate. Roll Call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes(4) Nay (0)
If the Board wishes to make any adjustments to the salaries of Township officials and employees we have to vote on a salary resolution prior to the Public Hearing for the new budget. The Board is seeking cost of living increases and a salary adjustment for the Clerk. The resolution is attached.
Insertion of the Salary Resolution
Resolution to Establish the Township
Of Freeman Officers Salary for
Budget year 2013-2014
WHEREAS, according to MCL 41.95(3),in a township that does not hold an annual meeting, the salary for officers composing the township board shall be determined by the township board, and
WHEREAS, the township board deems that an adjustment in the salary of the office of (supervisor, clerk, treasurer and trustee(s) is warranted in consideration of (the cost of living and in the case of the clerk additional responsibilities of the clerk, since township board member’s salaries were last adjusted, now
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of supervisor shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living. Motion by P. Humphrey,support J. Lackie. Roll Call:Lackie (Y) Wells (Y) Sable (Y) Humphrey (Y)
Supervisor: $1067.00 salary (not directly performing assessing) Previous Salary $1050.00
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of clerk shall be as follows reflecting
additional duties and bringing in line with the treasurer’s salary.Motion by J. Lackie,support S. Sable. Roll Call: Lackie(Y) Wells(Y)Sable(Y) Humphrey abstained. M.Lightfoot from the audience objected, ask if a wage comparison was done. J. Lackie had looked at some.
Clerk: $1566.00 salary Previous Salary $1220.75
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of treasurer shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living.Motion by P. Humphrey,support S. Sable. Roll Call: Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y) J.Lackie abstained.
Treasurer: $1566.00 salary Previous Salary $1540.00
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the two trustee(s) shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living.Motion by P. Humphrey, support J. Lackie. Roll Call: Lackie(y)Sable(Y)Wells(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Trustee(s): $505.10 each. Previous Salary $496.65 each
The foregoing resolutions offered by board member ___see above________________________.
Supported by board member __see above_______________________.
Upon a roll call vote, the following voted: ____ALL___Aye _____)___No.
The Resolution was declared adopted.
__Patricia D. Humphrey__________________________________, Cler
WHEREAS, the township board deems that an adjustment in the wage of the following positions is warranted in consideration of the increase of cost of living and additional duties of the Blight enforcement officer.
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013 the wage of the first position at the transfer site shall be as follows: The wage of the second position(s) at the transfer site shall be as follows.Motion by P.Humphrey, support S. Sable. Roll Call: Lackie(Y)Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Note: Mark Lightfoot said this was all illegal that the board did all this at a meeting that was not posted according to PA267(2-1-13) Open Meetings Act. The Board held a workshop which was posted at the hall, we were not aware of the Public Act. There were no decisions or actions taken at the workshop.
First Position: $13.35 Previous wage $13.10
Second Position(s) $10.70 Previous wage $10
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013 the wage of Blight Enforcement Officer shall be as follows:
Motion by P. Humphrey,support byS. Sable.Roll Call: Lackie(Y)Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Blight Enforcement Officer: $300.00 per month. Previous wage $278.00 per month.
The foregoing resolutions offered by board member ____see above___________________.
Supported by board member ____see above___________________.
Upon roll call vote, the following voted: ___ALL_____Aye ___0___No.
The resolution was declared adopted.
___Patricia D. Humphrey_______________________________, Clerk.
This resolution assumes that there is no annual meeting. It assumes that there is no salary commission established by MCL 41.95(4).
Pursuant to MCL 41.95(7), a salary resolution cannot result in a reduction of salary during an official’s term of office unless the responsibilities and requirements of that office are diminished, and the official agrees in writing to that reduction.
If, within 30 days after the township board votes, a petition signed by 10% of the qualified electors of the township if filed requesting that the question be submitted to the electorate, the township board shall call a special election and submit the question of salary to the electors.
This document shall be duly filed with the general appropriations act for the Freeman Township budget year 2013-2014.
_Patricia D. Humphrey_____, clerk, February 14, 20
_Janet Lackie_______,treasurer , February 14, 2013
The FEBRUARY 14, 2013 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at Pat Humphrey made a motion that Dick Wells would be the meeting moderator in place of Supervisor John Blain, seconded by Janet Lackie. Motion was approved and carried. Roll call of officers: Supervisor-John Blain, Absent, Clerk-Patricia Humphrey, Present, Treasurer-Janet Lackie, Present, Trustee-Sandra Sable, Present, Trustee-Richard Wells, Present, along with 22 citizens and guests.
The minutes of the January 10, 2013 Regular Meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Dick Wells, support by Janet Lackie. Vote taken-motion carried.
Guest Speakers:
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner, District 1, brought the Township meeting notes from the BOC February 2013 meeting stating that the Gypsy Moth survey revealed that the egg mass count was low enough that spraying is not needed for 2013.
The South Tower relocation is under review by Clare County EMD – several plans are in place to accomplish this including –MDOT Grant for new tower, Letter sent to Trans Canada for use of one of their existing 300’ towers and a Trans Canada Grant option ($40,000 grant has been applied for).
Redding Township will get a narrow Banding upgrade for the Weather Warning Siren – upgrade donated by Cops & Doughnuts of Clare. Jays Sporting Goods donated Backup Batteries.
Consumers Energy has a new Utility Outage Website to both view and report outages:
Clare County has a weather hotline to check and see if the County Building is closed due to weather -989-539-5961. Before you take a trip to the county call this number.
Senior Services still needs drivers to deliver meals-it is a volunteer position but you are reimbursed 56.5 cents a mile. Check with Senior Services at the County 539-8870.
Treasurers Report (Copies available on the back Table)
Pat Humphrey made a motion to approve check numbers 12918 through 12941 and was supported by Janet Lackie, Vote taken-motion carried.
Clerks Correspondence:
Pat Humphrey read a letter from Supervisor John Blain regretfully submitting a letter of resignation due to his health.
Mark Lightfoot submitted a letter dated February 8, 2013 offering his services as replacement for John Blain.
There is to be a Pipeline safety Program on March 6, 2013 @ Soaring Eagle. Meeting time is 5:30 pm for Registration, and a Meal will be served. There is no cost for this meeting. Please try to attend and then bring back materials back to the township.
Pat gave a report on “News you can Use” about Notice of Limited Term Licenses and ID cards for Non-Citizens and No-reason Absentee Voting Proposed.
Gary Maas, Planning Secretary delivered the Planning Commission 2012 Yearly Review Letter.
Supervisors Comments:
Unfinished Business:
There was discussion that a Mail-Slot is necessary at the hall for citizens to drop off taxes and etc. when there is no one at the hall. These slots range in price from $30.00 up. This project should be no more than $200.00 when complete.
We also need to replace the hot water heater. It has been worked on several times in the past year and will not heat at all now. The Board would like to purchase a smaller, fast recovery, energy efficient model.
New Business:
Sandra Sable offered a motion to accept the resignation of John Blain, support from Janet Lackie. Vote taken – Motion Carried
Appointment of a new Supervisor followed. Pat Humphrey made a motion to appoint Alan Housler and gave a brief list of excellent qualifications and credentials, and thanked all that had expressed interest in the position. Motion seconded by Sandra Sable. A roll call vote was taken -Janet Lackie – yes, Richard Wells – Yes, Sandra Sable – Yes, Pat Humphrey – Yes, Vote taken-Motion carried. Al Housler is the new Supervisor.
Next followed the appointments to the following:
Planning Commission – David Pohoda Motion by Janet Lackie, second by Sandra Sable, Roll call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes (4) Nay (0)
Zoning Board of Appeals: Roger Bogenschutz, Motion by Pat Humphrey –second by Janet Lackie, Roll call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes (4) Nay (0)
Board of Review: Alan Housler newly appointed Supervisor and Sheyla Young, with Lester Cooper remaining as an alternate. Roll Call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes(4) Nay (0)
If the Board wishes to make any adjustments to the salaries of Township officials and employees we have to vote on a salary resolution prior to the Public Hearing for the new budget. The Board is seeking cost of living increases and a salary adjustment for the Clerk. The resolution is attached.
Insertion of the Salary Resolution
Resolution to Establish the Township
Of Freeman Officers Salary for
Budget year 2013-2014
WHEREAS, according to MCL 41.95(3),in a township that does not hold an annual meeting, the salary for officers composing the township board shall be determined by the township board, and
WHEREAS, the township board deems that an adjustment in the salary of the office of (supervisor, clerk, treasurer and trustee(s) is warranted in consideration of (the cost of living and in the case of the clerk additional responsibilities of the clerk, since township board member’s salaries were last adjusted, now
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of supervisor shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living. Motion by P. Humphrey,support J. Lackie. Roll Call:Lackie (Y) Wells (Y) Sable (Y) Humphrey (Y)
Supervisor: $1067.00 salary (not directly performing assessing) Previous Salary $1050.00
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of clerk shall be as follows reflecting
additional duties and bringing in line with the treasurer’s salary.Motion by J. Lackie,support S. Sable. Roll Call: Lackie(Y) Wells(Y)Sable(Y) Humphrey abstained. M.Lightfoot from the audience objected, ask if a wage comparison was done. J. Lackie had looked at some.
Clerk: $1566.00 salary Previous Salary $1220.75
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of treasurer shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living.Motion by P. Humphrey,support S. Sable. Roll Call: Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y) J.Lackie abstained.
Treasurer: $1566.00 salary Previous Salary $1540.00
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the two trustee(s) shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living.Motion by P. Humphrey, support J. Lackie. Roll Call: Lackie(y)Sable(Y)Wells(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Trustee(s): $505.10 each. Previous Salary $496.65 each
The foregoing resolutions offered by board member ___see above________________________.
Supported by board member __see above_______________________.
Upon a roll call vote, the following voted: ____ALL___Aye _____)___No.
The Resolution was declared adopted.
__Patricia D. Humphrey__________________________________, Cler
WHEREAS, the township board deems that an adjustment in the wage of the following positions is warranted in consideration of the increase of cost of living and additional duties of the Blight enforcement officer.
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013 the wage of the first position at the transfer site shall be as follows: The wage of the second position(s) at the transfer site shall be as follows.Motion by P.Humphrey, support S. Sable. Roll Call: Lackie(Y)Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Note: Mark Lightfoot said this was all illegal that the board did all this at a meeting that was not posted according to PA267(2-1-13) Open Meetings Act. The Board held a workshop which was posted at the hall, we were not aware of the Public Act. There were no decisions or actions taken at the workshop.
First Position: $13.35 Previous wage $13.10
Second Position(s) $10.70 Previous wage $10
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013 the wage of Blight Enforcement Officer shall be as follows:
Motion by P. Humphrey,support byS. Sable.Roll Call: Lackie(Y)Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Blight Enforcement Officer: $300.00 per month. Previous wage $278.00 per month.
The foregoing resolutions offered by board member ____see above___________________.
Supported by board member ____see above___________________.
Upon roll call vote, the following voted: ___ALL_____Aye ___0___No.
The resolution was declared adopted.
___Patricia D. Humphrey_______________________________, Clerk.
This resolution assumes that there is no annual meeting. It assumes that there is no salary commission established by MCL 41.95(4).
Pursuant to MCL 41.95(7), a salary resolution cannot result in a reduction of salary during an official’s term of office unless the responsibilities and requirements of that office are diminished, and the official agrees in writing to that reduction.
If, within 30 days after the township board votes, a petition signed by 10% of the qualified electors of the township if filed requesting that the question be submitted to the electorate, the township board shall call a special election and submit the question of salary to the electors.
This document shall be duly filed with the general appropriations act for the Freeman Township budget year 2013-2014.
_Patricia D. Humphrey_____, clerk, February 14, 20
_Janet Lackie_______,treasurer , February 14, 2013
The FEBRUARY 14, 2013 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at Pat Humphrey made a motion that Dick Wells would be the meeting moderator in place of Supervisor John Blain, seconded by Janet Lackie. Motion was approved and carried. Roll call of officers: Supervisor-John Blain, Absent, Clerk-Patricia Humphrey, Present, Treasurer-Janet Lackie, Present, Trustee-Sandra Sable, Present, Trustee-Richard Wells, Present, along with 22 citizens and guests.
The minutes of the January 10, 2013 Regular Meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Dick Wells, support by Janet Lackie. Vote taken-motion carried.
Guest Speakers:
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner, District 1, brought the Township meeting notes from the BOC February 2013 meeting stating that the Gypsy Moth survey revealed that the egg mass count was low enough that spraying is not needed for 2013.
The South Tower relocation is under review by Clare County EMD – several plans are in place to accomplish this including –MDOT Grant for new tower, Letter sent to Trans Canada for use of one of their existing 300’ towers and a Trans Canada Grant option ($40,000 grant has been applied for).
Redding Township will get a narrow Banding upgrade for the Weather Warning Siren – upgrade donated by Cops & Doughnuts of Clare. Jays Sporting Goods donated Backup Batteries.
Consumers Energy has a new Utility Outage Website to both view and report outages:
Clare County has a weather hotline to check and see if the County Building is closed due to weather -989-539-5961. Before you take a trip to the county call this number.
Senior Services still needs drivers to deliver meals-it is a volunteer position but you are reimbursed 56.5 cents a mile. Check with Senior Services at the County 539-8870.
Treasurers Report (Copies available on the back Table)
Pat Humphrey made a motion to approve check numbers 12918 through 12941 and was supported by Janet Lackie, Vote taken-motion carried.
Clerks Correspondence:
Pat Humphrey read a letter from Supervisor John Blain regretfully submitting a letter of resignation due to his health.
Mark Lightfoot submitted a letter dated February 8, 2013 offering his services as replacement for John Blain.
There is to be a Pipeline safety Program on March 6, 2013 @ Soaring Eagle. Meeting time is 5:30 pm for Registration, and a Meal will be served. There is no cost for this meeting. Please try to attend and then bring back materials back to the township.
Pat gave a report on “News you can Use” about Notice of Limited Term Licenses and ID cards for Non-Citizens and No-reason Absentee Voting Proposed.
Gary Maas, Planning Secretary delivered the Planning Commission 2012 Yearly Review Letter.
Supervisors Comments:
Unfinished Business:
There was discussion that a Mail-Slot is necessary at the hall for citizens to drop off taxes and etc. when there is no one at the hall. These slots range in price from $30.00 up. This project should be no more than $200.00 when complete.
We also need to replace the hot water heater. It has been worked on several times in the past year and will not heat at all now. The Board would like to purchase a smaller, fast recovery, energy efficient model.
New Business:
Sandra Sable offered a motion to accept the resignation of John Blain, support from Janet Lackie. Vote taken – Motion Carried
Appointment of a new Supervisor followed. Pat Humphrey made a motion to appoint Alan Housler and gave a brief list of excellent qualifications and credentials, and thanked all that had expressed interest in the position. Motion seconded by Sandra Sable. A roll call vote was taken -Janet Lackie – yes, Richard Wells – Yes, Sandra Sable – Yes, Pat Humphrey – Yes, Vote taken-Motion carried. Al Housler is the new Supervisor.
Next followed the appointments to the following:
Planning Commission – David Pohoda Motion by Janet Lackie, second by Sandra Sable, Roll call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes (4) Nay (0)
Zoning Board of Appeals: Roger Bogenschutz, Motion by Pat Humphrey –second by Janet Lackie, Roll call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes (4) Nay (0)
Board of Review: Alan Housler newly appointed Supervisor and Sheyla Young, with Lester Cooper remaining as an alternate. Roll Call vote taken-motion carried. Ayes(4) Nay (0)
If the Board wishes to make any adjustments to the salaries of Township officials and employees we have to vote on a salary resolution prior to the Public Hearing for the new budget. The Board is seeking cost of living increases and a salary adjustment for the Clerk. The resolution is attached.
Insertion of the Salary Resolution
Resolution to Establish the Township
Of Freeman Officers Salary for
Budget year 2013-2014
WHEREAS, according to MCL 41.95(3),in a township that does not hold an annual meeting, the salary for officers composing the township board shall be determined by the township board, and
WHEREAS, the township board deems that an adjustment in the salary of the office of (supervisor, clerk, treasurer and trustee(s) is warranted in consideration of (the cost of living and in the case of the clerk additional responsibilities of the clerk, since township board member’s salaries were last adjusted, now
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of supervisor shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living. Motion by P. Humphrey,support J. Lackie. Roll Call:Lackie (Y) Wells (Y) Sable (Y) Humphrey (Y)
Supervisor: $1067.00 salary (not directly performing assessing) Previous Salary $1050.00
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of clerk shall be as follows reflecting
additional duties and bringing in line with the treasurer’s salary.Motion by J. Lackie,support S. Sable. Roll Call: Lackie(Y) Wells(Y)Sable(Y) Humphrey abstained. M.Lightfoot from the audience objected, ask if a wage comparison was done. J. Lackie had looked at some.
Clerk: $1566.00 salary Previous Salary $1220.75
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the office of treasurer shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living.Motion by P. Humphrey,support S. Sable. Roll Call: Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y) J.Lackie abstained.
Treasurer: $1566.00 salary Previous Salary $1540.00
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013, the salary of the two trustee(s) shall be as follows reflecting the cost of living.Motion by P. Humphrey, support J. Lackie. Roll Call: Lackie(y)Sable(Y)Wells(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Trustee(s): $505.10 each. Previous Salary $496.65 each
The foregoing resolutions offered by board member ___see above________________________.
Supported by board member __see above_______________________.
Upon a roll call vote, the following voted: ____ALL___Aye _____)___No.
The Resolution was declared adopted.
__Patricia D. Humphrey__________________________________, Cler
WHEREAS, the township board deems that an adjustment in the wage of the following positions is warranted in consideration of the increase of cost of living and additional duties of the Blight enforcement officer.
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013 the wage of the first position at the transfer site shall be as follows: The wage of the second position(s) at the transfer site shall be as follows.Motion by P.Humphrey, support S. Sable. Roll Call: Lackie(Y)Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Note: Mark Lightfoot said this was all illegal that the board did all this at a meeting that was not posted according to PA267(2-1-13) Open Meetings Act. The Board held a workshop which was posted at the hall, we were not aware of the Public Act. There were no decisions or actions taken at the workshop.
First Position: $13.35 Previous wage $13.10
Second Position(s) $10.70 Previous wage $10
BE IT RESOLVED, that as of April 1, 2013 the wage of Blight Enforcement Officer shall be as follows:
Motion by P. Humphrey,support byS. Sable.Roll Call: Lackie(Y)Wells(Y)Sable(Y)Humphrey(Y)
Blight Enforcement Officer: $300.00 per month. Previous wage $278.00 per month.
The foregoing resolutions offered by board member ____see above___________________.
Supported by board member ____see above___________________.
Upon roll call vote, the following voted: ___ALL_____Aye ___0___No.
The resolution was declared adopted.
___Patricia D. Humphrey_______________________________, Clerk.
This resolution assumes that there is no annual meeting. It assumes that there is no salary commission established by MCL 41.95(4).
Pursuant to MCL 41.95(7), a salary resolution cannot result in a reduction of salary during an official’s term of office unless the responsibilities and requirements of that office are diminished, and the official agrees in writing to that reduction.
If, within 30 days after the township board votes, a petition signed by 10% of the qualified electors of the township if filed requesting that the question be submitted to the electorate, the township board shall call a special election and submit the question of salary to the electors.
This document shall be duly filed with the general appropriations act for the Freeman Township budget year 2013-2014.
_Patricia D. Humphrey_____, clerk, February 14, 20
_Janet Lackie_______,treasurer , February 14, 2013
A resolution to establish a general appropriations act for Freeman Township, to define the powers and duties of the Freeman township officers in relation to the administration of the budget; and to provide remedies for refusal or neglect to comply with the requirements of this resolution.
The Board of Trustees of Freeman Township ordains (resolves):
This resolution shall be known as the Freeman Township General Appropriations Act.
Section 2: Chief Administration Officer
The Supervisor shall be the Chief Administrative Officer and shall perform the duties of the Chief Administrative Officer enumerated in this act. The Supervisor shall have final responsibility for the budget preparation, presentation of the budget to the township board and the control of expenditures under the budget and the general appropriations act, unless the township board designates some other individual.
Section 3: Fiscal Officer(s)
The Clerk and the Treasurer shall be the Fiscal Officers and shall perform the duties of the Fiscal Officers enumerated in this act.
Section 4: Public Hearings on the Budget
For general law townships: Pursuant to MCLA 141,412; MCLA 141,413, notice of a public hearing on the proposed budget was published in the Clare County News and Review (general circulation) on March 1, 2013 and a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget was held on March 14, 2013.
Section 5: Millage Levy
The Freeman Township Board shall cause to be levied and collected the general property tax on all real and personal property with the Township upon the current tax roll an allocated millage of.0852 mill for township operations; and voter authorized mills of .61500 for fire protection and .50000 mill for Special millage Fire , 2.98500 for road construction and maintenance, for a total mills of 4.92
Section 6: Estimated Revenues
Estimated township general fund revenues for fiscal year 2013/2014, including allocated millage, voter-authorized millage and various miscellaneous revenues shall total $414131.09 including; Rubbish (61089.00) Fire (28609.44) Fire Special (20921.92) Roads (138722.23) Windover Lake, Special Assessment (8800.00)
Section 7: Estimated Expenditures
Estimated township general fund expenditures for fiscal year 2013/2014 for the various township activities (cost centers) are as follows: Minus Rubbish (61089.00) Fire (28609.44) Fire Special (20921.92) Roads (138722.23) Windover Lake Special Assessment (8800.00) Estimated expenditures are listed on attached sheet by departments.
Section 8: Adoption of Budget By Cost Center
The Freeman Township Board of Trustees adopts the 2013/2014 fiscal year general fund budget by cost center. Township officials responsible for the expenditures authorized in the budget expend township funds up to, but not to exceed, the total appropriation authorized for each cost center, and may make transfers of appropriations for line items related to personnel or capital outlays may be made without prior board approval by budget amendment.
Section 9: Payment of Bills
Pursuant to MCLA 41.75, all claims against the Township shall be approved by the Freeman Township Board prior to being paid. The township Clerk and Treasurer may pay certain bills prior to approval by the Township Board to avoid late penalties, service charges and interest (primarily utilities) and payroll in accordance with the approved salaries and hourly rates adopted in this appropriations act. The Township Board shall receive a list of claims paid prior to approval at the next board meeting.
Section 10: Wages
Included in the various Activities/Departments are amounts of salary, hourly and per diem rates for the officials and employees of the Township as follows:
Supervisor $1068.00 Monthly
Clerk $ 1566.00 Monthly
Treasurer $ 1566.00 Monthly
Trustees (2) $505.10 ea. Monthly
Deputies (all) $9.50 Hourly
Burials $350.00 Cremation Burials $75.00
Planning Chairman $100.00 Per Meeting
Planning Secretary $100.00 Per Meeting
Planning Members (3) $ 60.00 Per Meeting
ZBA Chair $ 40.00 Per Meeting
ZBA Member $ 30.00 Per Meeting
Building Inspector (Paid by Permit fee) Monthly
Zoning Administrator (Paid by Permit fee) plus $100.00 Monthly
Blight Enforcement Officer $300.00 Monthly
Regular Cleaning/Maintenance $ 8.50 Per Hour
Election Chairs $120.00 Per Day
Election Inspectors $110.00 Per Day
Alternates (Just to be on call) $ 25.00
B.O.R. $60.00 Per Day
$30.00 Per ½ Day
Meetings (MTA, Etc. $20.00 Per Meeting
Mileage will be paid appropriately at a rate of 55.5 per gallon.
Section 10: Specific Appropriation
There is appropriated in the Road Fund $83,000.00 for the overlay on Spring Avenue and funds to do approximately one mile of limestone.
Section 11: Periodic Financial Reports
The Township Clerk shall periodically provide to the Township Board a report of fiscal year to date revenues and expenditures as compared to budgeted amounts in the various funds of the township. Quarter reports and summary statements of condition will further be provided.
Section 12: Violations of this Act
Any obligation incurred or payment authorized in violation of this resolution shall be void and shall subject any responsible official(s) or employee(s) to disciplinary action outlined in P.A.621 (1978)
Section 13: Board Adoption
Motion made by Richard Wells, Seconded by Sandra Sable to adopt the foregoing resolution. Upon Roll Call vote,
A. Housler (x) Aye ( ) Nay
J. Lackie ( x) Aye ( ) Nay
S. Sable (x ) Aye ( ) Nay
R. Wells ( x) Aye ( ) Nay
P. Humphrey ( x) Aye ( ) Nay
The Supervisor declared the motion carried and the resolution carried and adopted on the
14th. day of March, 2013
Patricia D. Humphrey, Township Clerk
The March 14, 2013 Public Hearing to adopt the 2013/2014 General Appropriations Budget for Freeman Township was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Housler. Board members A. Housler, Supervisor, Janet Lackie, Treasurer, P. Humphrey, Clerk and Trustees, S. Sable and R. Wells along with thirty-five citizens and guests were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call.
The Supervisor told those present that copies of the budget were available on the back table. He presented a general overview of the budget stating that our total millage levy remains the same at 4.92. He said we are close to having a major problem with the cost of rubbish removal. The board has been in meetings with Waste Management and will talk with other haulers in our area. He stressed the need to do some revamping of the way we provide the current level of operations. He further reported that the township will do the overlay on Spring Avenue and would look at doing a small project with limestone as well, further information will be forthcoming. Supervisor Housler stated that the salaries of the board would increase by the 1.7 cost of living increase with the exception of the Clerk’s salary which was increased to put her at the same wage as the treasurer.
A future issue that we will be addressing will be a cost increase with Lincoln Township for the services we receive from them in regards to our fire protection. With that the meeting was opened to the membership for comment.
Shaun Wiseman ask why we did not set up our own fire department, he felt with grant money that he says is available we could do it perhaps cheaper than having Lincoln do it. He said he knew older equipment could be refurbished. Bob Woolsey said that was an area that had to be looked at closely, that we sure did not need faulty equipment. Mark Lightfoot pointed out that there are many under laying costs that contribute to the operation of a fire department. The Clerk asks Wiseman to provide the office with some of the websites he had visited regarding fire departments. Dorothy Burdo questioned just how many volunteer fire fighters we could get out of the residents of the township due to the many older persons.
Marilyn Woolsey commented on the amount of rubbish she has seen going to our transfer site and feels it is coming from outside the township. John Phillips ask if there was something we could change, does it cost a lot to recycle. It does cost a lot and there may be some things we can change.
Brenda Blain asks the board if this was the time to talk about the wages. Bernard Blain said that a 28% increase to one person is just not right. They had made some phone calls and no one gets what Freeman is asking for. R. Wells stated the wage survey from MTA was available to show the wage across the township and the state. Mark Lightfoot said they (the Board) voted on the salary last week. Blain said “you mean to tell me they snuck this in on us”. Blain said this calls for a recall and he left the hall.
R. Meitz asks the Supervisor to explain the pay increases. Supervisor Housler attempted to explain that nothing was done illegally or behind any persons back in regards to posting of meetings and the pay increases. Jaynie Hoerauf, our Township Attorney, addressed the ruling for posting public meetings, specials meetings, regular meetings. Leo Stevens clarified the raise the three members received when they did away with medical insurance. Margaret Roberts spoke out in favor of the clerks wage being equal with the treasurer. There were further questions about how the board arrived at the wage increase, how many meetings did you talk about this without notifying the membership. The issue is that the board voted on an issue that the previous supervisor and members thought should be voted on at a meeting specifically for the budget.
Brenda Blain stated that she disagrees with the way the board voted on the wage issue and her objection is duly noted in these minutes.
Geri Shaw stated she felt that the clerk should be paid the same as the treasurer.
Lori Lightfoot felt the wage should not have been given all at once should have been over a period of time.
Richard Wells moved to adjourn the public hearing, motion supported by P. Humphrey. There will be a ten minute recess before the regular township meeting.
The March 14, 2013 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:59 pm. Board Members, Housler, Lackie, Humphrey, Sable and Wells were present for Roll Call along with members.
The minutes of the February 14, 2013 meeting were approved with a motion from R. Wells and support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Attorney Hoerauf gave the audience an update on the Medical Marijuana Act and where we stand at this time. She further discussed the Municipal Partnership Act wherein any two governments for instance Township to Township can merge to perform a service and they can levy up to five mills to support that service.
Dale Majewski told us that United Rescue Service has ceased operation and MMR will honor United contracts for six months. Citizens may get a contract from MMR for $49.00 that covers anyone that lives in the residence.
Michael Gould, township assessor and Tom Brubaker along with Sgt. Robert Hager were not able to be here tonight.
There followed a motion to approve the Treasurers report and approve the payment of check numbers 12942 through 12975. Early checks being 12942 through 12948 from R. Wells with support from S. Sable. Vote Taken –Motion Carried.
Clerks Correspondence:
The Planning Commission sent a letter recommending a renewal of the Freeman Township Medical Marijuana Moratorium Resolution. Township Attorney states that we don’t need to renew this; we do not have an interest in what an individual grows for his private use.
Supervisors Correspondence:
There was no correspondence but he took this opportunity to report that Board of Review went very well and the people that sat on the board did very well.
Unfinished Business:
P. Humphrey with support from J. Lackie moved to approve the appointment of Rick Seig to the Zoning Board of Appeals with R. Wells as an alternate. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
New Business:
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to approved the proposed 2013/2014 Fiscal year budget according to the Freeman Township Appropriations Act. Roll Call Vote: A. Housler (Yes)
J. Lackie (Yes)
S. Sable (Yes)
R. Wells (Yes)
P. Humphrey (Yes)
Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Planning: Leo Stevens newly elected Chairman reported that Gary Maas was reelected Secretary and John Phillips is Vice Chair. They will continue to update the ordinance and present them to the board as they are completed.
Building: W. Mantei issued one permit for a new home on Pinecroft.
Zoning: H. Logan (no report).
Blight: H. Logan (no report).
Roads: R. Wells, nothing to report
Rubbish: no report
Motion to adjourn at 8:55 pm from R. Wells with support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carrie
Next meeting will be April 11, 2013
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The April 11, 2013 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Alan Housler. Fifteen citizens and guests were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers. Present were, Supervisor Housler, Clerk, Humphrey, Treasurer, Lackie, Trustees, Sable and Wells.
Supervisor ask if there was a motion to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing to approve the budget (The 2012 General Appropriations Act) There being no additions or corrections R. Wells moved to accept, J. Lackie in support. Vote Taken – All Ayes. Motion Carried.
Supervisor ask for a motion to approve the minutes of the regular Board meeting of March 14, 2013. There were no additions or corrections S. Sable moved to accept and R. Wells supported. Vote Taken – All Ayes. Motion Carried.
Guest, Dale Majewski, Clare County Road Commissioner reported that House Bill #4207 regulating the practice of burning household waste had passed. Prohibited items are plastic, rubber, foam, chemically treated wood, textiles, electronics or hazardous materials. If citizens know these items are being burned they should notify the Sheriff’s department. Yard waste (brush, leaves, and common household waste, cardboard and paper products) can still be burned in a contained manner. Majewski further advised citizens to call or go on line to get burning permits.
The Treasurer report was made available for citizens. This report shows all bank balances as of meeting date. P. Humphrey moved to approve check numbers 12976 through 13010, recognizing two early checks, 12976 and 12977, support from R. Wells. Vote Taken – All Ayes. Motion Carried.
Clerks Correspondence: Mark Lightfoot delivered a petition containing 98 signatures in protest of the wage resolution voted on at the February board meeting. Supervisor Housler told the citizens present that the township had received from MTA an Attorney General Opinion regarding this action. That opinion stated that the actions taken by the board were done correctly. This opinion and supporting documents are available from the office. The opinion further stated that the petition was not delivered within the thirty day time frame (within 30 days of the date of the resolution February 14, 2013). The Board heard comments from the citizens and again explained the procedure that was followed. Copies of the documents received were given to Brenda Blain and a letter will be sent to Mark Lightfoot containing this same documentation.
A letter was received from Lake Taho Property Owners Association requesting use of the Township Hall for their May 25th and August 31st. meetings. Dates were approved and a letter will be sent to the Secretary, Rene’ Swain.
A second letter was received by the Township from Lake Taho Property Owners Association asking the township to establish a special assessment district for maintenance and control of aquatic weeds in the lake. The board will review all the paperwork and determine if and when there will be a public hearing on this request. There were questions from Brenda Blain as to exactly who would be part of this district, would it just be people on the water or back lots as well, she stated that there is no public access to this lake so not everyone should have to pay. It was explained that each property owner within the district would pay (one assessment per property owner, not per parcel).
Supervisor’s Correspondence included a notice from the Department of Transportation announcing their annual Rural Elected Officials meeting to be held April 26th from 9 am to 12 noon. Supervisor will attend and anyone else is welcome to go with him.
The brine dates have been settled with Michigan Chloride Sales and the County Road Commission. The dates for this season will be May 22nd. July 2nd. and August 27th. within the week prior to the holidays. Supervisor Housler was able to negotiate a small price decrease by paying MCS on a net ten days basis as opposed to the net 30 days exercised in the past. Citizens are ask to call the Supervisor or the Office if you live on a road that is missed when MCS does the brining.
The Clare County Planning Commission announcing an Asset Based Community Development Session for anyone in the township that might be interested. This session is scheduled for April 18, 2013 from 6 pm until 9 pm.
Also received was a letter from the Clare County Board of Commissioners offering some clarification on the Clare County Road Naming and Addressing Ordinance. The letter stated that it is not objective of the ordinance to correct or change any previously established road names or addresses. Clare County Community Development will continue to establish new addresses and follow procedures set forth in Ordinance #24 Sec. 12.0, unless CCCD has been notified by the local jurisdiction.
Unfinished Business: Freeman Township is meeting with Lincoln Township to discuss the proposed contract changes for our township fire protection. The board has ask Leo Stevens to be part of these discussions. Lincoln would like more funds from Freeman for this service and have given Freeman until 2014 to get this matter settled to both townships satisfaction. Freeman has had an excellent working situation with Lincoln for many years and we look forward to many more. One area that citizens can help in this area is to volunteer as a fire fighter in Lincoln Township. Volunteers are always needed and you can get an application from the Freeman Township office or from Lincoln Township.
New Business: The Township is interviewing for a new Assessor. Mike Gould is looking to do something else and we need to hire a new assessor in a timely manner. We have interviewed several very good firms and have made the decision to hire Northern Michigan Assessing Services, PLLC from St. Helen, MI. Frank Gentz works locally in Grant and Surrey Townships as well as others townships. Contact information will be made available in the next week on the website and from the Clerk.
Committee Reports:
Planning, L. Stevens: The commission is reviewing Ordinance numbers 21 – 25- and 29. They will also be reviewing the Master Plan for any revision or changes if necessary, the Master Plan requires review every five years.
Building, W. Mantei: wrote a permit for a pole barn and a ramp.
Zoning, H. Logan: wrote a permit for a pole barn and a ramp.
Blight, H. Logan: working on 2 open cases on Ashcroft Dr.
Roads, R. Wells: nothing to report at this time.
Rubbish: The Board is taking to different companies and investigating ways to save money at the Transfer Site. The hauling fees and the fuel and environmental fees are really excessive as is the cost of the large 30 yard dumpster we have had at the Site during the summer months.
Comments or Concerns from the Citizens:
Brenda Blain stated that the roads are very bad, Monroe is horrible. Tom Williams reported the conditions on Poplar, Cook and Adams where the State has been doing cutting. The trucks are really destroying these roads. The Supervisor said him and Wells would be looking at all the roads with the Road commission in the next weeks.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:00 pm, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next Township meeting will be May 9, 2013 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
The May 9, 2013 Freeman Township monthly board meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Housler. Fifteen guests and citizens were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers. Housler, Lackie, Humphrey, Sable and Wells were all present.
The April 11, 2013 minutes were approved as presented. Motion from R. Wells, support S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
County Commissioner Dale Majewski reported that the State of MI says Clare County is one of twenty-nine counties in the state that is eligible for revenue sharing from the state. The exact amounts are not known but townships will be getting some funding.
Majewski updated us on the Mannsiding & Old State Ave. road projects that are underway. The intersection of old 27 & Mannsiding Road will be done first and then the road will be closed down between Mannsiding and 61 until the project is completed. The only way into the college will be the back entry off Mannsiding road.
There is still a No Burn order in effect. Always call or go on line to check conditions for burning and to get a permit. The clerk ask about getting some type of sign for our hall to announce the fire danger. She will contact the DNR to see how to go about this.
Ed Garver from the Clare County Road Commission reported that the new 4/wheel drive boom truck will be used throughout the county for various projects. The new crack seal machine will be able to do a better job as it uses more material at a higher heat and can be used almost year around. They also have a new roller that is called a walk and roll.
The Treasurer’s report was made available and R. Wells, support from P. Humphrey moved to approve the payment of check numbers 13011 through 13041 with one early check (13011)payable to Lincoln Twp. for fire protection.
Clerk’s correspondence and report revealed the Service Contract from Equalization for the 2013 tax year. There were no changes to the contract and it will be signed by the Supervisor and the Clerk. FEMA sent a notification of map amendment for Lots 24 and 25 of Tamarack Subdivision these lots are no longer in the flood plain. The Township further received the new Campground licenses for the 2013 year; they are Lake of the Pines, Sandy Shores, Big Mud Lake, Lost Lake Boy Scouts Family Camp and the Place to Be Campground.
The Clerk requested that the following Election Workers be approved for the coming year: V. Brauner, R. Boerner, H. French, N. Green, S. Meitz, D. Nance, S. Pace, D. Pohoda, and M. Roberts. S. Sable, G. Shaw, S. Turner. The board gave approval.
The Board also received from the Planning Commission the reviewed and revised Master Plan for the Township which is required to be reviewed every five years.
The Supervisor received a letter from the county Treasurer with a list of foreclosed properties that were being offered to the Townships if they had a township use for them. There being no properties that would be of use to us he will sign the paperwork and return it to the county.
Road Agreements for the two projects the township is considering for 2013 received for approval if the bids came in within our price range. Pinehurst Drive from Ashard Road South to road end, (.74 mi) with limestone estimated at $36,550.00 and Spring/Norway Avenue from Mannsiding to Monroe (1.24 mi) HMA overlay approx. 1 ½ “ thick x 23’ wide (existing width) estimated at Township Share $42,600.00.
Supervisor Housler also addressed the Fire Protection negotiations the Township is having with Lincoln Township. Lincoln is asking for a substantial increase from Freeman, that being said the Board is looking at all our resources and will keep the membership updated as we progress.
Under new business S. Sable moved to approve the contracts with the Road Commission pending the results of the bids they will open and the final cost figures, these are for the Spring Avenue and limestone on Pinehurst. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to approve the previously named Election Workers for the 2013 year. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Planning – L. Stevens: They have completed the review and suggested changes for the remaining ordinances and the review of the Master Plan. The next project is the work on the Wind Ordinance.
Building – W. Matei: wrote 4 permits
Zoning- H. Logan: No Permits
Blight – H. Logan: Closed one open case on Ashcroft and opened to more. A citizen ask to have Harold look at a situation on Spring Ave.
Roads – R. Wells: Brining will be done the week before the holidays and the Memorial brine date is the 22nd.
There being no further business or comments R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:45pm support from J. Lackie. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be June 13, 2013.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
The Freeman Township regular board meeting was called to order on June 13, 2013 at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Al Housler. Present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of officers were Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells along with twenty-eight citizens.
Copies of the Agenda, meeting minutes and treasurer reports were made available. J. Lackie moved to accept the minutes with no corrections or additions. Support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Shelly Browning from Weinlander Fitzhugh did a presentation of the townships year ended review, March 31, 2013. General Fund Balance decreased $37,678 – balance 3/31/13 $138,564
Fire Fund Balance was unchanged and remained zero at 3/31/13
Road Fund Balance decreased $13,633 – balance 278.042 at 3/31/13
Garbage Collection Fund decreased $19,192 – balance $77,504 at 3/31/13
Any citizen who wants to look at the final audit report is welcome to do so during regular office hours at the township hall.
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner reported to us that the county after reviewing all bids for janitorial service awarded the contract to AWOL services.
Dale spoke about the watercraft rules and safety leaving some booklets for citizens to see the updates. He said anyone operating a watercraft of 6 hp or more born after July 1, 1996 must have a boater safety permit.
Congratulations to Senior Services for the grant they received from Trans Canada in the amount of $1500.00 for the purchase of thermal bags, coolers and heat/cold packs for transporting Home Delivered meals. Good job Carol Majewski who wrote the grant.
P. Humphrey moved to approve check numbers 13042 through 13079, recognizing early checks 13042 through 13048, support from R. Wells. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported under correspondence that the letter from Central Michigan District Health Department stated that they would no longer be monitoring the public beaches and testing the water for E.coli bacterial contamination. The letter reads; if your public bathing beach is no longer going to be monitored for E.coli bacteria by the Local Health Department, and/or you are not planning on implementing your own sampling program in accordance with Michigan Standards, you MUST BY LAW post the beach as no tested for E. coli contamination to determine whether the water is safe for bathing purposes in accordance with The Public Acts of 2002, Act 507. The letter provided an example of a beach posting sign that meets the requirements of the law. You can also call 989-426-8985 to seek assistance to begin a sampling program or send an email to
The Township will hold two public hearing to hear objections to the Lake Taho weed control Special Assessment. The hearings will be held on July 16, 2013 at 3:00 PM at the township hall. The second hearing will follow the first after a short recess. You may review the documentation for the Special Assessment district at the township hall during regular business hours, or call the clerk for an appointment.
The Board also received a letter from Justin Blain requesting information regarding a lot on Lake Taho that was purchased by the township. This transaction took place several years ago and the paperwork looked at before the Board can respond to Mr. Blain’s request.
Supervisor Housler reported on the proposed Fire Protection contract with Lincoln Township. He stated that our revenues for fire protection have declined over the past few years and the cost of operating and serving our township has increased. Freeman was paying in the area of $50,000.00 for protection and the new contract calls for $70,000.00 with a COLA increase. We will need to increase our millage ¾ of a mill to meet this contract. This board did explore several other possibilities but the fact remains our best service comes from Lincoln because they are so close and they have served us well over the years. We will hold two public hearings to inform the citizens of this need and welcome all suggestions. The dates that have been scheduled for the Public hearings are August 8th at 7:00 PM and September 12th at 7:00 PM followed by the regular board meetings. A motion was made by S. Sable to sign the Fire Protection Contract with Lincoln Township and supported by R. Wells. A Roll Call Vote was done with the following results: S. Sable Yes A. Housler Yes
R. Wells yes P. Humphrey Yes. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
J. Lackie Yes
The next area of discussion was the Transfer Station and the funding of it. Again the costs keep going up with Waste Management especially the fuel and environmental fees. The Board is researching different avenues and haulers to see if we can get a better more effective cost. In the next few months we will be giving you information as we get it and will appreciate all your suggestions and impute.
Planning: L. Stevens, planning has been working on the cost recovery ordinance for the Fire Protection hoping to have that ready for next month. Then they will get back to wind ordinances.
Building: W. Mantei, five permits
Zoning: H. Logan,
Blight: H. Logan,
Roads: R. Wells reported that the overlay has been done on Spring Avenue. They still have the shoulders to finish, but the overlay looks very nice.
The question was asked, why did the road commission not grade beyond Delos Blain’s property to the dead end of Cook, and it never gets brined. We will look at this road and see why this is.
Comments or concerns from the Citizens:
Mark Lightfoot ask about the signs for the Lakes, Windover, Taho, Norway and Lake of the Pines. Clerk explained that we are back to square one with drawings and she had not gotten back with Hogger’s Custom Signs. The Clerk will make a concerted effort to look into this before the next meeting.
Mr. Lightfoot also ask again about the dispute he has over the last paycheck he received from the Township. He feels he was shorted eight days, as was R. Lightfoot and H. Bardallis. He is asking again for copies of email the clerk received.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:37 PM, support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting July 11, 2013.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The July 11, 2013 Freeman Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Twenty-two citizens along with Supervisor Housler, Treasurer Lackie, Trustee’s Sable and Wells and Clerk Humphrey were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers.
R. Wells with support from S. Sable moved to approve the June 13th. minutes as presented. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner brought us up to date on County issues. He reported they are working on the budget and will hold a Public Hearing in August and approve the budget in August.
The Harrison District Library is offering some computer classes for the month of July. The library is a good place to do these classes, they are free and they offer several different classes.
The Treasurers Report was made available and S. Sable with support from R. Wells moved to approve check numbers 13080 through 13111, early checks being 13080 through13082. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported on another scam. Has your computer been frozen with a message warning you that you have violated some federal law? Did the message look like it came from the FBI or some other federal law enforcement agency? If so you have been hit by a drive-by download. In order to unlock your computer you are asked to pay a fine using a prepaid money card or some other untraceable method. The malware that has been installed on your computer runs in the background and captures personal information such as credit card numbers and online banking credentials. Even if you think they have removed the malware, it remains long after and continues to steal sensitive information. Never pay money or provide personal information to any suspicious entity online. If you have a bad feeling about something don’t do it and report suspicious activities to law enforcement.
Election Inspectors for the Aug. 6th. Special Election is as follows: Democrats: V. Brauner, M. Roberts, S. Sable, P. Humphrey. Republicans: G. Shaw, S. Pace, R. Boerner. S. Meitz is the alternate.
There being no Supervisor’s correspondence the Public Hearing for the weed control at Lake Taho was discussed. The Board will hold back to back hearings on July 16th. beginning at 3:00 pm
Supervisor Housler also said that Freeman Township will hold public hearings for the ¾ mill increase for fire protection (RE: Act 33 of 1951. Police and Fire Protection for General Law Townships) MCL 41.801 on August 8th. and September 12th. at 7:00 pm just prior to the Regular Township Board Meetings.
Under New Business the Supervisor reported the poor and costly services the township is receiving from Waste Management for our rubbish hauling. The service is becoming more and more costly, fuel charges on top of costly mishandling of the 30 yard open tops and the recycle containers is forcing the Board to look at other options. The Supervisor asked for a motion to notify Waste Management by certified letter that we are investigating alternative waste disposal options. In order for the township to exercise available options, and in conformance with Section 2 and Section 10 (e), Freeman Township is issuing Waste Management this notice of termination of the November 12, 2009 contract whose account number is 327-0044787-1723-6. Motion made by R. Wells and support from S. Sable to send this directive to Waste Management stating that the township may request an early termination without penalty. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Planning- L. Stevens reported on his conversation with Chief Walterhouse of the Mt. Pleasant fire department that handles the mutual aid services for hazardous waste. Freeman has no means to join in a mutual aid agreement but we can be covered through our contract with Lincoln Township and pay an annual fee for this service. He also stated that we already have a cost recovery ordinance that just needs to be updated allowing Lincoln to bill for services on behalf of Freeman. The Planning Board is going to begin working again on the remaining ordinances and wind energy and a fireworks ordinance.
Building Insp. – W. Mantei wrote 8 permits and turned in $629.80.
Zoning Adm. – H. Logan wrote 2 permits and turned in $70.00.
Harold is looking into a situation on Monroe that has two dwellings on one lot and he is also looking into the cabins on 115 that are being rented and the sign says banquets and weddings.
Blight – H. Logan is following up on cases on Twin Lakes Ave. Ashard Road and Ashcroft Dr.
Roads – R. Wells reported the shoulder work is finished on Spring Ave. where they just did the overlay. He also reported that the road commission anticipates starting work on Pinehurst in mid August.
Comments and Concerns: Planning will meet on Monday, August 5th. instead of the 6th. due to the Special Election being held at the hall on the 6th.
Motion to adjourn at 7:46 pm by R. Wells and support from S. Sable.
Next Meeting will be August 8, 2013 at 7:00 pm (Public Hearing for fire millage)
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
August 8, 2013 Supervisor Al Housler called the first of two scheduled Public Hearings to order for the discussion of increasing the millage for Fire Protection from Lincoln Township to order with the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers. All officers (Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, and Sable & Wells) were present along with eleven citizens.
The Supervisor explained that the Township has entered into a ten year agreement with Lincoln Township which will require Freeman to raise our millage rate to meet the need. Tom Williams said that other Townships were charging more than Lincoln was asking from us. Harold Logan said he could find no fault with the quality of the service from Lincoln’s first responders as did other citizens. Gary Maas offered positive comments to the board for their diligence in getting the new agreement with Lincoln. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:10 PM with a motion from S. Sable and support from R. Wells. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The Second scheduled Public Hearing will be held prior to the board meeting of September 12, 2013, 7:00 PM.
The August 8, 2013 regular Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM by Supervisor Housler. Having dispensed with the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Office for the Public Hearing (All officers were present for the Regular Meeting) we went right to business.
The Minutes of the July 11, 2013 meeting were approved by a motion from R. Wells and support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Clare County Commission, Dale Majewski spoke briefly on county business. They have been working on the budget and he is quite confident they have a working budget. He further reported that both the Senior Services Millage and the 911 renewal both passed. Pere Marquette District Library is once again offering some computer classes free of charge during the month of August.
The Treasurer’s report was made available on the back table and P. Humphrey moved to pay check numbers 13112 through 13154, early checks written were check numbers 13112 through 13116, Clare County Review, Clare County Treasurer, Delos Blain, Isabella Fire Chiefs Association and PLM Lake and Land Management (RE: Windover Lake). This motion was supported by S. Sable, Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported that the millage proposals for Senior Services and 911 renewals for services passed in the county and also the township. Clare County at this election had 23,239 registered voters and there was 1,686 ballots cast county wide, 7.25% of the voters felt it necessary to get out and vote.
The Supervisor touched briefly regarding our concerns with the service we are receiving from Waste Management; he highlighted the increased cost for fuel and environmental charges and the decreasing level of service we are getting. The Township will hold two Public Hearings regarding a millage increase to take care of rubbish costs; this increase will be necessary whether we remain with Waste Management or go with a new vendor. The Public hearings will be held in the near future and notices will be published in the Clare County Review, on the sign at the Township Hall and at the Transfer Site.
The Supervisor highlighted the points of the agreement the Township Attorney drew up for use with Special Assessment districts. This agreement sites the Special Assessment District as the general contractor and dismisses any liability to the Township. The Township is the vehicle to collect the money and nothing more. This agreement will be signed by Lake Taho’s president and secretary and will be presented to Windover Lake as well for their Special Assessment District. This agreement will be used for any future Special Assessment Districts.
He also read a letter from Rod Jones who has property on Spring Avenue. Mr. Jones rides a motor cycle and he feels the loose gravel being kicked up on the intersection of Grass Lake, Mannsiding and Spring is just as dangerous as ice and snow and ask if there was something that could be done about the problem. Housler and Wells have both spoken with Ron Bushong of the Road Commission and the problem is being looked at.
Under New Business a motion was entered from J. Lackie with support from R. Wells to approve the agreement for the Lake Taho Special Assessment District. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Planning – L. Stevens: will be presenting to the board the revised ordinance for the Fire Protection. They will now finish the ordinance for the Wind Ordinance and also the Fire Works Ordinance.
Building – W. Mantei: wrote 2 permits for a deck and a reroof.
Zoning – H. Logan: has received several calls regarding permits, but did not write any new ones.
Blight – H. Logan: The trailer be demolished on Ashard Road is being cleaned up. Judy Willey’s place on Shadowbrook is pretty much cleaned up. The reported blight on Tamarack is not really blight but the materials there have been cleaned up. The owner of the property on Twin Lakes Ave. cannot be verified but Harold is still pursuing this. The trailer on Ashcroft that was red tagged is still under investigation as to who took the tag off; the Health Department will be contacted for further information.
There being no further comments or concerns R. Wells with support from J. Lackie moved to adjourn at 8:00 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting is September 12, 2013. The second Public Hearing for Fire Millage will be followed by the regular Township Board Meeti
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
On Thursday the 12th of September Supervisor Housler called to order the second and final Public Hearing for the need to increase the millage for Fire Protection from Lincoln Township. Officers, Housler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable and Wells along with sixteen citizens were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call.
The Townships Special Assessment district for fire protection was created in 1974 under Act 33 of 1951.
Police and Fire Protection (for General Law Townships) MCL 41.801. Once the special assessment district is created, the township(s) may annually appropriate the sum necessary for maintenance and operation of the fire/police department, by resolution.
Lincoln has not asked for or received any increase in funding for the services they provide to Freeman Township in many years. The new contract is for a 10 year period at a cost of $70,000.00 commencing with the Fiscal Year 2013, and with an adjusted increase annually equal to the Michigan CPI. Further Lincoln shall provide Fire and Emergency Services to the property owners and residents located in this defined area known as Freeman Township.
Supervisor Housler asked the citizens twice if there were any questions or concerns regarding the increase of .75 mills for the Fire Protection provided by Lincoln Township, hearing none he declared the Public Hearing adjourned at 7:06 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The regular Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm on September 12, 2013.
Officers, Houlsler, Humphrey, Lackie, Sable, and Wells and 16 citizens were present.
R. Wells with support from J. Lackie moved to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2013 meeting with no corrections or additions. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The membership heard from Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner. Dale reported that Central Michigan Health Department was notified that they have become the 1st Nationally Certified Health Department in Michigan. Ground breaking for the new Central Michigan Health Clinic and the new Clare County Dental Clinic will be Tuesday, September 17 at 4:00 pm. The location will be on old 27 out of Harrison by the Mental Health Department.
Our second guest speaker was Jean Gaskill, Library Director for the Surrey Township Public Library in Farwell. Jean told us about the services the library offers including the use of E books available to home bound persons, and the delivery of books to homebound persons. Thirty percent or 349 of Freeman Township residents hold a valid library card. The library keeps a count of every time a person walks through the Library’s door. The total number of visits for 2012 was 41,630 giving the library an average of 146 visitors per day.
The Treasurers report was available to the citizens and S. Sable with support from R. Wells moved to approve check numbers 13155 through 13199, early checks were 13158 through 13161. Void check numbers were13155, 13156, and 13157. Vote Taken – Motion Carried
Clerk’s Correspondence included a letter from Jerry Becker, Clare County Emergency Mgt. Director stating that the county is building on its temporary shelter capabilities throughout the county and would Freeman Township be interested in placing our hall on the list for use during weather related emergencies. The Board and the citizens present thought this was a very good thing and we will send a letter back to Mr. Becker stating such.
A letter was also received from Harold Brooks asking the township to buy back two of the four cemetery lots purchased by his parents who are deceased and buried in two of the lots. The board agreed to buy back the two lots at the original purchase price. The board further agreed to buy back one lot from Carolyn Thomas at the original purchase price.
The Supervisor explained the liability insurance the Township has through Burnham and Flower. Based on our yearly review with Larry Clever we feel the need to increase our liability limit to $2,000,000 and to increase our Zoning limit to $250,000.
Unfinished Business: The Supervisor updated the citizens on the upcoming changes to the operation of the Transfer Site. We have had several issues with Waste Management over the past several months including equipment that has not been kept in good repair, change outs of containers and recycle bins and rising costs through fuel and environmental fees. Letters and phone calls to W/M have not solved any of the problems. The Township took bids from Waste Mgt. Republic and American Waste. In comparison studies of the bids American Waste and Republic came in lower in each area; hauling fees, compactor rentals and fees for the 30 yard open tops. Both W/M and Republic require a three year contract. American Waste does not require a contract and they do not charge fuel and environmental fees unless the price for diesel exceeds $4.50 per gallon. American Waste is based in Wexford County.
R. Wells with support from J. Lackie moved to accept the bid from American Waste. The rates being, $650.00 for a 40 yard pull, $380.00 per month compactor rental (compactor is 1 year old) and $450.00 for a recycle pull and $450.00 for the 30 yard open top with no contract or fuel and environmental charges. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
W/M charges were $695.00 for a 40 yard pull, $450.00 rental on compactor (that was 11 years old) $500.00 for the recycle pull and 30 yard open top, plus the heavy fuel and environment fees. The Board will not raise the rates for the rubbish at this time but take several months to see just how the costs with American go. The question of curb side pickup will also be looked at very closely in the next several months. American Waste will be up and running at our site by October 16th. A 30 yard open top will be on site on Oct. 20th. The Wednesday hours for the Transfer site will be 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm effective October 1st Sunday hours will remain the same. The newsletter that will come in your winter tax bill will have more information about the transfer site.
Under New Business J. Lackie with support from R. Wells moved to approve the additional .75 mills for the Fire Protection provided by Lincoln Township under Act 33 of 1951. Police and Fire Protection (for General Law Townships) MCL 41.801. This millage increase will be on the 2013 Winter Tax Bill. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Five Yes Votes.
Committee Reports:
Planning – L. Stevens reported that Planning is all finished with the review and changes to the existing ordinances and they will be delivered to the Board by the next meeting. The Cost Recovery Ordinance that allows Lincoln to bill for services provided to Freeman Township will also be ready by the next meeting. They should finish up the Wind Energy Ordinance this year as well.
Building – W. Mantei had 7 building permits
Zoning – H. Logan had eight zoning permits. He cited one issue at Lake Taho where a patio is encroaching on the neighbor’s property approximately 4 feet.
Blight – H. Logan is monitoring a complaint on Twin Lakes Ave, the trailer on Ashcroft that was condemned and another issue on Cadillac Dr. that is being worked on.
Roads – R. Wells said Pinehurst has been graded perhaps they are getting ready to lay the limestone.
Comments and Concerns:
Tom Williams ask how the 6 bag limit at the Transfer Site will be handled when some people pick up for their street or neighborhood. The Transfer Site attendants pretty much know who is doing this and will act accordingly.
Gary & Carol Maas stated how informational and useful the newsletter included with the tax bills is.
Dave Pohoda also offered a Good Job to the Board.
S. Sable with support from R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:55 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next Board Meeting will be October 10, 2013.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
On Thursday November 14, 2013 Dick Wells sitting in for Supervisor Al Housler called to order the Freeman Township Board meeting at 7:00 pm. Officers Housler and Humphrey were absent with
Wells, Lackie and Sable present along with 8 citizens for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call.
Janet Lackie with support from Sandra Sable moved to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2013 meeting with no corrections or additions. Vote taken-Motion carried.
Guest Speakers:
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner District 1 discussed courthouse security and asked the audience if they had any input as to how they thought it should be handled and said that there have been numerous meetings on how to set a plan in place. Most people thought that being as there are 5 doors involved where people may enter and exit that some should be locked, in fact most only wanted 1 door open being as there are undesirable people from the jail in the halls at court time and more safety needs to be in place.
The County and Trans Canada have an agreement on the tower and stated there will be no tower fees for users.
There were 17 rescues in Freeman Twp. last month.
Congratulations to Jerry Bridges who was awarded the title Fireman of the Year.
Brett Hansen from MMR ambulance co. gave a brief insight into the program MMR Plus and told what was offered for only $49.00 per year. More information is available at the Township Hall.
Treasures Report
Janet Lackie made a motion to approve check numbers 13233 through 13265, early checks 13233 through13238 and voided checks 13261 and 13262. Support Sandra Sable, vote taken – Motion carrie
Supervisors Correspondence included a letter from the Dept. of Treasury re: the Assessor problem of 2013 (Michael Gould) stating that a solution has been reached and that we should continue as usual.
A letter from Clare County re: unsold parcels J. Lackie made a motion not to accept the parcel, seconded by S. Sable. Vote taken –Motion carried.
Unfinished business
Reporting that the Transfer Site changes havebeen completed and all is going very smooth. In addition
Recyclables do NOT have to be separated as in the pas
Committee reports:
Planning Leo Stevens Planning is finished for the year and the first meeting of 2014 is March.
Building Werner Mantei 4 building permits
Zoning H. Logan Pole barn on Woodridge is way to close to the lot line. The builder was there along with the owner and I even marked where it should go.
On Monroe there are 2 trailers on 1 property. On Ashard across 115 will get a notice tomorrow for autos and junk.
Blight H. Logan A mobile on Twin Lake on the other side of 115 is considered a death trap at this point and will get a notice tomorrow.
Roads: R. Wells went to the last meeting and told the Road commission about the horrible condition of some of our roads and the amount of potholes that need to be taken care of.
Comments and concerns: None
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm with a motion by Sable and seconded by Lackie. Vote taken – Motion carried
Next m meeting will be held on December 12, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Sable
Deputy Clerk
On Thursday December 12, 2013 Supervisor Alan Housler called to order the Freeman Township Board meeting at 7:00 PM. with the Pledge to the Flag and roll call with A. Housler, P.Humphrey ,J. Lackie, R. Wells and S. Sable present along with 18 citizen
R. Wells made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2013 regular meeting with no additions or corrections. Seconded by S. Sable. Vote taken , Motion carried.
Guest Speakers:
Dale Majewski, Clare County Commissioner stated that the Court House will be closed for the Holiday on December 24th and 25th and on December 31st and January 1st.
Senior services received $7000.00 from the Emergency Food Program and the money will be used for emergency meals for seniors when centers are closed due to the weather, power outages and other situations.
Senate Bill 90 will provide Michigan residences that trade in their cars, boats or recreational vehicles for a purchase of a new one the ability to deduct the trade-in value from the total taxable value of the new vehicle. For cars and RVs, it will be phased in while buyers of boats will be allowed to deduct the full trade-in value from the new boats taxable value
Mid Michigan Community Action Agency received notice that they receive 1.2 million Heat Assistance allocations which is deliverable fuel and new this year, metered deliverable fuel. This will allow them to hire back 6 full time employees that were laid off when the allocations were reduced. The income guidelines have not changed for this program. Contact Mid Michigan Community Action Agency to fill out paperwork.
Laura Durkin, Representative from American Waste was told that the yellow light on the compactor comes on even when empty and she will have someone look at it immediately and barring that problem all is going great with the transfer station. She also stated that if we can keep the trash around the 9 or 10 tons maximum there should be no problems.
Treasurers report Motion to approve check numbers 13266 through 13298, early checks 13266 through 13269. Motion by S. Sable and seconded by R. Wells. Vote taken, motion carried.
Unfinished business:
Signs: We have received the lake signs and expect to put them up in the early spring and they are beautiful.
December Board of Review reports that November 12, 2013 a bill was passed to give 100% disabled veterans no property tax to pay but you must apply for this each year.
Committee reports:
Planning: Leo Stevens Adjourned until March 14, 2014
Building: W. Mantei 3 permi
Zoning: H. Logan 1 permit
Blight: H. Logan 2 blight letters have gone out
Roads: R. Wells Nothing to report.
The Transfer Site will be closed December 25th for the Christmas Holiday. It will be open Sunday December 29th. The Transfer Site will be open as usual New Years Day Wednesday January 1, 2014.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM with a motion by R. Wells and seconded by J. Lackie. Vote taken- motion carried.
Next meeting will be January 9, 2014
From all of us we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Sable, Deputy Clerk
The Supervisor called the January 12, 2012 meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. All Board members and 21 citizens were present for Roll Call.
The December 8, 2011 minutes were approved with no additions or corrections by a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Jerry Burger, District 1. Clare County Commissioner was our only guest speaker for the evening. Commissioners Don David and Jack Kleinhardt were re-elected respectively as Chairman and Vice Chair. He also told us that the installation of WYFI technology was approved and scheduled for completion by the end of March 2012 in the County building. The MI State Court Administrator’s office disapproved the cutting of court service hours for the county to a four day work week.
The Treasurers report was provided and approval to pay check numbers 12345 through 12368 recognizing early checks 12345 through 12352 with void check number 12345. There was a motion to approve from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk showed the ballots for the February 28th. Presidential Primary. There will two ballots, a Republican and a Democratic ballot; the voter will have to specify which ballot he would like. In the same manner anyone requesting an Absentee Ballot will be required to ask for one or the other party ballot.
The Clerk also reported that Bruce Sable from Lake Tahoe has built a display case for use in the Cemetery. The case will hold a copy of a map of burial plots designating which sites are available for sale and the names of those buried in the Cemetery. A copy of the ordinance will also be on display along with any updates or timely information.
Supervisor Lightfoot reported his correspondence was very light this month. He did say that he had attended the County MTA meeting Dec. 16th. and had prepared a list of ten questions/concerns for Senator Booher who answered one or two questions and said he would get back with Lightfoot, but to date has not done so.
Unfinished Business. It was noted by the Clerk that the agreement with Gary and Carol Maas for broadband tower space on their property was close to being finalized. Emails have been exchanged with Jeff Hall the ISP Wireless provider and he will be sending some pricing material within the next week.
Under New Business the Supervisor reported that Carol Arvoy the owner of the townships accounting software had passed away over the holidays. This leaves the township with no support for our program since that business was dissolved upon her death. The Clerk has been looking at three accounting programs, BS&A, Pontem and Cogitate. BS&A is a very good system, but far more expensive than our requirements call for. The Supervisor advised that we look at single entry systems saving the time of entering information in multiple modules. The Clerk felt that Pontem would very adequately serve our needs at a cost of $5222.00. The first year there is no support fee and the clerk can do the vendor and part of the payroll conversion to defray some extra charges. Cogitate appeared to be a good program as well but not as well suited as Pontem. The Clerk moved to purchase the Pontem software with support from R. Wells. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Necessary budget adjustment will be made.
Supervisor Lightfoot reported that he and the Clerk had attended a meeting with Lincoln township Fire Chief, Dale Majewski and Supervisor Zimmerman, Jim Munsel from Freeman, Mike Tobin and a volunteer fire fighter from Lincoln was also present. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss some issues with the 911 Director concerning the time frames in which Lincoln fire department is receiving their calls. After much discussion it was decided that Lincoln township would send a letter to Tracy Byard, County Administrator, advising her of the concerns of Lincoln and Freeman townships.
Fire Chief Majewski advised that Lincoln was looking at having the Mt. Pleasant Fire Department handle our Hazardous Material Mitigation and mutual aid. Mt. Pleasant Chief Walterhouse reviewed Lincoln’s Ordinance and found it was not comprehensive enough for their needs. Lincoln amended the ordinance and had it reviewed by Dave Dryer and sent it on to us to review. Because we contract Lincoln Township to do our fire protection we as well adopt a like ordinance with them. This board will review the ordinance and will bring it before the membership at a later date.
Planning – J. Blain reported that Lake of the Pines was hosting a FEMA meeting regarding the Flood Plain Insurance. It is his plan to attend this meeting on Sat. Jan. 14 to help answer any question he can from the Planning commissions prospective.
John also provided the board with a recommendation of proposed road projects for 2012/2012. He asks that we look them over and send a copy to Ron Bushong, Clare County Road Commission. He was advised that the Board would take this under advisement at the Budget Workshops.
Building – W. Mantei reported he had written one permit to Lake of the Pines for the demolition of a portion of the old Lodge, cost $140.00. It was further determined that a permit from Zoning for demo is not necessary, the permit from the Building Inspector is the one that is sent to the Assessor to have said project removed from the assessment roll. Planning will look at removing this part from Zoning.
Zoning – H. Logan wrote one permit to Lake of the Pines for demolition of a portion of the old lodge.
Blight – H. Logan has 2 cases for court. Connie Snow’s hearing was held and she was given a specified time to clean up the situation or she would be fined. The second case is coming up.
Roads – R. Wells had nothing to report at this time.
Rubbish – L. Goodrich /A. Fox congratulations on some good work at the Transfer Site. Thanks for the good job guys.
Guests: J. Burger, District 1 commissioner
H. Bardallis expressed appreciation for the wreaths that were placed on the Veterans graves in the cemetery. Supervisor Lightfoot explained that this was done through the American Legions.
Leo Stevens had done more research on the In Lieu of for Insurance and Salary Compensation for Elected Officials through MTA. The Board capped the amount they received in lieu of insurance at $250.00 paid to three board members, the remaining two members receive the insurance benefit. Leo states that each time the insurance premium was reduced the in lieu of should have been reduced as well. Supervisor Lightfoot states that the in lieu of was done away with based on the advice of the township auditor and the $250.00 was put into their wage subject to taxes etc. Lightfoot also pointed out the savings to the township when those three board members took the in lieu of rather than the expensive insurance.
There followed much discussion regarding whether or not salary increases were done correctly by the Board. Based on information from MTA Leo said the Board m adopt salary matters by resolution, a separate resolution for each board member, each year, and that resolution should state the amount of increase and if there was no increase it should state that as well.
Leo did not think it was right that the insurance rate now is so much less and the three board members are still getting $250.00 and the two that get insurance pay less.
Lightfoot is going to talk to someone from MTA regarding the questions brought up at this meeting.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:24 pm, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried
Next meeting will be February 9, 2011
Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
Supervisor Lightfoot called the February 9 2012 meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. R. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis, and R. Wells , present , Pat Humphrey (absent )for Roll Call along with twenty-four citizens
The minutes of the January 12, 2012 meeting were approved with no additions or corrections with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Guest Speakers: Sheriff Wilson of Clare County gave a report on the year end incidents for 2011. There were 863 total incidents. Sheriff Wilson also reminded the audience that there is a Prescription Drug drop off box in his office where no longer needed prescription drugs can be placed for later disposal.
State inmates will soon be housed by the Sheriff’s Department at a charge of $35.00 per day or $12,775.00 per year. The inmates are all Level 1 which means they can go out on work crews and are safe. This will increase the County Sheriff’s Department revenue.
Sheriff Wilson also reported that individuals are making Meth in 2 liter pop bottles and orange juice bottles and some have been found on the side of the road and if there is a paste and liquid in it and you see one do not pick it up and call the Sheriffs Dept to pick it up .
The modems in the patrol cars have been switched out to full internet modems so that officers will be able to send their reports directly to the state and have full internet access to be used to check on offenders.
Ron Bushong from The Road Commission reported that they have been out with the graders scratching up the ice on the roads as it is still very slippery and the grooves in the ice helps it to melt faster.
House bills 5125 and 5126 did pass yester day which allows county boards to take over Road Commission operation’s but Clare County does not see an issue with this affecting them to any degree.
Road Commission workers are out cutting brush as there has been no snowy roads to deal with. The brush cutting also allows more sun to touch the roads which helps with the melting.
Dale Majewski Fire Chief: Gave an update on the activity for last year, 359 runs and 46 were in Freeman Twp. 98% of runs are rescue runs and a few fires for the remaining 2%. They average 1 run a day and it seems to be increasing each year. They have approx. 15 firefighters and always need more volunteers.
Lincoln Twp’s siren has been tied into the county so that gives them approx. 5 to 7 minutes earlier notification of bad weather.
With the winter weather we have had and the lack of snow the spring promises to be very dry with the danger of wild fires.
The phone number for burn permits is 1-866-922-2876 and if burning any yard wastes, or large piles of brush it is necessary to have a burn permit.
This number will be included on our website in the near future. He also reported that there are 5 to 6 volunteer firefighters on any given day No decision has been made on the hiring of a permanent firefighter as of yet.
Jerry Burger County Commissioner made note that NACo Drug Cards are available on the County Website. Just download and print the coupon and take it to your drugstore. Approximately 30% can be saved on your prescription drugs. Free Food distribution will be held on the first Friday of the month until further notice. The Clare County 911 Center was selected as a winner of a $24,020 GIS Grant.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to approve payment on check numbers 12388 & 12391 through 12404 recognizing early checks – through – . Motion to approve by. R Wells Second by H. Bardallis . Motion carried
Clerk’s comments. Inconclusive reporting on checks due to the new accounting system not being completely finished.
Supervisor’s Comments: Supervisor Lightfoot would like to gather a large group to have a meeting on the Flood Plane issues and to invite a FEMA agent to attend.
New business: March 30, 2012 is National Recognition Day for Viet Nam Vets to recognize the Vets and to thank them for their service.
Supervisor Lightfoot brought up the issue about pay that Leo Stevens questioned at the last meeting. Leo wanted to know the Name of the MTA lawyer that Mark spoke with and will talk to the lawyer himself
PLANNING: J. Blain Had a meeting with the residents of Lake of the Pines to discuss Flood Plane issues.
BUILDING: W. Mantei 0 permits
ZONING: H. Logan, 0 permits
BLIGHT: H. Logan, Both persons that were cited for leaving bags of trash outside of the gates of the transfer site each paid a $100.00 fine
ROADS: R. Wells, On Wednesday February 15 20012 at 9:30 a public hearing will be held on how the dollars for roads are being spent. Comments are welcomed at the Road Commission.
It was asked by Supervisor Lightfoot that Bob Humphrey be kept in thoughts and prayers during this time of illness.
ADJOURN: R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn 8:24 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting will be March 8, 2012 , 7PM
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Sable, Deputy Clerk
Supervisor Lightfoot called the March 8, 2012 regular meeting to order at 7:50 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. R. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis, R. Wells, M. Lightfoot and deputy clerk Sandra Sable along with 24 citizens were present for Roll Call. Patricia Humphrey, Clerk was excused after the Public Hearing for the 2012/2013 Budget.
The minutes of the February 9, 2012 meeting were approved with no additions and one correction (reference check numbers) with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner reiterated the fact that Drug Cards for prescription drugs may be downloaded from the Clare County Web Site
Credit cards may now be used to pay fines at the Justice Dept. and also at the County Clerk’s office.
General revenues for Clare County for the current fiscal year through February 2012 are at $2,033,872 which is positive $380,004 for the same time frame for 2011. Expenditures are slowing down thanks to the cost saving efforts of the County Department heads.
Since the 911 Department won the States $20,000 GPS System software upgrade grant, the BOC approved an additional $16,000 to purchase the State’s vast Center line Data information for the county. These two activities should vastly improve the Counties GPS imagining capabilities. The additional funds will be paid from the 911 budget line items.
The BOC voted to adopt the 2012 Intergovernmental Broadband Contracts with all of the broadband network members.
The Clare County Planning Commission is planning on revisiting the Addressing ordinance and they are also going to do a preliminary study on Hydraulic Fracturing of oil shale mining in the Clare area.
The Supervisor commented on the roads and the limestone that has been put on them saying how good the roads have been this winter and that it is the Board’s recommendation to continue on with the millage and to continue improvements with our roads.
The Supervisor further commented on an article in the MTA magazine this month on how Governor Snyder is encouraging consolidation of governmental groups in his address to the MTA Conference and therefore making it easier to get rid of larger groups. Anyone wanting a copy of the article may get one upon request.
The Treasurer reported that again this year Freeman Twp. was among the first to settle with the County on the taxes. 100 % balanced.
Broadband was brought up by a citizen and the Supervisor stated that it was very close and we will have it this year.
Planning: John Blain stated Board of Review is Monday and Tuesday. He also stated that a letter will be coming to the Board prior to next month’s meeting regarding the resending of Ordinance #18.
Building: Werner Mantei had no permits for the month.
Zoning: Harold Logan had no permits for the month.
Blight: Harold Logan reported that two residents have a March 13th. court date.
Roads: Richard Wells reported that Clare Ave. will not be done this year.
Rubbish: Aaron Fox thinks someone may have a key to the Transfer Site. When he went in the day after trash was hauled out there were fresh bags in the dumpster.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. The next meeting will be on April 12, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
Sandra Sable
Deputy Clerk
The regular board meeting of Freeman Township for April 12, 2012 was called to order at 7:00 pm
by Supervisor Lightfoot. Board members, M. Lightfoot, R. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis, R. Wells and P. Humphrey were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers. Twenty-two citizens were present.
The March 8th minutes for the Public Hearing to adopt the 2012/2013 budget and the minutes of the regular board meeting were approved as presented by a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner and Richard Miller, retired Clare County Undersheriff who is running for Clare County Sheriff.
The high points from Commissioner Burger included the recognition of Stella Harden as “senior’s council on aging volunteer of the month for March. Stella has thirty years of dedication on behalf of the senior citizens.
Positive results from the 911 Dispatch Committee public hearings included the review and updating of fire department protocols where needed. United Rescue Services certification as an ambulance authority by MCA and the 911 Advisory Boards at this writing has not been validated. When the validation takes place the ambulance company will operate in southern Clare County. 911 will at a minimum record the following information, a) time of tone outs of emergency units, b) the time that notice is received from the emergency units that they are on their way to destination and c) time of arrival of the emergency unit at the destination. The BOC voted to instruct 911 Central Dispatch to carry out item C.
County training for election workers for townships, villages and cities is scheduled for July 16 through July 23, 2012. Freeman Township is accepting applications for election workers; please contact the clerk for further information and information on the necessary training.
Richard Miller, candidate for Clare County Sheriff, laid out some of his plans for the department when he is elected, a) 8 hour shifts as opposed to 12 hour shifts, b) better oversight of expenses and use of patrols. Miller has thirty plus years in law enforcement and feels he has much to give back to the county he has served in over those years.
The Treasurers report was presented and a motion was made by R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis to pay check numbers 12459 through 12496 recognizing early checks 12459 through 12460. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Under Clerk’s Correspondence the clerk reported that the even year township audit would take place on May 21st. and 22nd.
The Supervisor stated that Lincoln Township is considering raising their fire millage from 1.25 to 1.50. Lightfoot said this would not mean an increase to the residents of Freeman Township. Treasurer Lightfoot reported that the PILT taxes from DNR have not been paid.
The Broadband project is progressing. The site plan is being developed between the township and the owners of the property where the tower will be located. Once the final lease papers are signed the clearing and right of way ingress and egress will be developed and the pads put down for the tower to stand on. In the next few weeks the township will attempt to make some information available to the citizens regarding costs for installation and package prices. This information will be on our website and in the form of handouts at the Transfer Site.
There was nothing to report under New Business.
Planning, J.Blain reported that Planning had received some more information concerning Medical Marijuana. They are still working on the revision of the ordinances. The Supervisor told John that he had not sent a letter to Planning about the Medical Insurance /In Lieu of Insurance Ord. #18 because the Board had sent a request for more information to MTA legal council. Planning will be sent what information the Board receives.
Building Inspector, W. Mantei reported that he turned in 3 permits. He further explained that the State is requiring a permit to put siding on a building and it will require house wrap. A permit will now be required to replace or put in windows (even if the opening does not change) because windows must now be a certain UV. Roofing, Siding and Window replacement permits will be $50.00 each starting May 1st.
Zoning, H. Logan turned in 4 permits.
Blight, H. Logan has 5 active blight cases at the present time.
Roads, R. Wells reported that the brine dates would be May 16th. – July 18th. – Sept. 19th. These dates do fall after the holidays. The cost for brining has increased and brining close to the holidays was at a premium.
Road projects discussed for this fiscal year included the possibility of laying limestone on the roads in the Villa at Lake of the Pines (approximately 1.8 miles) and Lake Taho Trail (approximately 1.0 miles) Lindhaven and Ashcroft Drive get quite a bit of traffic and Taho Trail is the only road in and out of that subdivision. Neither of these roads has had any work done on them in several years. The township wants to use limestone in place of gravel for the durability.
Rubbish, A. Fox ask when the 30 yard dumpster would be at the Transfer Site for large items. The Clerk said it was scheduled for the first week of May. When that dumpster is full and hauled out the next one will be delivered the first week of June and the first week of each month up to and including the first week of September. Aaron also ask about seal coating the drive at the Transfer Site. Supervisor said we would check on this and maybe the cost would be better if we waited until the parking lot at the hall was done.
Comments: Leo Stevens ask Treasurer Lightfoot if she had found the law requiring a treasurer to do banking every day. The Treasurer said she would try to find the verbiage on this matter.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:25 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be May 10th. at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
May 10,2012
The regular Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Lightfoot with the Pledge to the Flag. Officers present for Roll Call were: M. Lightfoot, Supervisor, R. Lightfoot, Treasurer, H. Bardallis, Trustee, R. Wells, Trustee and P. Humphrey, Clerk. Twenty six citizens were present as well.
The minutes of the April 12, 2012 meeting were approved with no corrections or additions, motion from R. Wells, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Guest Speakers:
Marci Klaus spoke as a candidate for Probate Court Judge.
Mark McClellan spoke as a candidate for Clare County Sheriff.
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner, reported the high points from the commission touching on revenues to the County and the Townships and the ongoing issues with 911 dispatches.
The Treasurer’s report was presented and available to anyone who wanted it. There followed a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis to approve check numbers 12497 through 12538, early checks were 12497 through 12504 and one void check 12503. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported under her correspondence that the contract with Weinlander Fitzhugh for the audit services has been signed and the contract with Equalization for the printing of the tax bills has been signed. These contracts were the same as last year.
The Planning Commission sent a letter to the Board regarding the property at 6340 W Cadillac Dr. owned by Gregory Gross. A building permit was issued for two cabins, but no zoning permit. These structures are not consistent with our Zoning and Planning would like the Township Attorney to send some clarification to the Township.
Lake Taho requested the use of the hall for May 26th. and Sept. 1st. for their Property Owners meetings. The Clerk sent a letter of confirmation.
Lake of the Pines Board of Directors sent a letter requesting that the Township Board have the brine done before the holidays and not after. They further ask that the 2013 brine dates be scheduled prior to the holidays. The Clerk stated that the applications scheduled should still be good even after the holiday but if we did not get rain the date can still be changed.
The Supervisor reported under correspondence that the agreement with Gary & Carol Maas for the leasing of a portion of their property for the Broad Band tower was signed. The proposal from ISP Management also came for our consideration. As of May 1st. a study is required to determine if the ground that the tower is placed on is substantial enough to withhold the weight. This study costs $2500.00 and if the findings are that the proposed site is not adequate and we have to look at another site or build up the current site it will cost another $2500.00 for that study. ISP manager, Jeff Hall felt the proposed site would be just fine and all were in agreement to go forward with it.
Under unfinished business the Supervisor read MCL211-44, pg. 40 regarding the collection and depositing of funds by the Treasurer. Leo Stevens had ask how often the Treasurer was required to do banking and why her mileage was increased for the 2012-2013 budget year.
The PILT payments have not been received as yet. Joel Johnson asks that townships keep him updated about this ongoing problem and Mark is going to send him an email.
The Clerk was ask about the placement of new street lights. Pat has requested the paperwork for lights at Hemlock and Larch Trail and at John R and Connie Drive and to move the light at Norway and Mannsiding closer to the intersection. Pat had thought that Lincoln and Freeman shared the cost of lights placed on Hemlock and is trying to get more information on this.
Planning: J. Blain, reported that Planning thought Gross had to apply for a variance on the issue and it should be decided by ZBA. We will seek the opinion of the Township Attorney and make a decision on this then.
Building: W. Mantei, wrote 5 permits.
Zoning: H. Logan, 2 zoning permits.
Blight: H. Logan, Connie Snow, 8166 Monroe has buried the burned material and other trash in the yard. He feels the DEQ and the Sheriff needs to be informed, this appears to be the illegal disposal of solid waste. Supervisor said we should do everything possible to get this resolved.
Roads: R. Wells, nothing new to report. The Clerk felt some discussion was needed concerning the letter and phone calls regarding the Brine. The cost increases between $800.00 and a $1000.00 if we brine during the peak times (before the holiday). If we did not get any rain and the brine was not holding we can change the scheduled date.
Rubbish: A. Fox, said that people seem very pleased with the way the site looks. The 30 yard dumpster for large items was full in 6 ½ hours (Wed. & Sunday). The Board thanks Lyle Goodrich and Aaron Fox for their work and care of the Transfer Site.
Comments from Citizens:
Don Kowalski, Lake of the Pines commented about the condition of the roads where the reclamation of the shoulders was done. It was explained that there was seeding done on some of the wider areas to bring the roads back to specified widths. Mr. Kowalski also ask why they raised the cost for permits to shingle a roof, change a window or put on siding. It was explained that when shingles are replaced there is now a requirement for ice guard to be put on. When a window is changed regardless of the size the window has to have a specified UV rating. When siding is put on a home it now requires that house wrap be put on. Some townships are charging as much as $90.00 to $100.00 for each of these permits, Freeman along with Lincoln will go to $50.00.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:30 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be June 14, 2012 @ 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Twp. Clerk
June 14, 2012
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There were twenty-four citizens and guests present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers.
The minutes of the May 19, 2012 meeting were approved as presented, motion and support from R. Wells and H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Passed.
Dale Majewski, Lincoln Township Fire Chief told us of the necessary upgrade to our early warning siren. Jerry Becker, Director of Clare County Emergency Management wrote that as of January 1, 2013, all radio systems in the US must be narrowband compliant or face severe legal penalties from the FCC. With this in mind Becker started looking for grant money to help fund this county wide need. The only grant money available was for sires purchased with Homeland Security grant dollars. All sirens in our region were purchased with USDA Rural development funds, leaving the funding for the necessary equipment up to the townships.
Becker has researched pricing from different vendors, including Pro Comm , who sold most of the sirens in our area. The best prices came from All Warning Systems. The more they sell the better our price becomes, at the present time we received an estimate for $875.00 and this may be less when we are billed. When all the equipment is in and weather permits the transition will begin, any siren not converted will be rendered inoperable.
Majewski also informed us that Lincoln would seek a mileage increase for the Fire Department. The increase would bring them 1.50 mills.
Majewski also said he would seek the District 1 County Board of Commissioner Seat currently held by Jerome Burger. District 1 encompasses Lincoln, Freeman, Redding and Garfield townships.
Jerry Burger, District 1 Commissioner spoke about the continuing efforts to improve the 911 Dispatch Center. The Board of Commissioners voted to add a night shift supervisory position and up to two part time positions to better serve the needs. Funding for this will come from the 911 millage account.
Other highlights from Burger’s report were: net return from the sale of 2011 Foreclosure of Property Sales was $164,970 VS $80,000 in 2010. The Foreclosure Auction will be held on August 17, 2012 at the Beaverton Bowling Alley at 11:00 am.
The Treasurers Report was presented with copies available and a motion to approve check numbers 12539 through 12579, early checks being 12539 through 12541. Motion from R. Wells, support by H. Bordellos. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. (FYI, early checks are those written and distributed prior to the meeting, these checks are written to avoid interest or being late to a vendor.)
The Clerk read a notice about the Residential Burn Ban that has been signed into law. Essentially the law prohibits the burning of plastics, rubber, foam, chemically treated wood, textiles, electronics, chemicals, hazardous materials and any other substance with toxic chemicals. Residents would still be allowed to burn non-hazardous waste, such as household trash, fruit/vegetable storage crates and yard waste. Persons caught burning the hazardous materials could be fined.
A memo from Planning was also read regarding more ordinance changes. Planning has been working on the entire list of ordinances looking to update those that are outdated or to repeal those that no longer apply.
A memo was also received from Jaynie Hoerauf, Township Attorney, regarding her review of the two small cabins located on the G. Gross property on M115. The cabins were built with permits on agricultural land contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and the board is seeking an equitable solution for all parties.
The Supervisor reported on a new Fireworks bill that would allow the sale of fireworks that leave the ground. If townships have an ordinance in effect that does not allow this type of fireworks that ordinance will be honored.
Supervisor Lightfoot spoke about the Gross property and the necessity of holding a Zoning Board of Appeals hearing. He reported on the new Principal Residence Exemptions that would allow an estate to hold the PRE until the property sells lessening the burden on the heirs.
Under Unfinished Business it was discussed and decided that due to the number and complex nature of the Zoning Ordinance(s) that need some action taken Planning would deliver a list to the Board and a Public Notice of same can be scheduled and published for a Public Hearing.
The Supervisor felt that there needed to be some discussion with Gregg Gross regarding further action on the 2 cabins on his property. It was suggested that the Supervisor, Planning Chairman and the Secretary meet with him concerning these matters.
Under New Business the Supervisor reported that as of July 1, Ray Goeman is retiring from G & G Appraisal, our assessing firm. Mike Gould who is Freeman Townships Assessor will receive mail at PO Box 360, Marion, MI 49665, his phone numbers are 231-743-9617 (office) and 231-920-2604 (cell).
R. Wells moved to approve the funds for the Narrowband upgrade to the siren, support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. These funds will come out of the Metro Fund Account.
Committee Reports:
Planning, J. Blain
Building, W. Mantei, 5 permits
Zoning, H.Logan, 1 permit on Windover Lake for a home
Blight, H. Logan, 8 open cases. 1. Connie Snow, still gathering data to turn over to the court.
2. 2661 Ashcroft, attempting to locate the owner, nothing being done
At this address.
3. Stephen Ct. Audi Winsette, appears he still owns the house.
Supervisor stated he had been to the Magistrates Office and talked at length with court clerks about the notion of the Township collecting some fees when these persons are taken to court and are found guilty. We have civil infractions but the Court and the Treasurer’s office could find no instance where any money was turned back to the townships, city, etc. Lightfoot said he has asked Attorney Hoerauf to look into the legality of the township writing the tickets and collecting the fines and keeping some or all of them.
Roads, R. Wells, reported that the roads will be brined on June 22nd. not July 18th. The Road Commission has been notified to grade prior to the 22nd.
Rubbish, A. Fox, reports they are getting lots of trash and some of the loads are large and the bags are leaking and smell pretty bad. Goodrich and Fox believe if there was a bag limit people would bring their trash more often and they would not have such big, messy loads. The use of the 30 yard roll off for large items was also discussed and having it more days at the site. The Clerk stated that with the costs we just could not afford to have it all the time. The Supervisor asks the Clerk to look at last year’s cost compared to budget and see just where we stand. Any and all ideas will be looked at and appreciated.
Broadband, P. Humphrey, The geotechnical study at the tower location was done and the site passed. The tower has been ordered, Consumers Power has determined the underground service needed and a cost bid from Seiter Electric to include a 100 AMP Service by the road, 40 AMP Service 240 Volt at Tower, Copper wire in Conduit, Trench and Backfill, Permit and all Material and Labor to Set240 Volt Power to Tower. $2425.00.
R. Wells with support from H.Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:20 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Next meeting is July 12, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The July 12, 2012 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Lightfoot with the pledge to the Flag. Board members, Lightfoot, M.- Lightfoot, R.- Bardallis H. -Wells, R and Humphrey P. along with twenty-four citizens were present for Roll Call.
The minutes of the June 14th meeting were presented and approved with no additions, motion from R. Wells support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from the following guests and election candidates.
Ron Bushong, Clare County Road Commission presented the contracts for the board to sign for the limestone work to be done on Taho Trail and Lake of the Pines Villa. He thanked the board and the citizens of the township for the funding they provide to take care of the roads. Ron was ask to look at Ashard where the asphalt ends at the Transfer Site and the approach to 115. This area may need some addition asphalt as they are getting rough, Bushong will talk to Fisher Sand & Gravel about product to fix the areas. Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commission also offered his appreciation for the continued good progress on the roads.
Pam Mayfield, incumbent County Clerk gave some direction on the August Primary ballots as they are a little different than we have been used to. They are two sided, must be turned over to finish voting, again you cannot split your ticket in the Primary. She stated her qualifications and asks for the support of our citizens.
Judge Roy Meink spoke briefly about his record in Circuit Court. He is proud of the collection of unpaid fines and restitution. The education program through the jail has earned 21 inmates their GED and two received high school diplomas.
Sheyla Young, candidate for Township Treasurer gave her qualifications and asks for support in the August Primary.
Sally Meitz, candidate for Township Trustee gave her qualifications and asks for support in the August Primary.
Jerry Burger Clare County Commissioner gave his monthly update form the County meetings and stated his wish to be elected to serve another term in the August Primary.
Regular Business resumed with the Treasurers report and approval to pay checks 12580 through 12620, early checks being 12580 through 12585. Motion from R. Wells support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk’s Correspondence consisted of a request from the Planning Commission to attend a Zoning Workshop on Aug. 9th at McGuire’s Resort in Cadillac; cost is $79.00 for each member attending.
Former Clare County Prosecutor, Ghazey Alex a candidate for 55th Circuit Court Judge sent a letter stating his intentions and stating he is not running a traditional campaign. He believes the people need a choice and he believes his candidacy provides a clear alternative.
The Clerk gave copies of proposed agreements from Lincoln Township for approval. These agreements include a cost recovery ordinance and a Fire Service & Mutual Aid Agreement. The Board will review these and discuss them at the August meeting.
The Supervisor reported that there would be no July Board of Review; there were three Personal Resident Exemption and one correction. The County Treasurers office sent a list of properties in the township that is going to sale giving the township the opportunity to purchase any that might be of use to us. No one on the Board could see any that we would utilize.
The Planning Commission had sent to the Board their recommendations for the following Ordinances:
#2 Building Permit Ordinance (Amend)
#3 Plat Ordinance (Repeal)
#4 Littering Ordinance (Amend)
#17 The Abatement & Removal of Nuisances (Adopt)
An addition to the Zoning Ordinance to cover tower and tower-like structure fall zones 9Adopt)
#26 Rescinding Ordinance for Building and Electrical Inspection (Amend)
#18 Group Health Insurance Coverage (Repeal)
The Board will review these recommendations and hold a Public Hearing on September 13th 2012 at 7:00 pm with the regular Board meeting to follow.
Under New Business the Board heard a motion from P. Humphrey with support from R. Wells to send J. Blain, G. Maas and L. Stevens to the Zoning Workshop in Cadillac August 9th. cost is $237.00. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
A question was asked about what was happening with the new street lights. The Clerk said she has made the request and was waiting for the paperwork to come back from Consumer’s Energy.
The signs for each of the lakes were also questioned and the Clerk stated Hogger’s Signs had just fixed the sign at the hall so the letters would stay on and that she would get with them and get firm quotes on the lake signs.
PLANNING, J. BLAIN: They are still working on the Ordinances that need updating and feel the workshop in Cadillac will be beneficial.
ZONING, H. LOGAN: 1 Permit
BLIGHT, H.LOGAN: Told the Board that Connie Snow pled guilty will pay fine, but ask the Board if he should continue and get the old boat, car and refrigerator out of there. The Board concurred that he should go forward. R. Barber, 7690 W Monroe has two dwellings on the same parcel, but they do have two septic systems. Logan has given him to the end of the year to have the parcel split. 2661 Ashcroft continues to be a problem. Large trees fell on the mobile home during the last storm and left a hold in the side of the mobile and a split in the roof. Logan feels the home should be tagged as uninhabitable until necessary repairs are completed. The Building Inspector is the enforcing agency that places the tag.
ROADS, R. WELLS: covered by Bushong and Garver.
RUBBISH: Aaron and Lyle have suggested that the Board place a bag limit for trash disposal on Wednesday and Sunday, also the weight, some of the bags being brought to the site are way too heavy. The Board is looking at the costs of having the 30 Yard open top and the Recycle bin and looking at ways to get more for the tax dollars being spent. The trash being thrown over the fence when the site is not open is also a real problem and a costly one. The Township will place some surveillance at the site in the near future.
BROADBAND The anchors that hold the tower in place have been ordered and likely in the next week the cement and anchors will be set.
There was a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis to adjourn at 8:23 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be September 13, 2012.
FYI the boom truck that came to the hall during the meeting was from ALL WARNING, the company that was installing the narrow band on our siren. Jerry Becker, Emergency Management Director from Harrison came to our rescue by bringing a key to unlock the siren control box so the installation could be done. He was able to unlock Lincoln Townships as well and both jobs were completed in record time. Thank You Jerry for bringing the key.
Pat Humphrey, Clerk
The August 9, 2012 Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Lightfoot. Board members, R. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis, R. Wells and P. Humphrey along with twenty-nine citizens were present for Roll Call and the Pledge to the Flag.
The minutes for the July 12th meeting were approved with two spelling corrections with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Guest Speakers: Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner reported on a number of activities from the County. August 28th is the Community Connections Day being held at the Harrison Lions Club (at the Fair Grounds) from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm. This event offers free resources such as free haircuts, free mobile dentist for kids, free health screening, immunizations, free backpacks & school supplies for school age kids. Call 989-539-4262 for more detailed information.
October 5th and 6th the Freedom Festival will be held at the Clare County Fair Grounds. There will be everything from camping facilities, food, fun games for the kids, Veterans Reunion and much, much more. Watch the progress on the Veteran’s Park across from the Courthouse in Harrison.
Our neighboring township, Redding, is planning a November ballot initiative for a road millage of one mill; their main purpose is to gain revenue for road brining.
Lincoln Township Fire Chief, Dale Majewski informed the citizens of the upgrades to Lincoln, Freeman and the Silver Lake Early Warning Sirens. Lincoln Township also ask us to join them in a resolution to be presented to the County Commissioners that if there is a tornado warning issued anywhere in Clare County our sirens will give us the warning tone out allowing both Townships ample time to notify citizens of the situation. We also discussed the need for a new Fire Protection Agreement and Freeman purchasing from Mt. Pleasant Fire Department their mutual aid to service our township should there be a situation that called for hazardous material cleanup.
The Board said they would do some research regarding a new Fire Protection Agreement with Lincoln Fire Department. The clerk will contact Chief Walterhouse of the Mt. Pleasant Fire Department concerning the need for Freeman Township to be covered under Lincoln’s mutual aid agreement and get costs and other information we may need.
Sara Snow, daughter of Connie Snow ask to be put on the agenda for this meeting but did not come to speak regarding the blight issue on her mother’s property.
The Clerk has received notice from Consumers Energy that they will be installing lights at the intersection of Hemlock and Tamarack Trail and at John R Court and Connie Drive. They have also said they will look at the street light by the cemetery and see if it can be moved closer to Mannsiding and Norway. Based on citizen’s reports of the light at Hemlock and Ashard not working at times Consumers will also check that light and make necessary repairs.
The Supervisor ask about progress on the signs from Hoggers Custom Signs for the area lakes. The Clerk ask for some input as to what picture the different lake associations would like on their sign and that they decide where they want the signs placed and if they had people who could set the signs. There should be some estimates available for the September board meeting.
Supervisor Lightfoot offered congratulations to the successful candidates on the Primary ballot and he also thanked the Election Inspectors for their good work.
Mr. Lightfoot also reported that State Representative Joel Johnson has introduced a bill that if passed would prevent any activity such as tree cutting from occurring on State owned land if the PILT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) has not been paid in full to the entities. The PILT taxes are always slow or late and the State does not pay the full amount due and this bill is long overdue. Supervisor Lightfoot further said that Rep. Johnson alluded to Lightfoot coming to Lansing to speak out in favor of this bill.
Unfinished Business: As stated earlier the matter of Fire Protection Agreements and Mutual Aid agreements will be discussed and presented at the September meeting.
New Business: Nothing.
Planning, J. Blain: The Planning Commission needs to write some new ordinances to allow the necessary changes they would like to see the Board adopt. The wording will be looked over by the Township Attorney prior to the Public Hearing.
Building, W. Mantei: wrote four new permits.
Zoning, H. Logan: wrote one permit for a covered porch.
Blight, H. Logan: A pool has been constructed on M115 (7677 Ludington Dr) that is in violation of our ordinance. There were no permits pulled by the contractor, the pool is located in the front yard and not the side yard and has no fence around it. It also appears that there are two dwellings on one parcel which is not in accordance with our Zoning. The property owner has been notified and Mr. Logan will keep track of what happens with the situation.
ARoads, R. Wells: learned at the Road Commission meeting that the earliest date for our road projects to start may be into September, these projects include the placement of limestone on Lake Taho Trail and the streets in the Villa at Lake of the Pines.
Rubbish, A. Fox: reported that people are still putting plastic and glass in bags and putting them in the recycle container. All items placed in the plastic, tin and glass portions of the recycle bin are to be dumped in, not in bags that take up too much room. Some new signs will be looked into.
Broad Band, P. Humphrey the foundation is ready for the tower which we can expect in the next week. Please check the website for progress reports and pictures. We will get some pricing information out as soon as it is available to the township. Website is
Comments: Geri Shaw from Lake of the Pines said that the unsigned letter people received wiPth Buyers Guide DID NOT come from Lake of the Pines. The association only hosted a Meet the Candidates event and they in no way endorse any of the candidates.
Adjourn: R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 7:45 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be September 13, 2012
Patricia Humphrey
The September 13, 2012 Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor, Mark Lightfoot. The Pledge to the Flag was given by Board members and thirty-five citizens. Board members Rosemary Lightfoot, Richard Wells, Patricia Humphrey and Mark Lightfoot were present for Roll Call of officers, Helen Bardallis was absent.
The minutes of the August 9, 2012 were approved by a motion from R. Wells, support from R. Lightfoot. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from the following guests:
Dale Majewski, Lincoln Township Fire Chief reported that the volume on the Early Warning Sirens can’t be changed without a large expense. He also reported the Fire Department had done 317 runs for the month. Majewski is also a candidate for Clare County Commissioner.
Jerry Burger, current Clare County Commissioner seeking re-election gave his monthly report. He told the citizens that the BOC revised section 2 of the county ORV ordinance #22 to read “all roads in Clare County are open to ORV traffic; Surrey Road and Maple Grove Road were opened. He also reported that 65 of the 108 mortgage foreclosure properties were sold at the first foreclosure sale. The County netted enough on the sale of the 65 properties to recover all taxes owed on all 108 foreclosed properties at the first sale. The second sale is October 9, 2012 at Beaverton.
Mark McClellan, candidate for Clare County sheriff spoke briefly about his qualifications and his plans for the department should he win the election. He said the department will pick up dead animals and will be back in uniform, not the fatigues they commonly wear now.
Janet Lackie, democratic candidate for Township Treasurer introduced herself and ask for support.
Regular Business resumed:
The Treasurer’s report was presented and a motion came from R. Wells with support from R. Lightfoot to approve check numbers 12677 through 12737, early checks, 12677 through 12682. Void Checks 12683 through 12702 were run upside down. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk had no correspondence to read.
The Supervisor reported under his correspondence that there had been a meeting scheduled for earlier this afternoon with Jeff Hall, ISP Management. The purpose of this meeting was to determine how much the township would charge for Broad Band service outside the township and how much we would charge in the township. The township needs to recover enough to pay the lease fees on the property and for the utilities, but we don’t want to make it hard on the citizens. The meeting had to be rescheduled for Friday, September 14th.
Under Unfinished Business, Roger Bogenschutz ask how the signs for the lakes were coming. The clerk said there had been discussion with Hogger’s and she would be taking him some drawings. We may not see the signs until spring.
There was nothing under New Business.
Committee Reports:
Planning, J. Blain: Planning has several ordinances ready for the Board to review and set a Public Hearing date for those. The Planning Members that went to the seminar said the Land Division part of it was very worthwhile.
Building, W. Mantei: wrote 4 permits
Zoning, H. Logan: wrote 1 permit and reported the property on Monroe with two mobile homes on one parcel will be split.
Blight. H. Logan: has 5 open complaints. 2661 Ashcroft Dr. has people in and out of it, Building Insp. had red tagged the mobile as unsafe but the tag has been removed. 7580 Stephen Ct. has cleaned up pretty well, but just moved the junk to the next lot.
The Supervisor complemented both W. Mantei and H. Logan for the fine work they are doing in the township.
Rubbish, A. Fox: reports that things are going good at the Transfer Site, he ask when the big dumpster would be back and how much longer it would be delivered. The big dumpster will be back for the last time the first weekend of October.
Broad Band, P. Humphrey: The tower is up and testing will begin on Monday, Sept. 16th. Flyers will be put out with information on where to call for service; there will be information on the website and numbers on the sign in front of the hall.
It was brought to the board’s attention that there was a lot of flooding at the creek crossing 115 between Lake Station Ave. and Ashard Rd. The Road Commission pulled out an inactive beaver dam.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:00 pm, support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Patricia D. Humphrey
October 11, 2012, Supervisor Lightfoot called the Freeman Township board meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. Twenty eight citizens and guests were present for Roll Call of Officers:
Mark Lightfoot Present Supervisor
Rosemary Lightfoot Present Treasurer
Helen Bardallis Present Trustee
Richard Wells Present Trustee
Patricia Humphrey Present Clerk
The minutes from the September 13, 2012 minutes were approved as presented, motion from R. Wells second by H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from the following guests:
Wolverine Pipeline, Fred Hipshear, Right of Way and Claims Specialist and Bill Connors, area Supervisor gave a brief history of the pipeline operations, regulations, safety and emergency response preparation. The goal of this program is to educate the communities along this pipeline.
Carl Seiter, Farwell Schools Superintendent, spoke on the Regional Enhancement Millage proposal that will be on the November ballot. This millage revenue will be used to address the needs of local school districts and vocational education programs that are currently suffering due to the decrease in revenues from the state over the past several years, coupled with increased operation costs. If this passes, the $2.8 million will be divided among the five local districts (Clare, Gladwin, Harrison, Beaverton and Clare-Gladwin RESD. Seiter said that “not all students are college bound” and we need to provide training so those students can have jobs and succeed.
Jerry Burger, Clare County District 1 Commissioner, gave highlights of the commission. Broadband towers and the proposed dental clinic for Clare County were major topics.
Candidates who spoke were: Dale Majewski, Lincoln Twp. running for District 1 Commissioner, Kimberly Davis, running for County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Janet Lackie, running for Freeman Twp. Treasurer, Leo Stevens, running for Freeman Township Trustee.
Returning to regular business the Treasurers report was provided and a motion from R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis to approve Check numbers 12738 through 12774, recognizing early checks 12738 through 12741. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The only correspondence from the Clerk was reference to the Cleaver article regarding the broadband imitative taking place across Clare County. This is a means of receiving high speed internet in a rural situation and can only enhance the possibilities in Clare County.
The Supervisor read a notice of public hearing from Consumers Energy. They are asking for an increase in costs that would net them a 10.5 return, which is a pretty good return.
Under unfinished business the Supervisor ask if we had learned anything from Burnham & Flower about the need for a fence around the tower. Clerk advised that we would need to put a fence up.
There was nothing to report under new business.
Planning: The Supervisor told the citizens that John Blain had suffered a massive stroke. Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family for a complete and speedy recovery. John Phillips reported that the Planning Commission had found an Ordinance #25 that we did not know we had. They were reviewing what they were able to locate on it and the Supervisor said he would go through his papers also. Planning has also been reviewing the Mutual Aid Agreement necessary to aid in hazardous cleanup should it occur in Freeman Township. The notice of public hearing on all the ordinances that required a change will be looked at again after the November General Election.
Building: W. Mantei reported he had written two permits, one to John Blain for siding and one to Peg Pettigrew for a new roof.
Zoning: H. Logan wrote one permit.
Blight: H. Logan has five open complaints. He reported the property at 3050 Shadowbrook is being cleaned up. The property will go up for sale. The Supervisor felt the Township should consult with Attorney Hoerauf about recouping some of the fees for going to court.
Roads: R. Wells reported that the limestone project has started in the Villa at Lake of the Pines. Lake Taho Trail will be the second project for this year receiving limestone.
Rubbish: A. Fox was not at the meeting. Remember that the Wednesday hours at the Transfer Site will change to Wednesday mornings 9:00 am until 12:30 beginning Wednesday Nov. 7th. Sunday hours will remain the same 11:00 am until 2:00 pm.
Broadband: nothing further to report at this time.
Comments: There was discussion about the cutting of timber on state properties.
Adjourn: R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:25 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be November 8, 2012.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
November 8, 2012, Supervisor Lightfoot called the Freeman Township board meeting to order at
7:00pm with the Pledge to the Flag. Twenty-three citizens and guests were present for the Roll Call of
Officers: Mark Lightfoot- Supervisor, present, Rosemary Lightfoot-Treasurer, present, Helen
Bardallis-Trustee, present, Richard Wells-Trustee, present, Patricia Humphrey-Clerk, present.
The minutes from the October 11, 2012 meeting were approved as presented, motion from R.
Wells second by H. Bardallis. Vote taken – Motion carried.
Guest Speakers:
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner (notes available on the back table). From the Central MI Health
Department: It is estimated that just over 8,000 deer have been killed in the Lower Peninsula of
Michigan this year through September 15, 2012 from White Tailed Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease.
The diseased meat is not known to be harmful to humans, but please take precautions to cook the meat
to at least 165 degrees before consuming it.
The Central MI Health Department received a $1.6 Million Grant to Establish Leadership Programs to
Administer the “Together We Can Program” within Region 6B and Clare County. The money is to be
Used to combat the fact that Clare County and other regional counties are among the unhealthiest
Counties in Michigan.
The BOC signed the Broadband Contract with Freeman Township.
Key elected officials, the administrator and 3 BOC members are undertaking a broad review and
Overhaul of the court’s purchasing Policy. Current policy is very brief and wholly inadequate.
The Veterans Memorial Fund Raising event at the fairgrounds on October 5 and 6 netted approximately
$4600. A job well done for such a short public notice on holding the event. A down payment has been
Made to begin construction on the site. Also Grant applications have been written to gain further
Michigan Works Region 7 B has increased its operations to 5 days per week from 4 days a week and has
added 3 part time employees. The unemployment rate for Clare County has dropped to 10.1% as of
October 1, 2012 and is down from 11.1% as of September 1, 2012.
Comment was made about the signal for the Broadband not reaching some folks in the township and
Pat Humphrey stated that they are still refining the signal and that there may have to be booster
Towers placed in various areas to accommodate the needs of the township.
Dale Majewski reported that they have had 33 runs and that 20 of them were in Lincoln Twp and 13
In Freeman Twp. The total for the year is 383 runs and the amount of runs grows yearly. He also asked
That citizens still call for a burning permit and be aware that you are still responsible for the fire even
Though you have a permit. The number to call for a burn permit is 1-866-922-2876.
Treasurers Report (available on the back table)
Motion to approve check numbers 12775 through 12812, early check # 12775. R. Wells made the
Motion, Support: H. Bardallis Motion carried.
Clerks Correspondence: The clerk received the billing from the accident fund and have enough credits
so we don’t owe anything.
The paperwork is all done on Windover Lake for their weed control. Last year their special assessment
was $50 and this year it went to $100.They are approved for 5 years and can only raise it to a max of
There is a Treasurers guide to collecting taxes seminar held in Mt. Pleasant on November 29, 2012
And the Clerk would appreciate board approval to send the newly elected Treasurer to the seminar.
Supervisors Correspondence: Release of surplus land which is nonessential to their land use purpose
are being first offered to Government agencies. To review these properties please go to website\landforsale, click on DNR surplus to buy now. Select the tab Government
Agencies and enter the county name and desired criteria and click the button shown.
Unfinished business: The lake signs will be attended to in the spring.
New Business: A motion is in order to send the newly elected Treasurer to a seminar in Mt. Pleasant on
November 29, 2012. Motion by R. Wells Second by H. Bardallis. Motion carries
Committee Reports:
Planning: John Blain John Phillips reported during the absence of John Blain, all ordinances have been reviewed and business is concluded until March, 2013
Building: Werner Manti 5 permits issued 3 reroofs and 1 additions, 1 storage shed
Zoning: Harold Logan. Nothing to report
Blight: Harold Logan 2 have been cleaned up and 1 is still being worked on Connie Snow is due in court on November 29, 2012 at 9 am.
Roads: Richard Wells Mark Lightfoot asked if the limestone on the roads was ever properly rolled.
The Road Commission used the multi-wheeled roller missing 2 wheels and told us that it was sufficient. The crown of the road is evident in some places, but not consistently. Mark Lightfoot is going to insist on a density test. Fisher Transportation will be ask to come out and check the roads. The Road Commission will not receive a check until the roads have been inspected. All roads are supposed to be graded before this year before they freeze.
Rubbish: Aaron Fox Hours have been changed on Wed. to 9am to 12:30 pm and Sunday 11am to
2 pm Pat Humphrey reported that we are out of Transfer Site Stickers so she will make some cards to be given to citizens. The compactor has been repaired.
Broadband: Pat Humphrey reported that she has had many call from citizens that have Broadband and that they are very happy with it and the service. Tom Williams
Comments: stated that he found a kid’s size guitar at the side of Spring Road and that it was in good condition and wondered what to do with it. He was told by Mark Lightfoot to turn it over to the local police.
Pat Humphrey welcomed the newly elected Board members: Janet Lackie, Treasurer, Sandra Sable, Trustee and John Blain, Supervisor, returning Board members are Pat Humphrey, Clerk and Richard Wells, Trustee. Mark Lightfoot expressed his congratulations to the new board and offered his help in any manner that the Township might require.
The Clerk and M. Lightfoot also thanked the Election Workers for a job well done.
Adjourn: Time 7:45 pm Motion by: R. Wells , Support: H. Bardallis
Next meeting is December 13, 2012.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The December 13, 2012 Freeman Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the Pledge to the Flag. Seventeen citizens and guests were present for Roll Call of Officers: John Blain – Supervisor (Absent), Patricia Humphrey – Clerk ( Present), Janet Lackie – Treasurer (Present), Sandra Sable – Trustee (Present) and Richard Wells – Trustee (Present). Pat Humphrey moved that R. Wells be appointed Chairperson for this meeting in the absence of John Blain, motion seconded by Sandra Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The minutes of the November 8, 2012 meeting were approved as presented. Motion from R. Wells and support from S. Sable. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Guest Speakers:
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner, District 1. The B O C approved the revenue gained from the sale of a 2003 Malibu and a 1990 Jeep Cherokee to allow the Sheriff’s Department to purchase a used vehicle for the Bayonet Program. The B O C also approved a Law Enforcement Service Agreement between the Clare County Sheriff’s Department and the Eight Point Lake Property Owners Association. Eight Point Lake has had an increase in delinquencies over the summer and this agreement may help with this matter. The Annual Sheriff’s Auction netted just about $4500.00. The Statutory Finance Committee, key Elected Officials and Department Heads approved and presented a revised Purchasing policy to the BOC. The BOC voted not to act on the policy until the new board is seated after the first of the year. The Clare County Planning Commission has begun work on updating the County’s Master Plan and has finally received a comprehensive set of data which is imperative for the Master Plan. The BOC approved by resolution, the Community Development Department’s $200,000 CDGB Application to the state. The two year grant, if approved by the state, will be used to supplement homeowner’s upgrades with no interest payment improvement loans until such time as the home is sold, then the County will get that money back.
On a personal note Jerry recognized the new Board members and stated that he really liked the informational sheet that was sent out with the Tax bills. Pat Humphrey then thanked Jerry for his service and hoped he would not be far away should we need his expertise.
Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commissioner told us that his men will work five- eight hour days a week during the summer months and four -ten hour days until November when it gets dark too early to work that long. Two Peterbuilt trucks have been ordered and one of them will be dedicated to State work for two years and the rent that they get from the State will pay for the truck in two or three years and will then enable the County to purchase another truck with the same arrangement. The County now has eight wing-plow blade trucks which will save a lot of time and fuel. A large tractor has been purchased from Isabella County to use in the brush cutting in the County. There is talk of purchasing a new crack seal machine that will be used in conjunction with the old one. Research shows that keeping the blacktop sealed from frost and moisture gives it added lifetime. The Road Commission has also purchased and refurbished a brine trailer with plastic tanks that will last forever. The Road Commission is offering the overlay of blacktop at a discount. Spring Avenue in Freeman Township was discussed as it is in need of an overlay. The Road Commission would split the cost of $85,000.00 if we could do the project. Tom Williams brought up the issue of the logging being done off Adams, Brown and Cook roads, that the heavy trucks are destroying the roads. He was advised to call the Road Commission when the trucks are evident and the Weigh Master will come and check the trucks to make sure they are not overweight; If they are overweight the Weigh Master will ticket them.
Michael Gould, Freeman Twp. Assessor reported some preliminary numbers back from the County with taxable value being 1.024.
Dale Majewski, Lake George Fire Chief reported there were twenty-nine runs eleven of which were in Freeman , these were all rescue runs, no fires. Yearly totals were 411 runs this year.
Treasurer’s Report (Copies available on back table). Motion from Sandra Sable with support from Janet Lackie to approve check numbers 12813 through 12829; recognize VOID check numbers 12830 through 12862, remaining vender check numbers 12863 through 12885. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Clerks Correspondence – Pat reported receiving a letter from Senator Booher with pertinent phone numbers in it that she will put on the website.
No Supervisor’s Correspondence.
Unfinished Business, The Public Hearing for the changes to the Ordinances is scheduled for January 10, 2013 at 7:00 pm with the regular Board Meeting to follow.
New Business, There was a motion from R. Wells and support from S. Sable to partner with the Road Commission to do the overlay on Spring Avenue at a cost of $85,000.00, $42,500.00 Township portion and $42,500.00 Road Commission portion. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Planning – John Phillips
Building – W. Mantei, issued 3 Permits, a reroof on Shadowbrook, reroof on Evergreen and a window replacement on Ashard.
Zoning – H. Logan, 1 permit for a house on Woodridge.
Blight – H. Logan, 8166 Monroe. Connie Snow has removed the car, boat and all trash. 2670 Ashcroft was sent a letter about the old furniture in the backyard piled up. Letter also sent to 811 Windover about an old couch left sitting out by the road.
Roads – R. Well
Broadband – P. Humphrey reported that S. Sable in Lake Taho now has broadband that is working very well. ISP had been inundated with calls for information and services from interested citizens.
D. Majewski reported that the Christmas party for the kids was a great success with 150 children present.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm, motion from P. Humphrey, support from J. Lackie. The next meeting will be January 10, 2012 with the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting to follow.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Supervisor Lightfoot called the 1/13/2011 meeting to order at 7 pm with the Pledge to the Flag.
All officers, 18 citizens and guests, Pam Mayfield, Clare County Clerk/Register of Deeds and Jerry Burger, newly elected County Commissioner were present for Roll Call.
The 12/09/2010 minutes were approved. Motion from R. Wells support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken- Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from our guests. Pam Mayfield spoke first giving a brief summary of her duties. She spoke at length about the problems of election changes and re-districting but offering a good word to Freeman Township for the voter turn- out in November and the good job by the election inspectors. Her office and staff continue their work on digitizing records and creating a better data base to work with.
Jerry Burger spoke about his first official weeks as a Commissioner. He reported that County Commissioners will meet at 9 am on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Bill Newkirk former County Administrator will be the Special Projects Manager since Tracy Byard has taken over the duties of Administrator and has a clerk working with her. There will be a Gypsy Moth spraying done in the County and Freeman will have about 200 acres sprayed. Jerry says he will bring to the Townships what and how much information they would want.
Jerry Burger spoke about his first official weeks as a Commissioner. He reported that County Commissioners will meet at 9 am on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Bill Newkirk former County Administrator will be the Special Projects Manager since Tracy Byard has taken over the duties of Administrator and has a clerk working with her. There will be a Gypsy Moth spraying done in the County and Freeman will have about 200 acres sprayed. Jerry says he will bring to the Townships what and how much information they would want.
The Board returned to Regular Business at 7:40pm approving the payment of check numbers 11919 through 11950 recognizing two early checks 11919 and 11920. Motion by R. Wells support from H. Bardallis, Vote Taken-Motion Carried. Motion Passed.
Under Clerk’s Correspondence a letter was read from G & G Appraisal stating they have restructured and will be a new Limited Liability Corporation and be assigned a new EIN Number. The Clerk further stated there would be some changes in the payroll deduction tables, employee Social Security is lowered to 4.2%. Broadband was also touched on with the Clerk asking to look into providing some sort of high speed internet to the citizens.
The Supervisor received the quote from Michigan Chloride Sales for the 2011 brine season. The costs are the same as last year and Lightfoot said he would look into a 4th brining or for an alternative for highly traveled road within the Township. The Supervisor also received a request from Republic Services, Inc. for copies of our current contract(s) for collection and disposal of all solid waste, recycling and yard waste. They would like to be placed on the Township bid list for waste and recycling. The Clerk was instructed to supply Republic with the material they requested. The lawsuit filed by Grant Township and Supervisor Dan Dysinger under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) asking that the STC release the criteria used for the 14-Point review was discussed along with moral support from Freeman Township and perhaps financial support if this is acceptable.
Also discussed was the need to change some of our accounts and certificates of deposit at Chemical bank to comply with new banking rules.
Nothing under Unfinished Business:
New Business: R. Wells with support from H. Bardillas moved to morally support Grant Township in their lawsuit to be filed against the State Tax Commission. Roll Call vote: M. Lightfoot – Yes, R. Lightfoot –Yes, H. Bardallis – Yes, R. Wells – Yes, P. Humphrey-Yes. Vote Taken – Resolution Passed.
R. Wells moved that Freeman Township amend the Township Investment Policy to comply with FDIC changes that affect our public funds. Cash accounts that are not savings vehicles will be looked into. Roll Call vote conducted: M. Lightfoot – Yes, R. Lightfoot-Yes, H. Bardallis-Yes, R. Wells –Yes, P. Humphrey-Yes. Vote Taken- Resolution Passed. The Treasurer and the Clerk will meet with Bank personnel on Monday the 17th. to start the process of moving funds into secure accounts.
The Board set Tuesday, Jan. 25th. at 1 pm for a budget workshop. Notice of same will be posted on the door of the Township Hall.
Committee Reports:
Planning-J. Blain, G. Maas gave the year- end report for the Planning Board.
Building-W. Mantei, 1 permit for a new roof
Zoning-H. Logan, No Action
Blight-H. Logan, J. Willy, Shadowbrook court date set for 2/15/11, A. Winsett court date set for 1/27/11, Rude’s have also been turned over to the Sheriff for serving.
Roads-R. Wells, R. Lightfoot ask that the Road Commission put some sand on her road.
Nothing was reported under Rubbish.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm, motion from R. Wells, support H. Bardallis. Vote Taken –Motion
Passed. Next meeting will be February 10, 2011. Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
Supervisor Mark Lightfoot called the meeting of February 10, 2011 to order at 7:00 pm. Fifteen citizens and four guests were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers. All Officers were present.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Passed.
Regular business was suspended to hear from the following guests:
Sheriff John Wilson gave an overview of the year’s incident report for all of Clare County. The department logged 936 incidents for Freeman including traffic stops etc. from 115. He said they were starting the GED program for inmates that needed to get a diploma, seven inmates are participating now.
Kristina Sigafoose, Conservation Dist. Administrator and Gypsy Moth Coordinator along with John Putt reported on the plan for spraying Gypsy Moth in Freeman Township. We have approximately 120 acres that will receive an aerial spraying in the spring. The areas being sprayed are in sec. 11 and sec. 26. You can learn more about the districts programs and services at
County Commissioner, Jerry Burger gave us an over view of happenings at the County level. The upgrades to the county website will include a listing of every check written. This listing will come from the Treasurer’s office and is being put on line to show the transparency in County government. World War II Veterans are being asked to share their memories of what actually happened in the Pacific. These memories will aid future generations as well as authors, students and historians. If you would like to be interviewed go to EDLIN@BEECREEK.NET for more details or contact the office in Harrison, MI. Jerry said it would also be worth your time to look at Clare County’s Website at
Regular business resumed with the Treasurer’s report and motion from R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis to pay bills 11951 through 11977 recognizing early checks 11951 through 11955 and one void check 11934. Vote Taken – Motion Passed.
Under Clerk’s Correspondence the audience was informed that the township has a new email address our provider Charter Communications changed all of their business accounts to a new server. In this change the clerk lost all of her contacts and would appreciate anyone with a computer to email her at the new address so she can build the contact list back. While you are doing this take a look at our own website at
There was no action required under Supervisor’s correspondence and no unfinished business.
Under New Business Supervisor Lightfoot said we would hold a Public Hearing for the 2011/12 Budget on March 10th at 7:00 pm at the Township Hall with the regular meeting to follow.
March Board of Review Dates are: Monday, March 14th. From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and Tues. March 15th. From 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Protests can be mailed to 7280 Mannsiding Rd. Lake, Mi 48632 or faxed to 989-588-4470, Phone 989-588-2751 or emailed to All protests must be received before 9:00 pm March 15th.
Committee Reports:
Planning: G. Maas has been retyping all the Township Ordinance and will br000000ing to Planning any that need to be update or recommendations to cancel them as being no longer applicable.
Building Permits: None
Zoning Permits: None
Blight: H. Logan has two cases going to trial, Judy Willy and Audi Winsett, he will keep the board updated on these. John Rude is working on cleaning up his residence.
Roads: R. Wells gave the yearly report from Clare County Road Commission.
Rubbish: Danny Stevens is still on sick leave. Aaron Fox is filling in until further notice.
Richard Wells moved to adjourn at 8:00 pm support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting will be March 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Supervisor Mark Lightfoot called the meeting of February 10, 2011 to order at 7:00 pm. Fifteen citizens and four guests were present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers. All Officers were present.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Passed.
Regular business was suspended to hear from the following guests:
Sheriff John Wilson gave an overview of the year’s incident report for all of Clare County. The department logged 936 incidents for Freeman including traffic stops etc. from 115. He said they were starting the GED program for inmates that needed to get a diploma, seven inmates are participating now.
Kristina Sigafoose, Conservation Dist. Administrator and Gypsy Moth Coordinator along with John Putt reported on the plan for spraying Gypsy Moth in Freeman Township. We have approximately 120 acres that will receive an aerial spraying in the spring. The areas being sprayed are in sec. 11 and sec. 26. You can learn more about the districts programs and services at
County Commissioner, Jerry Burger gave us an over view of happenings at the County level. The upgrades to the county website will include a listing of every check written. This listing will come from the Treasurer’s office and is being put on line to show the transparency in County government. World War II Veterans are being asked to share their memories of what actually happened in the Pacific. These memories will aid future generations as well as authors, students and historians. If you would like to be interviewed go to EDLIN@BEECREEK.NET for more details or contact the office in Harrison, MI. Jerry said it would also be worth your time to look at Clare County’s Website at
Regular business resumed with the Treasurer’s report and motion from R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis to pay bills 11951 through 11977 recognizing early checks 11951 through 11955 and one void check 11934. Vote Taken – Motion Passed.
Under Clerk’s Correspondence the audience was informed that the township has a new email address our provider Charter Communications changed all of their business accounts to a new server. In this change the clerk lost all of her contacts and would appreciate anyone with a computer to email her at the new address so she can build the contact list back. While you are doing this take a look at our own website at
There was no action required under Supervisor’s correspondence and no unfinished business.
Under New Business Supervisor Lightfoot said we would hold a Public Hearing for the 2011/12 Budget on March 10th at 7:00 pm at the Township Hall with the regular meeting to follow.
March Board of Review Dates are: Monday, March 14th. From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and Tues. March 15th. From 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Protests can be mailed to 7280 Mannsiding Rd. Lake, Mi 48632 or faxed to 989-588-4470, Phone 989-588-2751 or emailed to All protests must be received before 9:00 pm March 15th.
Committee Reports:
Planning: G. Maas has been retyping all the Township Ordinance and will br000000ing to Planning any that need to be update or recommendations to cancel them as being no longer applicable.
Building Permits: None
Zoning Permits: None
Blight: H. Logan has two cases going to trial, Judy Willy and Audi Winsett, he will keep the board updated on these. John Rude is working on cleaning up his residence.
Roads: R. Wells gave the yearly report from Clare County Road Commission.
Rubbish: Danny Stevens is still on sick leave. Aaron Fox is filling in until further notice.
Richard Wells moved to adjourn at 8:00 pm support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting will be March 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm. Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
Thursday, March 10, 2010, 7:00 pm is the date and time set for the Public Hearing to adopt the 2011/2012 fiscal year budget for the Township of Freeman. Supervisor Lightfoot called the meeting to order with the Pledge to the Flag and roll call of officers. Present were Mark Lightfoot Supervisor, Pat Humphrey Clerk, Rosemary Lightfoot Treasurer, Helen Bardallis Trustee and Richard Wells Trustee, along with 38 citizens.
There were heated questions from the audience regarding the Medical insurance paid to two board members and the In Lieu of insurance paid to the remaining three board members that have insurance from prior employments. This is an issue that has been brought up several times. It has been explained that the Medical insurance was put in place at an Annual Meeting on 4-13-1972, in the hope that it would be an incentive to get people to run for these offices that are not high pay jobs which are called part-time. The term Part-time may be misleading in this day and age; most jobs require a person to be in a specific place for a specific length of time with the length of time being the determining factor of full or part-time. Township employees are not required by law to maintain specific hours at a specific location. The duties of each elected official are explicitly detailed by Michigan Townships Association and the elected official determines the amount of time that is required to carry out his duties. Many Township Officials have full time jobs elsewhere and they work out hours to do their Township duties as well. There was no solution to this matter but one citizen, Richard Meitz ask how we go about having an annual meeting. Supervisor Lightfoot advised him to send a letter requesting a meeting to the Township board.
The Supervisor advised the citizens present that Freeman Township was very solvent and that no raises were given to any elected official or appointed persons. He further stated that the Township has been able to maintain the level of public facilities, those being road improvements, fire protection, and removal of trash.
All citizens were presented with a copy of the proposed budget figures (all that were available at time of Public Hearing) and the Supervisor stated that we had expected income of $156,946.00 and expected expenses of $151, 554.00. Richard Wells support by Helen Bardallis moved that Freeman Township adopt the 2011/2012 fiscal year budget according to the General Appropriations Act. It is further recommended that the budget be adopted by the various funds by department and that the treasurer and the clerk are responsible for the expenditures authorized in the budget and may expend Freeman Township Funds up to, but not to exceed the total appropriations for each department.
A Roll Call vote followed:
Supervisor Lightfoot {Yes}
Clerk Humphrey {Yes}
Treasurer Lightfoot {Yes}
Trustee Bardallis {Yes}
Trustee Wells {Yes}
Supervisor Lightfoot declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted on the 10th. day of March, 2011. Public Hearing was adjourned at 7: 36 p.m. Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm.
The Minutes of the January 13th. meeting was approved as presented, motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Treasurers Report was made available and a motion from R. Wells support from H. Bardallis to approve check numbers 11978 through 12005, recognizing one early check 11978. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk’s Correspondence consisted of the new year contract from G & G Appraisal, their costs will remain the same as last fiscal year as will the services they provide.
The new year contract from Cutting Edge Lawn Service remains the same with the exception that they will charge for the previously free fall cleanup.
A resolution to approve the services of Jaynie Smith Hoerauf, P.C. as the Township Attorney on an ongoing basis will need a motion to approve.
The Supervisor reported that the Township had received the letter of approval from FEMA for the Flood Plain Insurance. He also reported that the Clare County Road Commission has no matching funds for road improvements.
There was nothing to discuss under unfinished business.
Under New Business R. Wells moved to approve the contract from G & G Appraisal, support from H.
Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Richard Wells moved to approve the services of Jayne Smith Hoerauf, P.C. as our Township Attorney, support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
H. Bardallis supported R. Wells’s motion to accept the new year contract from Cutting Edge Lawn Services. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Planning: J. Blain reported the work continues on the Wind Turbine Ordinance. There was discussion on Medical marijuana laws and the question of property tax amounts that may be charged for towers.
Building: W. Mantei reported two permits were written.
Zoning: H. Logan reported one permit for a foundation.
Blight: H. Logan reported that Judith Willey was picked up and would be arraigned. Audi Winsett will have a court date April 13th.
Roads: R. Wells, nothing to report.
Rubbish: The suggestion was made to have Thursday evening Transfer Site hours starting with day light savings time, March through October. The Board will take this under consideration.
Guests: J. Burger, Clare County Commissioner
Deputy from Clare County Sheriff Department
Jerry Burger reported on the following: the county will be taking Credit Cards for services, the new Officials Directory should be out in April, City of Clare and village of Farwell are on the list for grants, DAV 105 out of Lake is in need of funds to keep their building and services, any support you can give will be greatly appreciated. Jerry further reported that funds are needed for the Van to transport service people to the clinics. Supervisor Lightfoot said he would be having a fund raiser within the next couple of months with the proceeds going to the van purchase. Commissioner Burger’s receives $600.00 per month as a commissioner and he does not take the $25.00 per meeting fee to attend the township meetings, he is sharing this information openly in an effort to show transparency.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be April 14th. @ 7:00 p.m.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
Supervisor, Mark Lightfoot called the April 14, 2011 meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge to the Flag. All officers, twenty-five citizens and two guests were present for Roll Call.
R. Wells moved to approve the March minutes, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. There were no corrections or additions.
Regular business was suspended to hear from the guests. Ron Bushong from the Clare County Road Commission explained that the Road Commission makes an application for repair of the Clareola Road Bridge project every year. If they are successful this year they could have funding to repair/replace the closed bridge by 2014 and the funding would come through the state and federal “Critical Bridge Program”. As in years past the Board approved and signed the Township Resolution for the Bridge Replacement. John Blain ask if a road survey needed to be done to determine the road width and if there is a creek along that road can it be ditched or built up? Future road projects were discussed.
Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commissioner stated they are always available to help with questions. Mr. Garver worked for the Road Commission for many years and has experience.
At 7:15 pm regular business convened with the Treasurers Report and a motion from R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis to pay checks 12006 through 12047 recognizing eight early checks, 12006 through 12013. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported under Correspondence that the dates for brining applications would be May 25th. June 29th. and August 31st. The Township received a request for a resolution to recognize Lake of the Pines Association as a nonprofit organization so they could apply for a charitable gaming license. A letter was received and read from Richard Meitz for an Annual Meeting in 2012. A letter was read from Sheyla Young asking for clarification on several issues within the Township.
The Supervisor reported under his Correspondence that the Board had received an estimate for the signs we would like for the Township. The Board will take time to review the estimate.
Under Unfinished Business the suggestion of evening hours at the Transfer Site was discussed. The consensus after discussion was to discontinue Tuesday hours and change to Wednesday : 5:00pm until 8:30 pm. The Wednesday evening hours will remain in effect until Nov. 1, 2011 at which time they will change to Wednesday: 8:30 am to 11:00 am. Sunday hours will remain the same. Changing to Wednesday gives us a better scheduling time frame for pickup and delivery of the compactor bins, recycle and 30 yard open tops. Changing the hours to coincide with Daylight Savings time should be easy to remember for all citizens.
The Township received a quote from Hoggers Custom Design for the signs. The Board will review this quote and then make a decision.
Another tower has been purchased for Broadband usage. The location of this tower could be very beneficial to this Township. A meeting will be scheduled with the Broadband committee and the IP person to get more information, mainly how much of the township will this tower allow reach to and what would be the projected cost to the township and to the citizens who could use the service.
There was nothing under new business.
Planning: J. Blain: Planning is working on gathering information for a Medical Marijuana Ordinance. They are also reviewing all the ordinances and will bring their recommendation to the Board after they have looked into all of them.
Building: W. Maniei: wrote one roofing permit.
Zoning: H. Logan: wrote two permits, one for a demolition and one for a doublewide.
Blight: H. Logan: The case against A. Winsett has been closed, marked complied. J. Willie is trying to clean up, somewhat better. Five other Blight infractions are being investigated.
Roads: R. Wells. Nothing further to add at this meeting.
Rubbish: Nothing new, except the propane tank was stolen from the site.
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner gave his monthly report from the County touching on items from the new directories to the expense incurred by the county for the Judges. There are several fund raisers going on in the county to help defray the cost of the new DAV van. There will be a Pizza Party Fund Raiser Dinner on May 15th. from 3:30 pm until 5:00 pm at the Swiss Inn, Lake George. Jerry brings some very good information to the Townships he serves.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:18 PM. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be May 12, 1012.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Township Clerk
The Supervisor called the May 12, 2011 meeting to order with the Pledge to the Flag. All officers were present for Roll Call along with twenty-five citizens and two guests.
The April 14th. minutes were approved with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commissioner. Ed expanded on some of the road commission’s procedures and their plans for future projects.
Mike Tobin, Lincoln Township Trustee was introduced. Mike has the oversight of the Lake George Cemetery and has put all the records on computer with a new and very efficient program.
Copies of the Treasurers Report are available upon request. There was a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis to approve check numbers 12048 through 12090 recognizing 7 early c hecks, 12048 through 12054. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
From the Clerk’s Correspondence the application to approve the Street Light Conversion was signed. Mercury Vapor Street lighting is being phased out. The Board chose the most cost effective method, when the existing mercury vapor fixtures need to be replaced they will be replaced with a standard high-pressure sodium replacement normally at no charge. Customers may report a streetlight outage online at Choose “Your Home” from across the top. Then select, “Report an Electric Outage,” at the left. Choose “Report Streetlight Problem form.” You will be asked to fill out a brief form with your information, location and a description of the problem.
An agreement to extend the existing METRO Act Permit issued to Michigan Bell d/b/a AT&T Michigan was also signed, the extension to end June 30. 2014.
A seminar being held in Gaylord focusing on Planning Issues was presented. Planning Board members, Blain, Maas, Phillips and Stevens will attend the seminar on June 15th.
Supervisor Lightfoot presented information he received from John Blain on recommended road projects for the Township.
Under Unfinished Business the quote received from Hogger’s Custom Design for the new signs for the Township was discussed. The Clerk was advised to notify Hogger’s that the Township will proceed with the sign for the Township Hall and the one for the Cemetery. The Township Hall sign will be set by the sign company, the one for the Cemetery will be set by the Township. The cost of the Township Hall sign will be $1421.95 and the sign for the cemetery will be $500.00. The “Welcome to Freeman Township” signs came in at $1400.00 each and the Board felt this was far too high and will go over this with the company before making a commitment.
Under New Business the proposed road projects were discussed. John Blain outlined the plan to do the following; 1. Limestone on Twin Lakes Ave. from M-115 to Monroe (1.5 miles) 2. Limestone on Monroe from Twin Lakes to Grass Lake Ave. (2.8 miles) with some fill on approximately 1 mile of this section prior to the limestone application. 3. Limestone on Grass Lake Ave from Monroe to Gladwin Rd. (1.0 miles) 4. Limestone on Shadowbrook from Ashard to Hemlock (.8 miles) Supervisor M. Lightfoot, Trustee R. Wells, Clerk P. Humphrey and John Blain will meet with the Road Commission to begin the process.
Planning, J. Blain: they are looking at Medical Marijuana ordinances and still pursuing wording for a Wind Energy ordinance. The Supervisor gave the committee some information on medical marijuana.
Building Insp. W. Mantei: wrote 2 permits. It was explained that if a building that required a permit to build is being torn down a demolition permit is required from the Building Inspector to demolish that building. If the citizen does not have the permit no record of the demolition goes to the Assessor and the tax stays in place.
Zoning. H. Logan: 2 permits.
Blight. H. Logan: 5 notices have been issued. Three cases are being worked on. The Lake George Community Church is helping Judy Wyllie put up a privacy fence at her place on Shadowbrook. She has a court date on 5/18.
Roads. R. Wells: all discussion held earlier in the meeting.
Rubbish: The 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm hours seem to be going well.
Guests: J. Burger, Clare County Commissioner was absent from this meeting but gave the Clerk his notes which she made available to the citizens along with his email address so they can contact Jerry with any questions or concerns.
Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commission and Mike Tobin, Lincoln Township Trustee was introduced earlier.
Comments: Georgina Johnson was introduced as the Treasurer’s new deputy.
Leo Stevens questioned the “In Lieu of Medical Insurance”. Supervisor advised that this was capped at $250.00 and that there is no longer an “In Lieu”
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:45 pm, support by H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting – June 9, 2011 @ 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Twp. Clerk
Supervisor Mark Lightfoot called the June 9, 2011 meeting to order at 7:00 pm. All Board members, 27 citizens and one guest was present for the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call.
There were no additions or corrections to the May 12, 2011 minutes motion to approve from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to accept the Treasurers Report and approve the payment of check numbers 12091 through 12126 recognizing early checks 12091 through 12095 with 12095 being a void check. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Under Clerk’s Correspondence the 2011/2012 Maintenance Contract for Tax Services from Clare County Equalization was presented with 2545 parcels. The Taho Trail Property Owners Association requested the use of the township hall on September 3, 2011 for their Annual meeting. The board approved this date; the Taho Trail secretary will be notified of same.
The Supervisor read a letter from Wayne Kiefer, Windover Lake Property Association stating they have sufficient petitions signed to establish a Special Assessment District for weed treatment.
Supervisor Lightfoot had also received the contract from Clare County Road Commission for the work the township wants to accomplish this year. This project calls for the placement of 22A gravel to build up the low area on Monroe Rd. from Twin Lakes to Cook Ave. 22A Limestone will be placed on Grass Lake Ave. from Monroe to Karen Dr, Grass Lake Ave. from Karen Dr. to Gladwin Rd, Monroe Rd from Norway Ave. to Grass Lake Ave, Monroe Rd. from Cook Ave. to Norway Ave, Monroe Rd. from Twin Lakes Ave to Cook Ave, Twin Lakes Ave. from M-115 to Monroe and Shadowbrook from Ashard Rd. to Hemlock Ave. This is a large project that will vastly improve the road system within the township and make it possible for most persons to get unto a very good road within a short distance of their homes. The use of limestone is fairly new to Clare County with Ashard Road past the Transfer site being our own test road. The board, Clare County Road Commission and a great many of the citizens are very impressed with the limestone; it requires less maintenance and has great staying properties.
The Clerk reported under unfinished business that a deposit had been sent to Hogger’s Sign and Design for the township and cemetery sign. The signs for the other areas of the township will be reevaluated due to the higher price quoted to us.
The Supervisor reported that we will have three new street lights and if anyone has a suggestion for others needed in the township to let the office or him know the location.
Under New Business R. Wells moved to accept the contract with Clare County Road Commission and have the Road Commission advertise for bids, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to accept the 2011/2012 Maintenance Contract from Equalization. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
R. Wells with support from P. Humphrey moved to approve the request of Windover Lake Association for the creation of a Special Assessment District for weed control of the lake. The Supervisor called for a Roll Call Vote which resulted in all Ayes. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk will proceed with the notice of Public Hearning, verifying the signatures on the petitions, notifying all parties of a Public Hearing and preparing the assessment roll for Equalization.
John Blain, Planning Board Chairman apprised the board and membership of a situation on M-115 where a sign advertises “Cabins For Rent”. These cabins are owned by Greg Gross, the cabins were built with a Building Permit and have a well and septic system that have been done with permits. The building permits for the cabins should not have been issued. The question now is; what is the best way to correct this error in the best interest of the owner and the township? John is researching a Special Use Permits or a Commercial Zoning change
Planning, J. Blain: The committee continues to look at each ordinance, updating or preparing a list of ordinances that are no longer pertinent to the Township. They are also gathering information about medical marijuana and wind turbine energy.
Building, W. Mantei: wrote five building permits.
Zoning, H. Logan: wrote two permits.
Blight, H. Logan: has 4 open complaints, has closed five and has two new violation notices.
Roads, R. Wells: nothing further to report.
Rubbish: The Clerk asked for and received approval to investigate a security system (camera surveillance) for the Transfer Site
Guests: J. Burger, County Commissioner, gave an update on the fee types for Dog Licensing and telling the citizens the licenses are available on the County website. Broadband was discussed; five entities are live with Franklin, Hamilton and Sheridan being very close.
Comments: Roger Bogenschutz of Lake Taho invited all to attend a “Tea Party” meeting being held June 16th at 7:00 pm, Farwell VFW Hall.
Leo Stevens asked the Supervisor if in fact the “In Lieu of Insurance” that three members on the Board were getting because they did not need insurance had been done away with and the $250.00 per month was rolled into their pay. Supervisor Lightfoot said yes that was correct.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:35 pm, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be July 14, 2011 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Supervisor Lightfoot called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm. The Pledge to the Flag was said at the previously held two Public Hearings for Windover Lake. All Board members were present for the regular Township meeting along with twenty-two citizens.
The minutes from the June 9, 2011 meeting were approved as presented, motion from R. Wells, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Passed.
The Treasurers report was accepted, copies available upon request. R. Wells moved to pay checks 12127 through 12159, recognizing early checks 12127 through 12131, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
There was no action required from the Clerk’s Correspondence.
The Supervisor reported that the IRS has raised the mileage to 55.5 cents as of 7-1-11 and that the township will follow the county and raise our rate as well. He reported that there will be a meeting at Lincoln Township on July 21st. at 6:00 pm to resolve the issue of the sirens not going off during the last big storm. Lightfoot also had pamphlets for the Clare County Fair.
There was nothing to report under Old Business.
New Business: The Clerk reported that Jerry Becker, Clare County, brought the results of the coverage study he did from the Township Hall. This study tells us the direction and distance Broadband would reach from a tower at the hall. The study showed we could reach quite a distance but most property owners have some type of coverage within that area. A citizen said he would pay for a second study to be done on Gary & Carol Maas property. There are many issues to be looked at before the Township will commit to the Broadband project, first we have to be sure that we can get affordable coverage to the majority of our citizens who do not have any type of coverage. The Board will continue to research this and will keep you updated.
Planning: J. Blain (absent) J. Phillips reported they are working on the ordinances and cleaning them up. Comments were about the Medical Marijuana Ordinance, Supervisor said Lincoln Township has a moratorium. It was reported that Union Township has a completed ordinance. The number of “Compassion Parlors” and business of different name, same purpose are springing up all over and there is no control over them.
Building: W. Mantei wrote 6 permits this month.
Zoning: H. Logan wrote 5 permits this month.
Blight: H. Logan has 5 old complaints and working on four. Logan has found out that the trailer at the tree farm on M 115 is owned by Ken Roe and that the unit is being used for storage and they seem to have an ongoing Yard Sale going on there. He is also continuing to investigate the RV park at the Rude property on Monroe.
Roads: R. Wells spoke with the Supervisor from the Road Commission about the placement of a guard rail at Lake Taho where the culvert was replaced. The Road Commission said they created a gentle slope at that site and they are not in favor of a guard rail but will look at it again. The residents at Taho would like a rail.
Rubbish: Nothing to report
Guests: J. Burger, Clare County Road Commission. Jerry leaves copies of his notes for any of the citizens and for the Board.
Jeff Hall, ISP Management, Broadband provider. Jeff has been working with the Township for several months. He was able to give us some good information and answer some citizen’s question.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:42pm, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next Meeting will be August 11, 2011 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Supervisor Lightfoot called the August 11, 2011 meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. All board members and eighteen citizens were present for Roll Call
The minutes of the July meeting were approved as presented with a motion and support from R. Wells and H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried
Jerry Burger ask to speak early in the meeting concerning the problem with Lincoln not getting the early warning communication prior to the storm that went through our area a few weeks ago. He stated that the pager did go off and that the 911 feedback tapes verified that. Keith Yats has made some changes to the system for early response and there will be more changes in the systems used by the fire stations from Lincoln, Garfield and Farwell.
Copies of the Treasurer Report are available. R. Wells moved to approve check numbers 12160 through 12195, recognizing early checks 12160 through 12162, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried
Clerk’s Correspondence. The Supervisor will handle a correspondence that the Clerk received just prior to the meeting and report on it at a later date.
The Supervisor read a notice of public hearing from Consumers Energy and their request for higher rates. Mark encouraged the citizens to voice their opinions to the Public Service Commission.
You can go to this is the Public Service Commission website and it is easy to follow. It gives you information on how to contact them and file a complaint and much more.
The Clerk told the Board and citizens that the work on the Township Hall and Cemetery signs would begin right after the first of September. Jeff Hoskey has been working on a project for the school and it has to be finished by September. He has also hired a person to help him with the work. The Clerk will check back with him before the September meeting.
There was nothing under New Business.
Committee Reports:
Planning: J. Blain reported that Attorney J. Hoerauf attended their meeting explaining the fundamentals of the Medical Marijuana Act. She provided the committee with good material and advice. John also reported that the July Board of Review met and approved the Principal Resident Exemptions that were sent by the Assessor.
Building: W. Mantei wrote 3 permits
Zoning: H. Logan. wrote 3 permits
Blight: H. Logan. 8 unlicensed vehicles have been removed.
Roads: R. Wells. The Road Commission says that about 25% of the limestone has been hauled to Fisher Trans. Harrison Site. The completion date for the road project is still September 30th.
Rubbish: P. Humphrey. The 30 yard open top dumpster will be hauled out when it is full and will not
Be back until next spring. The cost of having this on site any longer is cost prohibitive.
Guests: J. Burger, Clare County Commissioner provided information on the 911 Emergency management services and the communication enhancement system. He spoke further on growth of the Broadband system in the County.
Comments: Citizen asks about something to push the recycle material away from the openings in the bins. The attendants will keep the openings clear for this purpose.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be September 8, 2011.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Township Clerk
Supervisor Lightfoot called the September 8, 2011 meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. P. Humphrey, R. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis, and R. Wells were present for Roll Call along with twenty-one citizens.
The minutes of the August 11 meeting were approved with no additions or corrections with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Treasurer had not received the monthly Bank Statement so there was no Treasurer Report. R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to approve payment on check numbers 12196 through 12228 recognizing early checks 12196 through 12199. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk’s Correspondence was informational with no action required by the Board.
The Supervisor’s Correspondence included the proposed Medical Marijuana Moratorium from the Planning Commission.
The Clerk reported under Old Business that the sign for the Township Hall is under construction. The Clerk is to call Miss Dig and have the proposed location flagged for digging the posts for the sign. The Township Hall sign and the Cemetery sign will hopefully be finished by the end of October.
Under New Business R. Wells moved to approve the Medical Marijuana Moratorium on the issuance of any zoning, building, or other licenses, permits or other approvals to any person, entity, or premises related to the sale or use of medical marijuana until the 9th. day of September, 2012, or until any needed or desirable amendment(s) to the Ordinance Codes of the township are adopted to provide such land uses in a manner consistent with the general welfare of the township and its residents. Motion supported by P. Humphrey. Results of the roll call vote are as follows: R. Wells (Yes), P. Humphrey (yes), M. Lightfoot (yes), R. Lightfoot (yes), H. Bardallis (Yes).
The Clerk had contacted Vinyl Graphics of Lake about making the Wednesday winter time change sign for the Transfer Site, the estimated cost of this job is $25.00. This will be a removable vinyl overlay so the summer hours will not require any new signage. An estimated cost of $200.00 or less was received for the construction of a vinyl sign explaining what can, can’t and how to recycle. This sign would be placed near the recycle area on permanent posts. R. Wells moved to approve this cost, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
PLANNING: J. Blain (absent)
BUILDING: W. Mantei, 4 permits
ZONING: H. Logan, 5 permits
BLIGHT: H. Logan, 4 open cases
ROADS: R. Wells, The word from Doug Moore of Fisher Transportation is that they should be starting our project sometime next week. They will start on the west side of the township where the largest concentration of work is located and probably prep, grade and lay the limestone on Shadowbrook at the end of the project. An extension on the completion date may be necessary due to the large quantity of material to be transported and the late awarding of the bid. Freeman Township has no problem with this should it become necessary.
RUBBISH: P. Humphrey explained the need for citizens to become more aware of how to recycle. She explained that plastic bottles and cans should be flattened to take up less space and that items should not be put in bags and thrown into the recycle bins. Those large bags don’t allow the trash to settle. We need to recycle but we need to be wise about it in order to make it cost effective for all of us.
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner spoke on cash payments for welfare recipients. 52 of the 92 properties in the first foreclosure auction were sold. The funds from sale of these properties will more than cover the back taxes for all 92 properties. He also shared that delinquent taxes were down. Hazardous Waste Day, free to Clare County residents, is scheduled for September 21, at Northern Oaks landfill from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
The Supervisor explained his concerns on the elimination of personal property taxes. Personal property taxes make up a significant part of the annual operating budgets for many if not most townships. Supervisor Lightfoot said he can’t see any solutions for replacing this lost revenue. An important possibility to the final plan could be leaving the tax on utility personal property, important to rural townships of the state that host pipelines and oil and gas facilities. Also of concern is the tax treatment of the new wind turbines that are being constructed. MTA encourages township officials to determine their own township’s level of reliance on personal property taxes and to engage with their legislatures on the issue.
Supervisor Lightfoot’s point being that he felt businesses were used to paying personal property taxes and from his standpoint should continue to do so.
ADJOURN: R. Wells with support from P. Humphrey moved to adjourn at 7:55 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Next meeting will be October 14, 2011.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Township Cler
Italics: information from MTA Weekly Legislative Report. 9-9-11
The Supervisor called the October 13, 2011 meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the pledge to the Flag. All board members, sixteen citizens and two guests were present for Roll Call.
R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to approve the minutes from Sept. 8. 2011. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from our guests. Michelle Ambrozaitis, Clare County Prosecuting Attorney spoke about the measures her office has taken to better communicate the issues that office deals with. The Web site, facebook, her blog and a Newsletter feature are some of the tools they are using. She also touched on the budget issues in her office stating that they have cut all they can cut.
Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commissioner told us about the “Shake Your Mailbox Program”. Before the winds and snow of winter shake your mailbox to be sure it is solid and sturdy. He further spoke about the type of graders they will be using and some of the plans to improve the workings of the Road Commission.
Regular Business resumed with the Treasurers report and the motion by R. Wells and support from P. Humphrey to approve check numbers 12229 through 12273 recognizing early checks 12229 through 12236. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk did not have any Correspondence but did take the opportunity to introduce Sandra Sable from Lake Taho as her Deputy Clerk in training. Sandra comes to this position with a great deal of experience and most recently from Mid Michigan Community Action where she had been working on a four year grant.
The Supervisor acknowledged Thank you notes from Lake Taho for his attendance at their Property Owners meeting and from Marie Egnash with her compliments on the road project done in her area.
The Clerk reported under Unfinished Business that the signs for the Township Hall and the cemetery are nearly finished (at last). The trees in front of the hall have been removed and the yard smoothed up with black dirt in preparation for the placement of the sign.
The Supervisor spoke about the completed road project stating that he was very pleased with the results and had heard nothing but positive feedback from everyone. The use of limestone on the roads is working well and has the potential of saving time and money to both the Township and the Road Commission. As always the Board seeks input from citizens as to what they would like to see for future road work.
Planning: J. Blain. John spoke about the road work and plan for 2012. Planning has one more meeting before they adjourn for the winter. They will continue to work on ordinances for Wind Turbines, Towers and the cleaning up of old ordinances that are no longer pertinent.
Building: W. Mantei. 2 Permits
Zoning: H. Logan
Blight: H. Logan Mr. Logan left the meeting early due to illness. He will give his report next month.
Roads: R. Wells. Nothing further to report.
Rubbish: P. Humphrey. New magnetic signs have been made for the recycle bin at the site. These signs state very clearly what can be put in the bins and how it should be placed in them. The signs were made by Vinyl Graphics. Gary Vanthull of Lake of the Pines is the company owner. Gary has some innovative ideas for recycle containers with local advertising on them . We will keep you updated on these container should they become available.
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commission spoke briefly on the work being done by the commission. Highlights were the budget issues facing the County. Broadband has a new name; it will be known as the Clare County Broadband Network. Veteran Projects include Christmas Care Package Fundraiser and plans to improve the memorial in front of the Courthouse. Funding for the memorial improvement will come from private donations and grants.
Guests: J. Burger, County Commissioner. Michelle Ambrozaitis, County Prosecuting Attorney and Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commission.
There being nothing under public comment R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 7:40 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Next meeting will be November 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the Pledge to the Flag. All Board and 26 citizens were present for Roll Call. Emily Pardue and Amanda Gardella, Harrison High School students came to observe the meeting procedure for their government class. Ron Bushong, Clare County Road Commission and Larry Reed, United Rescue Service supervisor were also in attendance.
Supervisor Lightfoot ask for a moment of silence in honor of our veterans. Freeman Township recognized several veterans in the audience.
The minutes of the October 13, 2011 meeting were approved as presented with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Ron Bushong from the Road Commission expressed appreciation for the newly completed road project in the township. He said it was a really good job. The Road Commission will do some brushing on Shadowbrook and Monroe. Supervisor Lightfoot ask that some of the high areas as people come out of their driveways be blended in. Bushong said this would be done with gravel.
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commission spoke briefly on the happenings at the County level. The issue of reducing spending and still providing services is first priority. 2013 millage renewals to look at are County Senior Services – 48 mills/$1000 evaluation for a 5 year renewal ($518,043). and County 911 Services – 35 mills/$1000 evaluation for a 5 year renewal ($387,033). Be ready for the 2012 Primary.
Jerry told the audience that there would be a food distribution in Harrison on Dec. 10th at the old Transit building starting at 8 am.
Larry Reed then gave an in-depth review of the situation with United Rescue Service who has been in this area for some 40 years and the new competitor MMR. Reed told us all the positive things URS is involved in and plans for improvements including the opportunity to join the United Rescue Ambulance Authority. He explained that 7 townships and the City of Harrison have joined the Authority. He gave the Board a copy of this Authority. It was the consensus of this Board to look at the Authority and talk to some of the other townships and invite MMR to address our township. The Clerk will contact their spokesperson and see if he can attend the December meeting.
The Regular Business of this meeting continued after hearing from our guests.
The Clerk gave the Board copies of the agreement presented by Gary and Carol Maas in regard to the proposed Broadband tower, feedback would be appreciated so we can turn this over to our attorney for a final opinion. Proposed ordinance amendments and a new ordinance for towers were also given to the Board for their review.
The Supervisor gave planning some information on a seminar for Planning that the County is asking for input on.
Bids are being taken for the electric to light the new Township Hall sign.
There was nothing under New Business.
Planning – J. Blain reported that November would be the last meeting for this year. They will continue in 2012 reviewing the ordinances and making suggestion to the Board where necessary.
Building – W. Mantei reported he had written 2 permits for covered porches.
Zoning – H. Logan wrote 3 permits.
Blight – H. Logan reported he still has open complaints and is continuing to monitor them.
Roads – R. Wells gave an overview of the amount of material and cost for the just completed road project. Some 16688 tons of limestone and 1975 tons of 22A modified gravel were used at a cost of $357,770.00.
Rubbish – A. Fox, Transfer Site attendant suggested that the Board consider putting lines on the asphalt at the Transfer Site to direct traffic. The Supervisor took that one step further and said we should look at seal coating the drive over there as well as doing the lines.
Gerry Shaw from Lake of the Pines ask about placing a street light at Hemlock and Tamarack Trail. Supervisor said that could be done and again asks for suggestion for other locations for lights.
Roger Bogenschutz said there would be a Tea Party meeting at the Farwell VFW Post on Dec. 1st at 7 pm.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:30 pm support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be December 8, 2011.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
The December 8, 2011 Board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lightfoot at 7:00 pm. All Board members and 32 citizens joined in the Pledge to the Flag.
The minutes of November 10, 2011 were approved as presented by a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The regular business was suspended to hear from our guests. Dale Majewski, Lincoln Township Fire Chief spoke to us about a likely millage increase for fire protection. They have fifteen active member of the fire department and make between 350 and 400 runs a year. Freeman Township is well served by Lincoln’s fire department and that close proximity saves every tax payer dollars in insurance premiums.
Brett Hanson, Clare County Director of MMR gave us an update on the ambulance controversy. Supervisor Lightfoot had previously advised that United Rescue had moved out of Lincoln Township and were in Harrison. Hanson reported that MMR was set up in Lincoln Township Fire Department. He made the following points; MMR and United Rescue will honor any contracts, MMR has no millage support and they handle approximately 300 calls a year. He stressed that this area would not be without ambulance service.
Ed Garver, Clare County Road Commissioner reported that they had the trucks set up with plows and the salt and sanders were ready. The Road Commission is preparing a seal coat policy that will be offered in the spring of 2012. It isn’t enough to lay down a good road surface, that surface must be maintained. He spoke also about HB 5125 and 5126 which would eliminate the road commissioner’s positions. He asks the Board and citizens to speak out for the Road Commissioners seats. Pot holes at the intersection of Woodland and Shadowbrook was brought to his attention.
Jerry Burger, Clare County Commissioner told us that MMCA lost a $20,000.00 Emergency Food Pantry Fund. This fund provided a week of groceries to those persons who had no other means of getting food. The address to make donations to the Emergency Food Pantry is available from the Clerk.
Jerry provided dates for the Broadband meetings and noted the commissioners approved a resolution to support a $50,000.00 state grant application for GIS improvements in the County.
Clare County has been removed from the URS/MMR law suit. The Judge ruled there was no county liability in the law suit.
Regular Business resumed with the Treasurers report and a motion from R. Wells to pay checks 12313 through 12344 recognizing early checks 12313 through 12318, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk received an email from John Shaw inquiring about the Broadband and informing her that Charter is putting cable in at Sandy Shores.
There was no action required from the Supervisors correspondence.
Under Unfinished Business land lease agreements and Broadband was discussed. The Board decided to address the repeal of some of the outdated ordinances and the adoption of some new ones after the new fiscal year and hold the public hearings at that time. These changes are the work of the Planning Commission.
Under New Business Pat Humphrey moved to proceed with the Broadband project, to seek Attorney Hoerauf’s advice regarding the tower on the G. Maas property and to contact Jeff Hall to set up a timeline of what needs to be done and the cost of same. R. Wells supported the motion and a Roll Call Vote was taken: M. Lightfoot (Yes) R. Lightfoot (Yes) H. Bardallis (Yes) R. Wells (Yes) and P. Humphrey (Yes). Motion Carried.
The Treasurer requested approval to purchase 7000 stamps for the mailing of the 2012 tax bills. This move would save considerable money if we purchase before the price increase. The Clerk will also purchase 400 stamps for the mailing of voter material and election mailings.
Planning – J. Blain reported they will be working on solar and wind energy ordinance.
Building – W. Mantei (absent)
Zoning – H. Logan said he did not have any zoning permits but did have 2 cases for Blight that will go to informal hearings. He has three new cases and four that he is monitoring.
Roads – R. Wells said that R. Bushong sent Christmas Greetings to all and a big Thank You for the work that Freeman did this past year. On a side note; it was brought to the Supervisor’s attention that a citizen had taken limestone off the road and put it in his driveway. This situation was looked at by the Sheriff’s department and the Road Commission and the citizen was advised that he had to put back or replace the limestone at his expense or the Township would do it and he would be billed. The citizen has taken care of this at his expense.
Rubbish- The Transfer Site will be closed Christmas Day and New Years Day. A Christmas bonus will be given to A. Fox and L. Goodrich.
Tom Pirnstill, Clare County Transit Director spoke to us about the changes in operations that will be taking place effective 01/01/2012. County wide fares will go from $2.00 to $3.00 (one way) $1.00 fares for seniors/disabled persons will not increase. The will also eliminate Sunday service to cut expenses. They are also asking that customers begin to schedule their rides 24 to 48 hours in advance. If you have questions you may contact Tom Pirnstill at 1473 Transportation Dr. Harrison, MI 48625 or call dispatch at 989-539-1473 to schedule rides.
A citizen requested a new street light at John R. Court and Connie Drive and also that the street light at Norway and Mannsiding (by the cemetery) be moved forward and also repaired. The Clerk will make the request to Consumers Energy Field Representatives.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:45 pm, support from H. Bardallis. Next meeting January 12, 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Board. Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Twp. Clerk
Minutes for February 11, 2010
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. All officers, eleven citizens and three guests were present for Roll Call.
The minutes of January 14, 2010 were approved as presented by a motion from R. Wells support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Treasurers report was accepted as presented and R. Wells moved to approve payment of check numbers 11504 through 11537, recognizing early checks 11504 through 11505, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from the following guests.
Clare County Transit Director – Tom Pirnstill told us there would be a request for renewal of the transits operating expense millage on the August primary ballot. He went on to explain that they have thirty-two busses running Monday through Friday and Saturday and Sunday by prior arrangement. The busses run from 6:00 am until 10:00 pm and connect with sixteen Townships County wide. He was asking for support of the millage request.
Cathy Lutz from the Census Bureau explained the job opportunities the 2010 census was bringing to Freeman Township. They are looking to fill seventy-five positions with the pay scale ranging from $9.25 to $15.25 per hour. She also stressed the importance of people filling out the simple ten question survey and sending it back promptly, they are looking for a head count of persons living in the township, nothing more. She is encouraging Township and local government officials to get the word out about the census.
Clerk’s Correspondence: A letter was received from Attorney D. Dreyer with recommendations to Planning to address some of the original ordinance language in the mobile home ordinance. This correspondence will be returned to Planning for necessary changes.
Supervisor’s Correspondence: Lightfoot explained that the Township had received a copy of the reply G& G Appraisal sent to the State Tax Commission in reference to this townships third consecutive year failure of the 14 point test the STC does on the assessing. Thirteen townships failed this test and the feeling is that the State is trying to show cause for them to take over the assessing program.
There was nothing under old business.
The proposed budget for 2010/2011 was discussed with the Supervisor telling the citizens that for the ninth year reductions to the budget were made. Road improvement projects are being researched and costs for these improvements are being looked at. It is also the hope that we will save some funds at the Transfer Site with the use of the compactor and by recycling.
Committee Reports:
Planning, J. Blain: The Planning Commission resumes meetings in March. They are going to a meeting at Grant Township Feb. 22 concerning Flood Plain Insurance, etc.
Zoning/Blight, R. Meitz: Nothing to report for this month.
Roads, R. Wells: Cost for the Township to buy and spread salt through the Road Commission would be $500.00 per mile. This cost is excessive. Steve Stocking is retiring from the Road Commission by the end of the year. He had retired but came back as a consulant.
Rubbish, D. Bacon:
Guests: J. Lockmiller, Clare County Commissioner: Joe brought highlights from the commissioners meetings to the Township. Two guests spoke earlier in the meeting.
Adjourn: The was a motion from R. Wells support from P. Humphrey to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Vote Taken- Motion Carried. Next meeting will be March 11, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Public Hearing for the Proposed Budget for 2010/2011, regular meeting to follow.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
7280 Mannsiding Road
Lake, MI 48632 Supervisor Mark Lightfoot
Treasurer Rosemary Lightfoot
(989) 588-2752 Clerk Patricia Humphrey
(989)588-4470 Trustee Helen Bardallis
Email Trustee R. Wells
Minutes for March 11, 2010
The Public Hearing for the adoption of the 2010/2011 budget was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge to the Flag was given. All officers and thirty-six citizens were present for roll call.
Supervisor Lightfoot told the audience that for the ninth year in a row the board had reduced several areas in the budget. The township has expected revenues of $157,680.00 and anticipated expenses of $157,307.00. The implementation of the compactor at the transfer site and the ability to recycle on a weekly basis should save the township greatly. With the anticipated savings it may be possible to lower the assessment levied for trash removal.
The roads in the township were discussed and comments heard from citizens who voiced their concerns on their own road. Supervisor Lightfoot told the citizens that Clare County Road Commission, like the biggest share of all Road Commissions just doesn’t have the money to do matching funds any longer. This leaves the burden to the townships. Freeman Township is looking at putting limestone on some roads and good gravel on others. This township is fortunate that we have some funds to work with.
Richard Meitz brought up the subject of the board’s medical insurance and In lieu of medical insurance. Two board members receive medical insurance and three who have insurance through other means receive $250.00 per month in place of the insurance offered by the township. Mr. Meitz said he feels the cost of this coverage and in lieu of is too much money to pay out of the people’s tax dollars. He stated that many people can’t afford any insurance and sure did not get an in lieu of and did not think this board should get it either. Several of the citizens echoed Meitz feeling. He further stated that some of the board members did not do enough to earn the in lieu of that they were being paid.
The Supervisor attempted to explain that the in lieu was given because some did not need the benefit offered and if you offer a benefit to one ,you have to offer it in like to all. Lightfoot said the board felt we should leave things as is because Helen Bardallis is going in for hip replacement and is relying on her insurance coverage. The citizens in the audience were very gracious in their approval of this measure. The Supervisor said something would be done about this after Mrs. Bardallis is recovered.
The Public hearing closed at 8:20 pm.
The regular Township board meeting started at 8:25 pm with the approval of the minutes from the February 11, 2010 meeting as presented with a motion from R. Wells support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Helen Bardallis left the meeting early.
R. Wells supported by P. Humphrey moved to pay check numbers 11538 through 11572, recognizing early checks 11538 thru 11540. Vote Taken – Motion Carried (Copies of treasurer reports available).
Regular business was suspended to hear from Bruce Lang, Michigan State Extension, presenting a power point on controlling wild fires that can occur around your home. He presented many tips to safe guard the areas surrounding your home, such as, keeping dead leaves and grass away from decks, using types of plants that do not burn easily and using decorative stone rather than bark around the foundations. He told us that the #1 cause of wild fires was burning debris, leaves, etc.
The Clerk read a letter from Larry Barkley,Clare County Permits Manager. He enclosed a copy of the current county fee schedule for building and electrical. Community Development would prefer that all prospective permit holders be referred to their office to ensure consistency.
No action was required from the Supervisor’s correspondence.
The details of the signs for the township were discussed and the clerk was advised to take the ideas to Hoggers Signs to get a price on the finished signs and a time frame for when they will be finished.
The Board discussed the fact that the county is taking over the House Numbering, previously done by Consumers Energy and also the Street Naming. The person requesting the house number will be charged $30.00. This is something the townships can do themselves, and we as a township need to decide if we will do our own or let the County take it over as part of their “One Stop program.”
Under New Business the Supervisor stated that they had eighteen persons file requests at Board of Review, five of those were in person. There was an 8% reduction in property assessment.
R. Wells supported by R. Lightfoot moved to adopt the 2010/2011 fiscal year budget according to the General Appropriations Act and that the budget be adopted for the various funds by department and that the clerk and the treasurer are responsible for the expenditures authorized in the budget and may expend Freeman Township Funds up to, but not to exceed the total appropriations for each department.
Roll Call Vote Results:
Helen Bardallis Not present for vote
Rosemary Lightfoot Yes
Mark Lightfoot Yes
Richard Wells Yes
Patricia Humphrey Yes
The Supervisor, Mark Lightfoot, declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted on the 11th. Day of March, 2010.
Committee Reports:
Planning – J. Blain: the commission will be discussing towers, height issues and wood/alternative fuel burners.
Zoning/Blight – R. Meitz: wrote 1 zoning permits, turned in $35.00 and closed 1 Blight complaint
Roads – R. Wells: Nothing
Rubbish – D. Bacon: Nothing
Guests: J. Lockmiller gave his county update. J. Burger, Enterprise Comm reported on Broadband and the Nonprofit Fundraising Strategies Seminar.
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 9:32 pm from R. Well support from R. Lightfoot. Next meeting 4/8/10.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
Minutes for April 8,2010
Supervisor Lightfoot called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. Officers present were M. Lightfoot, Supervisor, P. Humphrey, Clerk, R. Lightfoot, Treasurer, R. Wells, Trustee, H. Bardallis, Trustee was absent. Mrs. Bardallis had a hip replacement and will be recuperating for the next several weeks. Twenty citizens were also present.
the minutes of the March meeting were approved with a motion from R. Wells support from R. Lightfoot.
The Treasurers report was presented and approval given to pay check numbers 11543 through 11605 recognizing one voided check # 11543 and two early checks 11573 and 11574. Motion from R. Wells and support from P. Humphrey. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Full copies of the treasurer report are available upon request.
Regular business was suspended to hear from Steve Stocking, Clare County Road Commission. Stocking presented a Gravel Agreement stating the scope of work to be done, type of material to be used, costs, changes in costs and cost share, example, 3900 tons of 23A gravel 6’ x 26’ wide cost $27,300.00. The township is not committing at this time, there are several options being researched. Stocking also said they were patching the dip in the blacktop on Hemlock Road.
Regular Business resumed with Correspondence from the Clerk. The Planning Commission returned to the board the four proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance concerning Mobile Home(s) skirting. The proposed amendments will be presented at a Public Hearing at 7:00 pm on Thursday, May 13, 2010. Copies of the amendments are available upon request.
Two contracts were received from G & G Appraisal for the board’s consideration. One contract is from BS & A allowing the township to post access to the assessment cards for persons to view. Residents may view their own cards at no cost while others will be charged a fee of $2.00 per hit. This money does not come back to the township; it is paid to BS & A. The second contract is for payment of the work done by the Assessor for the township. The new contract is for $2000.00 a month, we previously paid $1850.00 per month, and we have not had an increase since 2007.
The contract was received from Cutting Edge Lawn Service. The contract reflects the same costs as last year, 10% discount for prepayment for 10 cuts $810.00 and half of the lawn restoration $486.00. As in previous years the fall clean up is free of charge.
Mid-Michigan Pest Control did not increase fees for the spring treatment ($120.00) for ants and spiders but they have increased the fall treatment cost by $5.00 ($125.00)
John Blain presented an evaluation of all the roads in the township specifying the problem areas and what would be needed to correct these areas. One set of documents covers cost of using good gravel and one set covers the cost of using crushed limestone. The Board will look these documents over and make some decisions on which roads to do and when to do them.
Michigan Chloride Services called that the dates set for brining were April 29th – June 30th – and October 20th. The Board and several citizens felt the October 20th date was too late and ask the clerk to call and change that date to closer to Labor Day.
The Supervisor’s correspondence covered the proposed changes to the mailing date for the assessment change notices; currently it is 10 days prior to Board of Review. The State Finance Committee amended the legislation of 30 days prior to 14 days prior to Board of Review. The change was to give property owners more time to review their assessment notices and do any research they may need. The 14 days is also more reasonable for the assessors to accomplish.
Unfinished Business: The clerk reported that the office had not received any pricing for the new signs for the township. Jeff Hoskey said he would have some designs and prices for the township by the next board meeting.
The House numbering that the County is taking over was discussed and the Supervisor wanted to look at this some more before we made a decision.
New Business: The board has been discussing and looking into taking back the office of Building Inspector, giving the permits and doing the inspections. An application was received from Werner C. Mantei, who is currently the Building Inspector for Lincoln Township. He comes highly recommended and with good credentials. The township will move on taking the necessary steps to bring this service back to the township.
The board approved sending a representative to the County Commission Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 9:30 am.
Reappointments for the Planning Commission were made for the next three years. Reappointed were, John Blain, Gary Maas, John Phillips, Leo Stevens and Richard Wells from the board.
R. Wells made a motion to accept the contract(s) from G & G Appraisal for the BS & software for the website and for the Assessors fee for the next year; the motion was supported by R. Lightfoot. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
There was a motion from R. Wells and support from R. Lightfoot to accept the contract from Cutting Edge Lawn Service. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Planning – J. Blain: Joy Brooks who works with the Flood Insurance Program has offered to come to a Planning Meeting and look over their work and make suggestions. The committee is looking at alternative energy needs and the necessary fall zones for the towers needed for cell and other services.
Zoning / Blight- R. Meitz: wrote 3 permits, turned in $105.00 and is working on two blight issues.
Roads – R. Wells: Crack sealing of our roads was discussed and Wells will talk to Steve Stocking about it.
Nothing was discussed concerning rubbish removal.
Guest: J. Lockmiller, County Commissioner said the Mechanical Inspector from Isabella County was meeting with Dan Dysinger, Supervisor of Grant Township. (This is part of the ongoing discussion concerning the Community Development Dept. and are issues concerning the Building Dept. specifically.)
Lockmiller reported that the Vietnam Moving Wall will be at the Clare County Fairgrounds during fair week. He said several organizations are helping to raise funds to support the project.
Comments: The Township Website ( is fully operational. It is a very informative site and very nicely done by the designer Sheryl Judd and the township appreciates her work and her help. If you have any questions or ideas about the site please call the clerk.
R. Wells supported by R. Lightfoot moved to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Supervisor Lightfoot called the meeting to Order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag.
Present for Roll Call was: M. Lightfoot, P. Humphrey, R. Wells, R. Lightfoot and H. Bardallis. Twenty six citizens and guests Jordon Lockmiller, County Commissioner and Eddy Garver, candidate for Clare County Road Commission was present as well.
The first order of business was the Public Hearing for the approval and adoption of the proposed amendments to the Freeman Township Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendments are all concerning Mobile Home(s) skirting. Section 7.02. C. – Section 8.02.B. — Section 11.02. B. and Section 12.02. A. 4. The citizens could review the proposed amendments and discussion followed. R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis moved to adopt the proposed amendments. A roll call vote took place with the following results. M. Lightfoot, Yes, R. Wells, Yes, R. Lightfoot, yes, H. Bardallis, yes, P. Humphrey, yes. Motion carried and the four amendments become part of the Zoning Ordinance.
The minutes of the April 8th. meeting was approved with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Treasurers report was accepted and approval given to pay check numbers 11606 through 11647 and early checks 11606 through 11609. Motion from R. Wells support from H.Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported under Correspondence that the hall was rented on May 22nd. by Elaine Pruden for a graduation open house. The hall will also be used on May 29th. for Lake Taho Associations meeting.
The Township received an email from Jeff Hall of ISP Management Inc. stating that after our meeting he looked the township over and did some topographical measuring. He said the rugged terrain and dense foliage will present some challenges for high speed wireless, but it could be done. He will continue to look at areas for a tower and keep us informed. The Township will continue to work on making wireless internet available to the residents.
The Supervisor reported on several bills out concerning Board of Review changes, Electronic voter applications allowed for Military and Overseas voters, healthcare issues and incububator business opportunities.
Unfinished Business: The Supervisor reported that the Township had received back three bids out of the eight requests sent for the Ashard Road limestone project and the Garfield Road gravel project. Fishers, Harsh Excavating and McNeilly Excavating are listed low bid to highest bidder. John Blain and Dick Wells will evaluate the bids. The funds have already been approved for these projects.
The Lake Taho Spillway repair is underway. This project is being funded by investors at Lake Taho. The Association has ask the Township to collect a specified dollar amount from each parcel owner at Lake Taho to repay the investors. The Township has ask for an opinion from the property owner’s association attorney before we finalize this plan.
Lightfoot spoke with Steve Stocking about doing some crack sealing on some of our roads. Norway/ Spring Ave.was overlaid with two layers on the first mile but the rest was only one layer, this area needs serious attention. Different options for the repair were discussed including putting a one inch overlay on the latter half of Spring, approximate cost $36,000.00.
Supervisor Lightfoot also reported that the Township had been approached by the Sheriff’s Department about taking over our Blight enforcement. This is in the early planning stages and would be a considerable savings to the Township. It may also be more effective when a deputy shows up to enforce a Blight violation.
It was at this point that the regular meeting was suspended for the Public Hearing, which is reported at the beginning of these minutes.
The regular meeting resumed with discussion of adding more street lights. Supervisor ask for recommendations for placements.
Under New Business the clerk ask for permission to purchase five six foot resin tables from Sam’s Club for the hall at a cost of $49.00 each. R. Wells moved to approve the purchase and H. Bardallis supported. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Board needs to do appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals. We may need to replace two people. If anyone is interested please let the Board know. The Zoning Board of Appeals meets on an as needed basis and the Township may have one request a year.
Committee Reports:
Planning/ J. Blain: The Planning Commission will begin working on the National Flood Insurance Program, they are waiting for maps and other information. Towers for wireless and wind turbines are becoming an important concern for zoning and planning, they are looking at these issues.
Building Inspector/W. Mantei: wrote 3 new permits, one for a pole barn, and addition and a roofing job.
Zoning/Blight: R. Meitz: wrote three permits and turned in $105.00.
Roads/ R. Wells: has been getting complaints about the (slop) that the Road Commission is using to fill low area on the roads. Dick will bring this up at the next Road Commission meeting.
Rubbish: nothing reported
County Commissioners meeting/ John Blain: The County has contracted with Isabella County to do their building and electrical permits until September 30, 2010. The County is also doing the house numbering and street naming. It was ask if the Townships had been notified of this and the commissioners said no. Blain ask them to let the Township know the intent and that they can do their own numbering. Consumers Energy, who does not want to do this any longer, will be glad to instruct the entity as to how to do the numbering. Freeman Township will look into doing these ourselves
Guests: Ed Graver announced that he is running for a seat on the Clare County Road Commission and would appreciate all support. Graver retired from the Road Commission with 32 years experience.
Commissioner Lock miller gave his report.
Jerome Burger announced his candidacy for the Clare County Board of Commissioners
Under Comments, R. Meitz ask to revisit the issues discussed at the March meeting. He was referring to the In Lieu of those members on the Township Board receive because they do not participate in the Insurance program offered. The Supervisor stated we were not ready to address that issue yet. Meitz wanted to know if it could just be put on a ballot, should the In Lieu be allowed or not. Supervisor told Meitz to get a petition going and put it on the ballot. Meitz argued that the time frame allowed for H. Bardallis to recover from her hip surgery had passed and he thought she was recovered as she was at the meeting. Lightfoot stated that Helen was still recovering and the Board was not ready to address this issue at the present time. Lightfoot told Meitz that he did not believe wage benefits were an issue that could be voted by the people, he should discuss this with the County Clerk. Lightfoot explained that the placement of the In Lieu actually saved the township money by half of what the insurance would have cost for those that do not need it.
Leo Stevens reported that young Robert Hilts had been convicted of the arson of the property on Monroe Road. He has not been sentenced yet.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:10 pm. Support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next meeting will be June 10th. at 7:00 pm.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
JUNE 10,2010
Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag. Board members present for Roll Call were M. Lightfoot, R. Wells, R. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis and Deputy Clerk, H. French. The Clerk, P. Humphrey was absent. Twenty seven citizens were in attendance. Guests were Steve Stocking, Clare County Road Commission and J. Lockmiller, Clare County Road Commission.
The May minutes were approved as presented with a motion from R. Wells support by H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from S. Stocking. He had nothing urgent to report. Monroe and Grass Lake roads were discussed and the overlay for Spring Avenue.
R. Wells moved to approve check numbers 11648 through 11691, recognizing early checks 11648 through 11658, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Clerk’s correspondence: The maintenance contract from Equalization was presented for signatures; there were no cost increases for services.
The Supervisor reported out on HB 6159-60-61-62, the new package would change the current ORV laws to OHV (Off Highway Vehicles) doubling trail fees and fines and opening all public roads to this traffic. He encourages everyone to contact our State Representative and let it be known that we do not want this changed; it is fine as it is.
The Supervisor reported under Unfinished Business that Frank Gercak wants to remain on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Supervisor will contact the three other interested persons and a decision will be made.
No action has been taken regarding the In Lieu because H. Bardallis is still doing physical therapy, this will be tabled until the July meeting.
Fisher Transportation was awarded the bid for the placement of limestone on Ashard Road and the gravel work for Garfield Road. Cost for both projects $128,752.50 deduct $2500.00 if both projects are awarded and payment is made within fifteen days of project completion.
Lake of the Pines did not receive the paving costs that the Road Commission was going to send to them. Clerk to look up the figures, Supervisor said they were sent to the Township.
Supervisor Lightfoot regretfully accepted the resignation of Zoning Enforcement Officer and Blight Officer, Richard Meitz who cited a conflict of pay for services; his resignation is effective June 14, 2010. An ad will be placed in the Clare County Review for a new Zoning Enforcement Officer. John Blain will fill in until someone else is placed
Committee Reports:
Planning- J. Blain. G. Maas reported the committee is working on an ordinance for wind energy. They have five ordinances they are getting information from.
Building – W. Mantei. 7 new permits, $580.60 turned in.
Zoning/Blight – R. Meitz. 7 new permits, $245.00 turned in. 1 Blight case still op
Roads – R. Wells. Nothing additional
Rubbish – D. Bacon. Don said the big roll off is about ¾ full and he is hearing that the Township should keep it longer. Supervisor said we will look at keeping it longer.
Comments were that the Transfer Site is neat, the wait is not long and we may need an area for yard wastes, which the Board is looking into. The feeling was that the Township should consider evening dump hours, maybe during the summer or increase the existing hours.
Guests – J. Lockmiller, County Commission reported on the information that came out of his visit at the Capital.
Comments: Jerry Burger congratulated Jim Munsel on his completion of the Leadership Training program; Jim thanked the Board for sponsoring him.
R. Wells supported by H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:08 p.m. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Next meeting will be July 8, 2010.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Township Clerk
(as taken from Deputy Clerk’s notes)
July 8, 2010
The Supervisor called the meeting to order with the Pledge to the Flag at 7:00 p.m. Present for roll call was M. Lightfoot, P. Humphrey, R. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis, R. Wells, eighteen citizens and 1 guest.
The minutes of the June meeting were approved as presented, motion from R. Wells, support H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from County Commissioner, J. Lockmiller. He reported that Clare Castle, the new senior center in Clare, was open and would serve lunch on the 9th.
Bruce Lang from Michigan State Extension presented the second part of his program Fire Wise.
The meeting reconvened with the approval to pay checks 11692 through 11726, recognizing as early checks 11692 through 11694, motion from R. Wells, support H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
(Treasurer explained the formal report was not available because she had not received the bank statement. Chemical Bank is outsourcing this service; it will take some time to get everything back on track.
Clerk’s correspondence: R. Wells addressed a memo from the Road Commission concerning the costs to pave and percentages that Townships can put toward those special assessment projects.
The Clerk gave information about the upcoming Primary Election and the list of Election Inspectors for the next two years was accepted and will be attached to these minutes.
Supervisor’s Correspondence: Wayne & Karen Kiefer submitted a letter for Board of Review correction. They feel the wrong group of lots they had ask the Assessor to combine was not done correctly. This will be looked at during the July Board of Review. The Clerk will forward the letter to the Assessor’s office.
The Supervisor reported that the 2010 Audit was finished and would be discussed in August when the representative from Weinlander Fitzhugh would attend the Township meeting.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Lake Taho Property owners brought a picture board showing the progression of work done on their spillway. The project is completed and the investors would like the Township to collect the funds through a special assessment placed on the property owners of Lake Taho. They have given the Board signed petitions from the members and letters of intent to pay from the members. The Association has set up a bank account at Chemical Bank Farwell for the funds to be deposited into by the Treasurer when those funds are collected from winter taxes. A Public Hearing will be held in August to formally approve a special assessment roll.
There is nothing to report on the signs the township has ask Hogger’s Custom sign to make for us.
We have not heard when Fisher Transportation will start the work on Ashard and Garfield Roads.
John Blain is handling Zoning until we find a replacement. R. Wells with support from P. Humphrey moved to consult with the Sheriff’s department about doing the Blight for the Township. Vote taken – Motion Carried, clerk will call the Sheriff.
NEW BUSINESS: The Election Inspectors for the 2010-2012 will be trained and certified in July.
R. Wells proposed that the Township contract with Jim Munsel to refinish the floors at the hall, cost will be $800.00, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The work will be done over the weekend.
Planning – J. Blain: Committee is waiting for maps from FEMA, National Flood Insurance Program and they are working on a wind energy ordinance.
Building Inspector – Werner Mantei: wrote 4 permits,
Zoning/Blight – J. Blain: wrote one permit
Roads – R. Wells: County Road Commission is asking that we do not brine after Labor Day. The Commission states the road do not freeze as well if the brine is fresh on them.
Rubbish – D. Bacon: Nothing to report
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 8:16 pm, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
AUGUST 12. 2010
The Supervisor, M. Lightfoot called the Public Hearing for Lake Taho Property Owners Association to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. Roll Call of officers found M. Lightfoot, H. Bardallis, R. Lightfoot, R. Wells and P. Humphrey all present along with 38 citizens.
The Supervisor reported that all the necessary paperwork had been completed and the special assessment roll had been made available for the property owners of Lake Taho. The total amount to be collected is $14,899.62, divided among 87 parcels. There will be a one – time charge of $85.63 assessed against each parcel.
There was discussion and explanation of the charges and the need for the restoration of the spillway. There were no dissenting votes from Lake Taho property owners and the roll call vote from the Board was: M. Lightfoot Yes R. Lightfoot Yes H. Bardallis Yes
P. Humphrey Yes R. Wells Yes
Vote Taken : Motion Carried. The full wording of the motion is attached to the official minutes of the hearing and available for viewing in the Township Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.
The Regular Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:25 pm.
The minutes of the July, 2010 meeting was approved with no additions or corrections, motion by R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis.
Regular Business was suspended to hear from Shannon Wilson of Weinlander Fitzhugh, our auditing firm. Ms Wilson reported the Township has total assets of $197,742.00, total liabilities of $9,960.00 and a fund balance of $187,782.00. We had total revenues of $150, 240.00, total expenditures of $142, 308.00 and a net increase in fund balance of $7,932.00. Our special funds, Roads, Rubbish and Fire are all healthy. Ms Wilson expressed her appreciation for the cooperation she received from the Township.
A yearly audit was discussed, it takes less time to perform an audit every year and they do our F-65 yearly which amounts to a mini audit. The F-65 determines the revenue sharing the Township receives and is a critical document for the Township. The March 31, 2010 audit was completed in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and may be viewed on line.
Regular Business resumed with the acceptance of the Treasurers Report and a motion from R. Wells, support from H. Bardallis to approve the payment of check numbers 11738 through 11784 recognizing as early checks 11738 through 11742. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk reported under correspondence that 271 people voted in the Primary Election.
The Township received a fax from Fisher Transportation that they will begin the Ashard Rd. project right after Labor Day. They are moving the limestone to the Mannsiding Road pit for quicker transportation to our job location.
The Clerk ask if she could purchase modular Office Dividers to section of the kitchen area during Election and for other uses at the Township Hall. She also recommended we purchase a smoking urn for outside the door.
The Supervisor had not correspondence to report.
Unfinished Business: Harold Logan, 6015 Ashard Rd. Lake, 48632 (989-588-6400) sent a letter applying for the Zoning Administrator position.
New Business: Harold Logan was confirmed as the Zoning Administrator for a two year appointment, the Clerk will administer the oath.
Richard Wells supported by H. Bardallis moved to purchase the room dividers and the smoking urn. The Clerk will report the cost for these items back to the Board.
The Township will attempt to reschedule a meeting with Sheriff Wilson regarding the Blight.
Committee Reports
Planning, J. Blain: Planning is working on the Wind Turbine Ordinance.
Building, W. Mantei: wrote permits for 2 roof jobs.
Zoning, J. Blain: wrote 1 permit
Road, R. Wells: Dick will make some inquiries about AMZ for the roads, and crack sealing.
Rubbish, D. Bacon: Don said the heater in the building would not light since the last break in. Clerk will ask Thomas Heating & Cooling to look at it. The Clerk said that the Township is looking at some different security systems for the Transfer Site and perhaps for all the Township property.
Guests: J. Lockmiller, Clare County Commissioner, gave an update of things going on at the County.
Adjourn: R. Wells supported by H. Bardallis moved to adjourn at 8:15 pm. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Next Meeting will be September 9, 2010.
Patricia D. Humphrey
Freeman Township Clerk
Freeman Township Minutes
September 9, 2010
The Freeman Township Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Trustee Richard Wells with the Pledge to the Flag and Roll Call of Officers. Supervisor, Mark Lightfoot was absent, present was, R. Wells, P. Humphrey, R. Lightfoot and H. Bardallis. Twenty-four citizens were present.
Richard Wells conducted the meeting in the Supervisor’s absence. The minutes of the August meeting were approved as presented with a motion from R. Wells and support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Treasurer had not received the bank statements to give a full report. There was a motion from R.Wells and support from H. Bardallis to pay checks 11785 through 11815, recognizing as early checks 11785 through 11787. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk received two bids for the shingle replacement on the Cemetery building. First bid from John Cole was for $1700.00 and second bid from Steve Howard was for $1540.00.
The Board received a letter of complaint against the Transfer Site personnel from Shelly Kelly. It is Ms Kelly’s opinion that they should be terminated, that they are not good representatives of the township and she wants to see a job description for this position. The Board said they would give the letter to the Supervisor and follow up with the decision at the October board meeting.
There was no Supervisor’s Correspondence and no Old Business.
Under New Business the board heard a motion from R. Lightfoot and support from R. Wells to accept the bid offered by Steve Howard for $1540.00 to replace the shingles on the Cemetery building. The bid was to removed, dispose of, and replace the existing shingles, replacing any damaged roof boards as necessary. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Committee Reports:
Planning, J. Blain, reporting for Blain was G. Maas. The commission is continuing the ordinance work for NFIP and was going to contact Bill Scott of Garfield Township for ideas.
Building, W. Mantei, wrote one permit for an addition, turned in $94.00.
Zoning, H. Logan, wrote 5 permits and turned in $175.00.
Roads, R. Wells, was advised that if Ashard Road will be closed for any of the construction work to begin in October that the Transportation Director at Farwell Schools should be notified. The anticipated date for starting the project is late September to early October.
Rubbish, D. Bacon, nothing to report. Clerk advised that the heater had been repaired and the door that was damaged has been repaired.
Guests: J. Lockmiller, Clare County Commissioner spoke briefly and J. Burger, R. running for Clare County Road Commission gave an overview of his qualifications and hopes for the position.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm with a motion from R. Wells, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Next meeting will be October 14, 2010.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag. There was twenty-five citizens and Board members M. Lightfoot, Supervisor, R. Lightfoot, Treasurer, R. Wells, H. Bardallis, Trustees and P. Humphrey, Clerk present for Roll Call of Officers
There were no corrections or additions to the September 9th. minutes. R. Wells supported by H. Bardallis moved to accept the minutes. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
Treasurer, R. Lightfoot presented September and October reports. R. Wells supported by H. Bardallis moved to approve Check numbers 11813 through 11849, recognizing early checks as 11813 through 11822. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Clerk’s Correspondence included two letters of interest in doing the Blight in Freeman Township from R. Woolsey and H. Logan. The Clerk also explained the 2010/2011 Property and Casualty coverage through Burnham and Flower for the township. Taking into consideration the $229.00 decrease from last year and by increasing the deductible on the Inland Marine and Electronic Data Processing from $100.00 to $250.00 at a cost reduction of $264.00 the township realized a savings of $493.00
The Supervisor had no correspondence that required action by the board.
Unfinished Business: A number of citizens ask that the Clerk place them on the agenda to ask some questions about the In Lieu of Insurance issue. Sheila Young ask the Supervisor what was done about the In Lieu of Insurance. The Supervisor stated that there was no more In Lieu of and by resolution the $250.00 per month was added to the wages of M. Lightfoot, R. Lightfoot and R. Wells. The question of holding an Annual Meeting was discussed and the citizens were also advised that Budget workshops and Public hearing for the adoption of the budget were open to the public and they could voice their concerns then.
New Business: R. Wells recommended H. Logan for the position of Blight Enforcement Officer, support from H. Bardallis. Roll Call Vote: M. Lightfoot – Yes, R. Lightfoot – Yes, H. Bardallis – Yes, R. Wells – Yes, and P. Humphrey – Yes. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. Wages will remain $278.70 plus mileage for a period of six months and then be evaluated. Mr. Logan will give the Board monthly reports on open cases and closed cases.
Planning – J. Blain, Gary Maas reported the continuing work on the Wind energy Ordinance.
The question was ask, will the ordinance encompass residential and commercial installation? J. Blain and Gary will be attending the County MTA meeting to hear J. Brook’s speak on NFPI, this ordinance work is nearly completed.
Building – W. Mantei: wrote 13 permits and turned in $1249.96.
Zoning – H. Logan: wrote 6 permits and turned in $210.00.
Roads – R. Wells: The limestone has been laid on Ashard Rd. to Garfield Rd. The gravel on Garfield should be done in the next week.
There was nothing to report from the Transfer Station.
R. Wells moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 pm, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried. The next meeting will be November 11, 2010.
Respectfully Submitted, Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
November 11, 2010
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag. Supervisor Mark Lightfoot, Treasurer Rosemary Lightfoot, Trustee Helen Bardallis, Trustee Richard Wells and Clerk Patricia Humphrey were present for Roll Call along with 15 citizens and 1 guest.
R. Wells moved to approve the October 14, 2010 minutes as presented, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Treasurer Report was made available and R. Wells moved to approve check numbers 11850 through 11891, recognizing early checks as 11850 through 11853, support from H. Bardallis. Voter Taken – Motion Carried.
Under Clerks Correspondence the clerk gave the Board the final draft of the ordinance addressing Floodplain Management Provisions from the Planning Commission. This was a detailed and difficult ordinance to write and the Board appreciates the Planning Commission’s work on this.
Kristina Sigafoose, Clare County Gypsy Moth Suppression Coordinator notified the Township that they were finding few to zero egg masses in Clare County.
There was no action required from Supervisors Correspondence.
Under Unfinished Business the Supervisor ask for an update on the signs being done by Jeff Hoskey. The Clerk reported that Hoskey is working on designs and we should have them by spring. The Supervisor also ask the membership to give the Board suggestions of where we might need street lights in the Township.
Under New Business the Board accepted Ordinance #27, Floodplain Management and instructed the Clerk to schedule and publish notice of a Public Hearing on this matter for December 9, 2010, at 7:00 p.m.
Committee Reports:
Planning – J. Blain. Gary Maas reported that officers for next year will remain the same. Wind turbines were discussed and the Supervisor suggested that anyone who is interested go to 115 and 66 and look at the turbine there.
Building – W. Mantei. Wrote 3 permits and turned in $423.36.
Zoning –H. Logan. Wrote 1 permit and turned in $35.00
Blight – H. Logan has seven cases and has closed 3 and working on 4.
There was nothing to report on the roads.
There was nothing to report from the Transfer Site.
Guests: Steve Stocking from the Road Commission spoke to the membership about the paving project in Lake George which is almost complete. Steve will be retiring from the commission .
Comments: Supervisor told about the potluck that Redding Township has once a month on the first Thursday and ask if we would consider having a potluck. Opinions from the citizens would be appreciated on this subject.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken = Motion Carried.
Next meeting, December 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Public Hearing on the ordinance before regular meeting.
Patricia D. Humphrey, Clerk
Freeman Township Minutes – December 9, 2010
The Public Hearing for the adoption of Ordinance Number 27, addressing Flood Plain Management was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor, Mark Lightfoot with the Pledge to the Flag. All officers were present for Roll Call along with twenty-six citizens.
Questions and discussion followed regarding the need for the Flood Plain Ordinance. The adoption of
this ordinance is for the good of persons buying or building within the designated areas. If this ordinance is not in place lenders will not loan funds to buy or build homes. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:17 pm and the regular Township Board Meeting convened.
R. Wells moved to approve the minutes from the November 11, 2010 meeting, support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
The Treasurer Report was given and approval to pay check numbers 11892 through 11981 recognizing 3 early checks, 11892 through 11894, motion by R. Wells support from H. Bardallis. Vote Taken – Motion Carried.
No action was required from Clerks Correspondence.
The Supervisor discussed Medical Marijuana and requested that the Planning Commission look into all related areas of this.
There was nothing under unfinished business. Under New Business there was a motion from R. Wells with support from H. Bardallis that Freeman Township adopts Ordinance #27, addressing Flood Plain Management Provisions of the State Construction Code. Results of Roll Call Vote: H. Bardallis (Yes)
R. Lightfoot (Yes), M. Lightfoot (Yes), R. Wells (Yes), P. Humphrey (Yes). Ordinance #27 adopted December 9, 2010 and will become effective seven days after publication (December 24,2010) .
Appointments for the 2011 Board of Review are as follows, John Blain, Lester Cooper, Mark Lightfoot and Sally Meitz with alternate Leo Stevens. No one will attend training this year.
Planning – J. Blain, Gary Maas said Planning would look into the Marijuana issue.
Building – W. Mantei, 2 permits for a pole barn and an addition
Zoning – H. Logan, 3 permits, $105.00
Blight – H. Logan, has closed 4 complaints, has 4 active notices and two going to court (Audie Winsett) and (Judy Wiley).
Road – R. Wells, Dick had nothing to report but Leo Stevens ask if it was necessary for Dick to attend two road commissions meeting every month. Dick responded that it was not. Clerk suggested that Dick do one road commission meeting and one County Commissioner meeting.
Rubbish – D. Bacon. Don told us that Dan Stevens had a heart attack and had to have surgery. Aaron Fox is working temporally at the Transfer Site until Dan is able to return to work.
Guests – J. Lockmiller, Clare County Commissioner.
R. Wells moved to adjourn at 7:40 pm, support from H. Bardallis. Next meeting, January 13, 2010.