Clare County, Michigan
The Planning commission is required to make and approve a master plan as a guide for the development of the township. It must address land use and infrastructure issues and may project 20 years or more into the future. It can include recommendations for implementing its proposals. Before a street, park, open space, public building or other structure can be authorized or constructed in an area covered by the townships master plan, the location, character and extent of the project or utility must be submitted to the planning commission by the township board or other body having jurisdiction for the planning commission’s review and approval. The township planning commission may recommend to the township board ordinance provisions or rules governing the subdivision of land within the township. Such recommendations ay address the plat design, the proper arrangement of streets, appropriate open spaces for traffic, utilities, firefighting apparatus access, recreation, light, air, avoidance of population, congestion, and the minimum width and area of lots.
Robert Eckhart (Chairman)
Gary Maas (Secretary)
Carol Barnett
Richard Seig
Donald Mann
Donald Mann
Rick Sieg
John Machnak
Sandra Sable (Alternate)
Douglas Johnson